Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add wechat Codingdreamer into the conference exclusive push group, win at the new starting line.

The 14th | front-end growth promotion, 8-29 will be broadcast live, 9 lecturer (ant gold suit/tax friends, etc.), point I get on the bus 👉 (registration address) :

The first phase was held in Hangzhou Dream Town on January 11, 2020. 450 people signed up and 230 people attended. The topic focused on “front-end management” to discuss the problems we often meet:

What should I do to prepare myself for management in three to five years? My boss promoted me to lead the front team. What should I do if I’m in a panic? Is there really a 35-year-old ceiling? Should I stick to the front? Technical coding done for many years, now transition management is the right choice? The business is growing so fast, how can I manage from 3 to 50 people? Does my boss know anything about management? I’d like to see how other companies do it. .

The five lecturers at the conference had work experience ranging from 5 to 15 years and led teams ranging from 5 to 50 people. How did they deal with these problems and how did they come along the way? These 5 dry goods will certainly bring you a completely different perspective of observation

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Please scan the qr code at the end of the article and reply “Talk about the first issue early” to get the other 4 articles, video recordings and PPT addresses.

After more than ten years of rapid development, front-end development has entered the deep water zone, this afternoon with you to talk about this topic – how to complete the management transformation:

To introduce myself

First, I would like to make a brief self-introduction. Many students here may know more about me, so I will make a brief introduction.

My career consists of three periods:

  • In paragraph 1, I worked at Ali for four years as a front end
  • The second paragraph, the second paragraph, the second paragraph, a hot brain, out of the business, after the business, closed, closed, the second paragraph
  • The third paragraph, with a small partner to the present company – Song Xiaocai

So that’s three periods of my career.

I have another identity as a MOOCs lecturer. Before 2013, I learned to use Nodejs, and I took many detours. I thought these detours were worth sharing with you, so I made some courses on MOOCs one after another.

However, in the past two or three years, WHEN I was actively engaged in the technical transformation of my career, I had no time to take programming courses. This is a simple resume of mine.

I really do technology managementIn fact, the last three years.

The changes in our team are those numbers. It started with six apps and now has more than 60 apps. With the front end, we went from five or six people at the beginning to 20 people now.

We didn’t have the front-end expertise on the team to start with. Today, we have seven front-end technologists, some recruited from outside and most trained in-house. And the head of front end technology, we started with no head, now we have four head of front end. It’s a team change.

So from this data, I can probably know that I have basically completed my front-end career transition.

Share the first three sentences

There are more than 200 people present today, which is much more than I expected. I believe that most of our students will probably embark on a management or pan-management position in the future.

Although we have so many lecturers this afternoon, with so many perspectives and ideas, to share this experience with you. But in fact, the path to actually translate that experience into your experience, and then internalize it into your ability, is different. In other words, in fact, our views and perspectives are more enlightening. How to solve problems in management should be combined with the actual situation.

Statement 3: I often think to myself that one day in the future, let’s say we’re 40 or 45 years old and looking back at today, maybe sometime next year, you’ve made a decision that you’re going to do technology management, or part architecture part management. In fact, when you stretch out this timeline, in fact, this thing is not so anxious as you think at the moment, it is actually just a short journey in your life.

Share the outline

What I want to share with you today are four parts:

  • Part 1: My perspective on the difference between programming and management.
  • Part 2: What kind of preparation can be done before, during, and after the transition to management, if at all, and then find some advantages for yourself.
  • Part 3: Specific in the work, or in management, some more practical methodology.
  • Part 4: I will restore some of the tools and methods of the simple mental journey that I have taken this team to the present.

Programming is different from management

First of all, what’s the difference between programming and managing?

I divide the differences into three parts. The first is different objects, the second is different strategies, and the third is different capabilities required.

  1. object

We all say that talking about the object, you talk about A object and talking about B object must be different; When you go to the new instance object in your code, the object is also different, so the object is very critical.

Let’s ask, if we’re doing technology development, who are we talking to? Or who are our users? Or what are we responsible for? And then when we look at management, the things that I’ve highlighted in red, like technology, decision making, project outcomes, that’s what we’re directly responsible for as engineers, we can never get out of that. If you’ve done a great job making technical decisions and project results, you’ve actually had a successful career as an engineer at this point.

