
Nowadays, there are more and more mobile phone brands and models. As a result, when we write the layout, it will display different effects on different mobile devices.

For example, in our design draft, the size of a View is 300px. If we write 300px directly, it may display normally on the current device, but it may be too small or too large on other devices, which requires us to adapt the screen.

Android native words have their own adaptation rules, can be based on different sizes to establish different folders, the system will be based on the current device size to take the corresponding size of the layout. The flutter itself has no adaptation rules, and the original one is quite cumbersome, so we need to adapt the screen ourselves.

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Screen fit scheme with flutter

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Install dependencies:

Check the latest version before installation

    sdk: flutter
  # Add dependenciesFlutter_screenutil: ^ 0.4.0Copy the code

Import packages at each place used:

import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';

Copy the code

Initialize the setting size

Before use, please set the width and height of the design draft. The width and height of the incoming design draft (unit px) must be set in the Page Settings of the MaterialApp home to ensure that the appropriate size is set before each use:

// Set ScreenUtil. Instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 750) ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 750) 1334).. init(context);Copy the code


Suitable size:

Width: ScreenUtil().setwidth (540); height: ScreenUtil().setheight (200)setContainer(Width: ScreenUtil().setwidth (375), height: ScreenUtil().setheight (200),),Copy the code

Suitable font:

ScreenUtil().setsp (28, ScreenUtil().setsp (28, ScreenUtil().setsp (28, ScreenUtil().setsp (28, ScreenUtil().setsp (28,false) // Pass in the font size, which is not scaled according to the system's "font size" helper optionfor example:
             'My font size is 28px and will not change with the system.',
                 style: TextStyle(
                   fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(28, false))),Copy the code

Other related apis:

ScreenUtil. PixelRatio / / equipment of the pixel density ScreenUtil screenWidth / / equipment width ScreenUtil screenHeight / / equipment highly ScreenUtil bottomBarHeight // Bottom safe zone distance, Apply to full screen has buttons below ScreenUtil. StatusBarHeight / / status bar height Px ScreenUtil Liu Haibing higher unit. TextScaleFactory / / system font scaling ScreenUtil().scaleWidth ScreenUtil().scaleHeight ().scaleHeight ().scaleHeight ().scaleHeight ()Copy the code
/ / import import'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart'; . @override Widget build(BuildContext Context) {// Set the fit size (fill in the screen size of the device in the design). ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334).. init(context);print('Device width :${screenutil. screenWidth}'); //Device width
    print('Device height :${ScreenUtil. ScreenHeight}'); //Device height
    print('Device pixel density :${ScreenUtil. PixelRatio}'); //Device pixel density
        'at the bottom of the safety distance: ${ScreenUtil. BottomBarHeight}'); //Bottom safe zone distance, suitablefor buttons with full screen
        'the status bar height: ${ScreenUtil. StatusBarHeight} px'); //Status bar height , Notch will be higher Unit px


        ${ScreenUtil().scaleWidth * screenutil.pixelratio}'); 
        ${ScreenUtil().scaleheight * ScreenUtil.pixelratio}'); 
    print('the system font scaling: ${ScreenUtil. TextScaleFactory}');

    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text(widget.title),
      body: new Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              children: <Widget>[
                  width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(375),
                  height: ScreenUtil().setHeight(200),
                  child: Text(
                    ${ScreenUtil().setwidth (375)}dp',
                    style: TextStyle(
                      color: Colors.white,
                      fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(12, false),
                  width: ScreenUtil().setWidth(375),
                  height: ScreenUtil().setHeight(200),
                  child: Text(${ScreenUtil().setwidth (375)}dp',
                      style: TextStyle(
                        color: Colors.white,
                        fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(12, false),
            Text(${ScreenUtil. ScreenWidth}px),
            Text(${ScreenUtil. ScreenHeight}px),
            Text('Device pixel density :${ScreenUtil. PixelRatio}'),
            Text('at the bottom of the safety distance: ${ScreenUtil. BottomBarHeight} px'),
            Text('the status bar height: ${ScreenUtil. StatusBarHeight} px'),
              ${ScreenUtil().scaleWidth * screenutil.pixelratio}',
              ${ScreenUtil().scaleheight * ScreenUtil.pixelratio}',
              height: ScreenUtil().setHeight(100),
            Text('the system font scaling: ${ScreenUtil. TextScaleFactory}'),
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: <Widget>[
                Text('My text size on the design is 14px and will not change with the system's text scale.',
                    style: TextStyle(
                        fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(14, false))),
                Text('My text size on the design is 14px and will change depending on the system's text scale.',
                    style: TextStyle(
                        color:, fontSize: ScreenUtil().setSp(14))),
Copy the code


example demo


Principle of adaptation

For example, our designers designed the UI based on the Iphone6. We know that the resolution of the Iphone6 is 750*1334(px). We know that the hdPI Android device is (240 dpi) and the pixel density is 1.5, which means the hdPI device has a resolution width of 320px. Regardless of whether the design is in px or DP, we can convert it to px. So if we adapt it to px, both ios and Android will be compatible.

Let’s say that our design for the phone is 10801920 px. There is a 540960 component on the design, which is half the width and half the width of the phone. If we write directly that the component size is defined this way, it’s not necessarily half, more or less, on other size devices. But we can look at the scale, that is, we want to achieve half the width of the actual device. So assuming that the widths of our device are deviceWidth and deviceHeight, we want to write the component size as: width :(540/1080)*deviceWidth, height :(960/1920)*deviceHeight.

Using this formula, we can see that the component width we want to write is the draft size width*(deviceWdith/ prototype device width). So every time we write a UI, we just go to the size of the design *(deviceWdith/ device prototype) width.

The idea is to get the size ratio of the actual device to the prototype device. First the code for getting the size of the device flutter is:

The following data is my phone data: import'dart:ui'; // This package needs to be introduced because the window is provided in the DART: UI. Px width = 1794.0) unit window. PhysicalSize. Width/height/width = window physicalSize. Height / / height / / use this method without the introduction of package MediaQuery. Of (context). The size / / size (411.4, Unit :dp widhtDp = mediaQuery.of (context).size.width // width 411.4 heightDp = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height // Height 683.4Copy the code

When the design unit is PX and the size is 1080*1920 px:

scaleWidth = width  / 1080;
scaleHeight = height / 1920;
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The width of the control will be 500scalewidth.100 *scaleHeigh. Note that the unit is px. The default component size in the flutter is DP. Divide by the pixel density.

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The above two methods get the same result, but the window object is from dart: UI, so we introduce this package:

import ‘dart:ui’;

When the design unit is DP and the size is 360*640 DP:

scaleWidth = widhtDp / 360; scaleHeight = heightDp / 640; So we're going to say 500 by 100 and the width of the control is 500 by scalewidth.100 by scaleHeighCopy the code

Font size adaptation

setSp(int fontSize, [allowFontScaling = true]) => allowFontScaling
      ? setWidth(fontSize) * _textScaleFactor
      : setWidth(fontSize);
Copy the code

The first parameter is the size of the font in the design (px), and the second parameter is optional to control whether the font should be scaled according to the system’s “font size” auxiliary option. The default value is true.