The pangolin advertisement was needed in the recent project. After looking at several plug-ins, I found that they could not meet my needs. All advertisements needed in the project need to be embedded with native View. So I wrote a plug-in to implement the relevant ads. Project warehouse Flutter_unionAD

The official documentation

  • Android
  • IOS

The integration steps

1, pubspec. Yaml

flutter_unionad: ^1.02.
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The introduction of

import 'package:flutter_unionad/flutter_unionad.dart' as FlutterUnionad;
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2, the Android

The SDK is integrated into the plugin and no additional configuration is required. You only need to configure androidmanifest.xml in the Android directory

The < manifest... XMLNS: tools =""... > < application tools: replace ="android:label">
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3, the IOS

The SDK has been configured in the plug-in, the rest is configured according to the SDK documentation, because using PlatformView, added in info.plist

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1. Initialize the SDK

await FlutterUnionad.register(
        androidAppId: "5098580".// Pangolin AD Android AppID required
        iosAppId: "5098580".// Pangolin AD ios AppID required
        useTextureView: true.// Use the TextureView control to play the video. The default is SurfaceView. If there is a SurfaceView conflict, use the TextureView option
        appName: "unionad_test"./ / appname required
        allowShowNotify: true.// Whether to allow the SDK to display notification bar prompts for optional fields
        allowShowPageWhenScreenLock: true.// Select whether to support display AD landing page in lock screen scene
        debug: true.// The test phase is open, and the problem can be solved through the log. It is too difficult to remove the call when online
        supportMultiProcess: true.// Whether multiple processes are supported. True is optional
        directDownloadNetworkType: [
        ]); // Allow direct download of the network state set optional // allow direct download of the network state set optional
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2. Obtain the SDK version

await FlutterUnionad.getSDKVersion();
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3. Request permission

switch (await FlutterUnionad.requestPermissionIfNecessary()) {
                  / / in the air
                  case FlutterUnionad.PermissionCode.notDetermined:
                  / / limit
                  case FlutterUnionad.PermissionCode.restricted:
                  / / deny
                  case FlutterUnionad.PermissionCode.denied:
                  / / agree
                  case FlutterUnionad.PermissionCode.authorized:
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4. Screen ads

          // Whether to use a personalized template to set the width and height of the widget
          mIsExpress: true.// Android open screen AD AD ID mandatory
          androidCodeId: "887367774".// Ios open screen AD AD ID mandatory
          iosCodeId: "887367774".// Support DeepLink Optional
          supportDeepLink: true.// Expected view width dp optional mIsExpress=true Mandatory
          expressViewWidth: 750.// Expected view height dp Optional mIsExpress=true Mandatory
          expressViewHeight: 800,
          callBack: FlutterUnionad.SplashAdCallBack(
            onShow: () {
              print("Open screen advertising display");
            onClick: () {
              print("Open screen AD click");
            onFail: (error) {
              print("Screen ads fail$error");
            onFinish: () {
              print("Open screen AD countdown is over.");
            onSkip: () {
              print("Skip the opening AD.");
            onTimeOut: () {
              print("Screen time out."); },),),Copy the code

5. Banner ads

              // Andrrid Banner AD ID Mandatory
              androidCodeId: "945410197".// Ios Banner AD ID Mandatory
              iosCodeId: "945410197".// Whether to use personalized templates
              mIsExpress: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
              supportDeepLink: true.// The number of ads requested is greater than 1 and less than 3 must be filled
              expressAdNum: 3.// Round cast interval Event 30-120 seconds This parameter is optional
              expressTime: 30.// The expected view width dp is mandatory
              expressViewWidth: 600.5.// Expected view height dp mandatory
              expressViewHeight: 120.5.// The AD event callback is optional
              callBack: FlutterUnionad.BannerAdCallBack(
                onShow: () {
                  print("Banner AD loaded");
                onDislike: (message){
                  print("Banner wasn't interested$message");
                onFail: (error){
                  print("Banner AD failed to load$error");
                onClick: (){
                  print("Banner AD click"); })),Copy the code

6. Information flow advertising

              androidCodeId: "945417699".// Android Info stream AD ID required
              iosCodeId: "945417699".// Ios Banner AD ID Mandatory
              supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
              expressViewWidth: 375.5.// The expected view width dp is mandatory
              expressViewHeight: 275.5.// Expected view height dp mandatory
              expressNum: 2,
              mIsExpress: true.// The number of ads requested is greater than 1 and less than 3 must be filled
              callBack: FlutterUnionad.NativeAdCallBack(
                onShow: () {
                  print("Information flow advertising display");
                onFail: (error) {
                  print("Information flow advertising fails$error");
                onDislike: (message) {
                  print("Information flow ads are not interested$message");
                onClick: () {
                  print("Information stream AD click"); },),),Copy the code

