Today, when I was writing code practice, I suddenly wanted to delete TextFiled above problems. The results were not deleted, and there were few searches. Here I write a note for your reference

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TextEditingController will not respond and will keep refreshing TextFiled so that the text is never assigned.

TextEditingController _textcontroller; TextField( controller: _textcontroller = TextEditingController(), decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: SuffixIcon: IconButton(icon: icon (icon.delete), onPressed: (){setState(() {_textController?.clear(); }); }, ) ), onChanged: (value) { }, ),Copy the code


It looked very strange, then through my 10 minutes of thinking and Baidu to find the wrong problem

The problem is with TextEditingController(), because I’m actually refreshing TextField internally every time I type, and then I’m recreating TextEditingController() every time I refresh, so I’m just going to make TextEditingCon Troller () creates it once

Take a look at the changed code:

final TextEditingController _textcontroller = TextEditingController(); TextField(Controller: _textController, decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: "please input a value ", suffixIcon: IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.delete), onPressed: (){ setState(() { _textcontroller.clear(); }); }, ) ), onChanged: (value) { }, ),Copy the code

Textcontroller.clear (); textController.clear (); methods

Take a look at the results:

If you are not familiar with TextField, please clickFlutter StatefluWidget and Base Components (1.2)In this article I have an introduction to TextField