When you move into the management quadrant, it’s inevitable that you will be held accountable for product results as well as business results. So the product, the business, the project and the technology all come together, and that’s what we do when we manage. And then on top of that, there are people. When we do things, we just focus on things. But when you’re managing, you focus on people, so that’s where people and things are.

What is the relationship between the person and the event?

Because as a manager, you are empowered, and you are empowered not only with resources, but also with people. For the human part, is actually for the human platoon. A lot of companies are talking about this word, why do the platoon? Or the manager, why should he have such a right?

In fact, the company has a goal for its business each year in terms of its given direction, maybe three years or 13 years or 15 years. For example, in order to achieve its business goals in east China, south China and northeast China, it needs the support of the middle and background, which may be technology, products or data. Then there will be a series of so-called battles inside the support. The direction we talked about before is called a big strategy of the company. Under the big framework, the company fought one battle after another. For example, we spent half a year to boost the GMV of our entire network to 200 million, which is also called a big battle.

This campaign is divided into each team, according to the different functions of each department, will have its own part to be responsible for. For example, he may be doing user operations, user expansion, or product itself development. In this area, what we are actually doing is we have to make a tactical arrangement according to the structure of our team, the organization. Tactical arrangement is really your arrangement of people. Choose what kind of person at what kind of time, let him do what kind of thing, get what kind of result. This is my understanding of the word management. There are also many people who say that we can actually see some management articles shared by others. For example, the management of people, directors, building, or called the management of people, money, management of priorities, in fact, are similar.

Therefore, people and affairs are the objects of management. I’m not going to expand it on the left, but I’m going to focus on the right side of the slide. On the right, we can talk about the arrangement of troops. In fact, there is logic behind it. It’s not that I hire someone because they have a good relationship with me, or that I hire someone because they have the best technical skills. There’s actually a simple logic behind it, which is actually how we choose and nurture people.

Sometimes a project may look good and I think it has a good chance, but it may not be given to the strongest person. Because you may want to bring up a person who is a little weaker than him, but has a lot of potential, so this is human selection and cultivation.

As Zhiyao mentioned just now, there are actually three things to deal with in choosing education and maintenance:

  • Number 1: Does the employee have the ability to do it?
  • The second thing: is the employee willing to do this?
  • Number 3: During the process, does the overall organizational environment allow him to do it?

2. The strategy

After talking about the object, let’s talk about the strategy. From programming to management, it is really a big difference. We used to do things, and then by the way, we are good as long as the person is not too much, we can cooperate with each other to push the project into place. Now in fact, it is not only to do things, but also to learn to do things.

This is not about screwing people up. You’re pulling people out of society. Some students may have A performance last year, but this year’s performance is not good because of the lovelorn state in the first half of the year. If you pull his performance up, he will be A bad person.

Number two is screw up. If you screw up, you can’t just sit there and wait for the company to give you all the right opportunities, some of which require you to step out and do. So from doing things and being a person to engaging in people and doing things, it’s a difference in strategy.

  1. Ability to

Then there are differences in ability. The difference in ability, I divide it into these three parts, these are the abilities that managers need.

First of all, since you are the manager, there must be classmates below, you and the classmate together, or your boss plus you together, in short, it is a team, or maybe a group. The team itself also has requirements, that is, our team should have a standard of his ability, or an expected goal.

Here ARE some of the capabilities that we have summed up in our company:

  • Research and development ability
  • The innovation ability
  • Data applications
  • Industry technical standard
  • Intellectual property Barriers
  • Commercialization of technology

We break it down into these layers of competencies, and at the top are the most basic, core competencies, which are your most valuable competencies, and at the bottom maybe some more modest competencies, maybe some longer term competencies.

In order to promote the team to develop these abilities, a very core link is through your platoon arrangement, how to choose and nurture, let the team gradually acquire such an ability. You at this time as a manager, you will have the ability, is not merely a project management ability, is not merely a code architecture ability, write in the above is your technical skills, architecture, programming, operations, etc., here is your product, business and management ability of comprehensive promotion, this is your claim to own a clear.