7. Interstitial ads

await FlutterUnionad.interactionAd(
                  androidCodeId: "945417892".// Andrrid Interstitial AD ID required
                  iosCodeId: "945417892".// Ios interstitial AD ID Mandatory
                  supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
                  expressViewWidth: 300.0.// The expected view width dp is mandatory
                  expressViewHeight: 450.0.// Expected view height dp mandatory
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8. Motivational videos

Preloading motivates video ads

                  mIsExpress: true.// This parameter is optional
                  androidCodeId: "945418088".//Android Incentivized video AD ID required
                  iosCodeId: "945418088".// Ios incentivized video AD ID mandatory
                  supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
                  rewardName: "100 gold".// The name of the reward is optional
                  rewardAmount: 100.// The number of rewards is optional
                  userID: "123".// User ID This parameter is optional
                  orientation: FlutterUnionad.AdOrientation.VERTICAL,
                  // Select the video direction
                  mediaExtra: null.// This parameter is optional
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Display motivational video ads

 await FlutterUnionad.showRewardVideoAd();
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Listen for motivational video results

      // Incentive advertising
      rewardAdCallBack: FlutterUnionad.RewardAdCallBack(
        onShow: (){
          print("Incentivized advertising display");
        onClick: (){
          print("Incentivize AD clicks");
        onFail: (error){
          print("Incentive advertising fails$error");
        onClose: (){
          print("Incentive ads to close.");
        onSkip: (){
          print("Incentivized AD skipping");
        onVerify: (rewardVerify,rewardAmount,rewardName){
          print("Incentive advertising rewards$rewardVerify   $rewardAmount  $rewardName");
         onReady: () async{
          print("Incentivize AD preloading ready");
          // Display incentive ads
          await FlutterUnionad.showRewardVideoAd();
        onUnReady: (){
          print("Incentive AD preloading not ready"); },),);Copy the code

Draw video ads

                androidCodeId: "945426252".// Android Draw video AD id required
                iosCodeId: "945426252".// Ios Draw video AD id mandatory
                supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
                expressViewWidth: 600.5.// The expected view width dp is mandatory
                expressViewHeight: 800.5.// Expected view height dp mandatory
                callBack: FlutterUnionad.DrawFeedAdCallBack(
                    onShow: () {
                      print("Draw AD display");
                    onFail: (error) {
                      print("Draw AD failed to load$error");
                    onClick: () {
                      print("Draw AD click");
                    onDislike: (message) {
                      print("Draw click don't like$message");
                    onVideoPlay: () {
                      print("Draw video play");
                    onVideoPause: () {
                      print("Draw video pause");
                    onVideoStop: () {
                      print("End of Draw video"); })),Copy the code

10. Full-screen video ads

                  androidCodeId: "945491318".// Android full screen AD ID required
                  iosCodeId: "945491318".// Ios full screen AD ID Mandatory
                  supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
                  orientation: FlutterUnionad.VideoVERTICAL,// Select the video direction
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Results the listening

       .listen((data) {
     if(data[FlutterUnionad.adType] == FlutterUnionad.fullVideoAd){
          case FlutterUnionad.onAdShow:
            print("Full screen AD display");
          case FlutterUnionad.onAdVideoBarClick:
            print("Full screen AD return");
          case FlutterUnionad.onAdClose:
            print("Full screen ads off.");
          case FlutterUnionad.onVideoComplete:
            print("Full screen ads continue.");
          case FlutterUnionad.onSkippedVideo:
            print("Full screen AD skip");
            break; }}});Copy the code

11. New template rendering interstitial ads are divided into full screen and interstitial

Preload the new template for rendering interstitial ads

                  androidCodeId: "946201351".// Android full screen AD ID required
                  iosCodeId: "946201351".// Ios full screen AD ID Mandatory
                  supportDeepLink: true.// Support DeepLink Optional
                  orientation: FlutterUnionad.AdOrientation.VERTICAL, // Select the video direction
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Display new template rendering interstitial ads

  await FlutterUnionad.showFullScreenVideoAdInteraction();
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New template rendering interstitial AD result monitor

      // New template renders interstitials callback
            fullScreenVideoAdInteractionCallBack: FlutterUnionad.FullScreenVideoAdInteractionCallBack(
              onShow: () {
                print("New template rendering interstitial AD display");
              onSkip: () {
                print("New Template render Interstitial ads skip");
              onClick: () {
                print("New Template render Interstitial AD click");
              onFinish: () {
                print("New template render interstitials are over.");
              onFail: (error) {
                print("New template renders interstitial ads incorrectly$error");
              onClose: () {
                print("New Template render interstitial ads closed");
              onReady: () async{
                print("New template rendering interstitial ready to preload");
                // Display the new template rendering screen
                await FlutterUnionad.showFullScreenVideoAdInteraction();
              onUnReady: (){
                print("New template rendering interstitial AD not ready for preloading"); },),);Copy the code

The API of the official SDK basically has Flutte invocation scheme. If there is a better scheme or problem, you can ask the Issues to communicate