There are still few libraries for Flutter’s various third parties because I couldn’t find them.

Because of the company’s project, we need all kinds of animation, so we collect all kinds of animation here.

At present, the bullet screen is used by the third party library, but there are some problems, I copied the source code and made some modifications. The rest are self-written animations. If your needs are exactly the same as mine, you can take them away directly. If there is a difference, you can adjust them slightly.

Animation will continue to update, if there is any good effect can be recommended.

The project address…

Here is an example

1. The barrage

Navigate to the code: barrage_page

2. Random gradient animation

I can’t think of a name. Can someone suggest a name?

Navigate to the code appears_Randomly_Page

3. The ferris wheel

Navigate to the code: ferris_wheel_page