On the right, if you want the team to achieve such a goal, you need to achieve such a degree through personal training. When you do it, you’re actually dealing with real people, real people. This is when you have an ability called the ability to develop individual organizations. Because you want according to their aptitude, each person is his character is different, his background is different, you can’t use a methodology for all people, so the need for different employees, adopt different ways, and then can let his professional ability can be gradually enhanced, will allow him to do, and then through the process of this kind of incentive, You have the ability to make it easier for him to do things in ways that make him willing to do it, and ultimately maybe outside of the employee, that you can contribute to the overall efficiency of the organization environment.

So let’s just look at this diagram. As a manager, if you want to maximize your own value and the value of the team, you can improve it comprehensively from technological innovation, process optimization, team cooperation, the influence of the whole company strategy and the overall market, and then the driving of business and the formation of business decisions, including team management. In fact, the capability behind it is the technology business, the product.

Look for your strengths

At this moment, if I want to be a manager, I will decide whether I am suitable for the position or not. If I want to be a manager, I must find my strong point to play, and you should not take your weak point to play.

For example, I want to do management, but my brain is not good, I even can not use Vue, at this time in the team, you take this point to play, it is not good, so you should play from your own long board. I summed it up to find a competitive advantage, which I divided into four aspects, namely, technology, product, business and contacts.

This is a picture I drew by myself in 17 years. In fact, this picture is meaningless in itself, but what it represents is an attitude of mine, namely my attitude towards life. That is, I always prepare for the future may be a big crisis, difficulties, or even war, I have such a sense of crisis in my heart.

Therefore, this is my attitude towards life. In my attitude, I will allocate different time and energy to many things with different priorities and different dimensions, and then put them together in a comprehensive view.

Among so many so-called weights, which ones do I have a higher weight? And then in this relatively high weight which is not the ability of the long board? What are my weaknesses? Which ones are most valuable to me now and in the future. Through this figure every day to think every day, after thinking for a long time, I think clearly. But in fact, at this moment, you have not thought clearly about your relationship with the team. At this moment, what you need to think is, after taking out some values from my so-called life attitude and putting it into the team, what else does the team need?

When I was in a team, I went to see all the teams developing APPS using RN in China and kept asking them: How many people are in your team now? At what stage have you raised the money? What is the current construction level of your technology stack? How many employees do you have? Some of them are that I went to Shanghai and didn’t know someone, and through three layers of Internet connections, I found that person to have dinner with, so that I could have a thorough understanding of this industry, and then find out what the potential strengths and weaknesses of my team are. So the first one is to look for the long version of my own ability, and the second one is to look for the long board of my team’s ability, including its shortcomings.

In the end I got a rough idea of myself. First of all, I have made my inner attitude, life attitude and value appeal clear. I abstracted them with a few words.

My own value appeal:

  • Unique, I will live with others not the same life; One thing that is interesting can also be called unique.
  • Altruism, whatever I do must be valuable and helpful to others. If it is not valuable and helpful to others after completion, I will have no motivation to do it.
  • As a team, WHEN I do something, I like to do it with others. If I do it alone, I think it’s ok to do it for half a year, and I don’t want to do it any longer.
  • The sense of achievement, no matter what things must have a harvest, the harvest may be material, may be spiritual, but no matter how to have their own harvest, only the harvest can have a sense of achievement, a sense of achievement can drive me to continue to do.

Then I look at one of my strengths:

  • Business Sense is probably my biggest advantage.
  • Social will is strong, but social skills are not.
  • Product sensitivity is ok, at least not a weakness.
  • Technical vision is still wide, is not too big short board, that is to say, take the back two with others to compare, in fact, may not work. But all things considered, it’s OK.

Then look at some of the things underneath you:

  • The sense of crisis is my own strong sense of crisis, I think a strong sense of crisis itself is also an advantage.
  • Clairvoyance? I’m a bit of a clairvoyant.
  • Imitation? I know how to copy, too. I talked with a lot of teams, their RN construction, I copy half a year, I copy even better than them, this is the ability to copy.
  • The ability to execute as soon as I have a good idea, and the ability to push forward and get results when I say I am going to do it, which makes up for my thinking depth and strategic planning ability.

This is my summary of myself. After I sorted myself out, I found that I might actually be suitable for management.

Closed-loop ability training

OK, so just the second party is to give you such a perspective to take a look.

I always ask myself do I want to be in management? I’m 31 years old. What if I don’t? Behind, it’s focus on anxiety when, in fact, you can use some path method to ask yourself, and then go and ask the team around him, and ask the industry, the “q” may not be asked directly, but through a variety of materials and information, processing and analysis, after with yourself to do, try to tease out some vague or relatively clear direction, See if it’s OK to switch to management in some of your strengths.

Use capability board to do management

I remember that when I went to Shenzhen last month, I met one of my classmates. He was transferred to management, but he was very good at “employee relations”. No matter how much work he does, he can always handle his boss and then his business side. At the same time, everyone gets along well with him and always has a high price for him.

It’s not that he doesn’t do things well, but he does things normally. When others do 70 points, he can add another 10 or 15 points. So he thought it was a long board, and he went and changed management.

Abstract management problem

We’re going to talk about how to change management, or how to do complicated things at work. When we write code, that may be more complicated, but actually doing management, a lot of problems are also more complicated.

For example, at the end of next year, there will be changes in the business line of your company and one business line will be laid off. At this time, 10 or 20 or 30 members of your team will be needed to optimize and eliminate three employees, so that you can choose three. Who will you choose?

Legal and rational though is N + 1, but as a manager you will pressure is very big, you must make the decision, and to perform it in place, this kind of thing is difficult, so on this is all management will face some of the more complicated things, he may be behind the reaction is hiring you entered standard didn’t bring better off in the wrong person, Either the intermediate management process is not in place, or the company’s strategic layer does not do a good job of top-level design, and the whole company ultimately pays for such results. Only by abstracting and seeing the essence of the problem can we avoid it in the later stage.

I put my own experience into an abstract, macroscopic method, and usually I do things according to this routine.

  • Orientation: Whatever I do, I take a moment to think about the relationship between where I am, my environment and me, so this is orientation.
  • Feel the ground: I want to look at the environment, look at myself, look around.
  • Plan execution.
  • Precipitate: Once this is done, precipitate it into the team’s documentation capabilities for internal and external output.

This is my basic formula, this is equal to what I’m marking in red is the value consensus in the implementation of the plan, which is a very important one. In fact, many managers, when they say that our management is not good, or fail, usually hang on this layer, you can not get the resources of the company, can not get the authorization of the boss.

We look at the macro set, leaving a question mark, what is the value consensus?


Then take a look at some microscopic methods:

PDCA, as many of you know, I added extensions to PDCA, simply T/RS, and it’s more closed loop.

  • T — is that we often capture opportunities in the company, including to find out the bottom, I call it a pondering.
  • P — is our specific plan.
  • D — is the execution process.
  • C — correcting errors in our process, including looking at results.
  • A — subsequent actions including target optimization and so on.
  • R — refers to the Review and summary of the whole thing, whether monthly, quarterly or annual, that is, Review.
  • S — technical recovery it is a comprehensive recovery, and S is our precipitation, including our sharing.

Therefore, this is a closed loop of my own work. Unless something is very small, as long as it is relatively large, for example, if the project lasts more than two weeks, I will sort out the project itself. This is a routine of his when the company is in management, especially when many members cooperate with him.

How did I make the transition

Then, to myself to do management transformation, this thing to do a small review.

– Management on the job three questions

I’m here to suggest that you ask yourself this question as well.

When I’m going to lead a team, or I’m going to lead a team in the future, or I don’t want to manage. My boss wants me to be promoted to management. At that time, I asked myself what I wanted to achieve in my heart.

My answer was that I wanted to, I wanted to be a qualified manager.

What kind of career plan do you want?

In my future career planning, I want to be a qualified entrepreneur, and then I need to prepare what conditions, because the team let you to be the manager, the team must have a lot of problems to solve. At this time, I need to fully understand the team’s current situation and capabilities, including I need to get authorization.

How to define qualified manager?

You can give yourself some answers in some quantitative way.

At that time, I defined myself in the way shown in the chart. I listed my career plan in terms of years and years. Then divide my ability into two parts, ** the top half is **** professional ability, and the bottom half is general ability. The general ability, which has nothing to do with being an engineer or a product, is the general ability.

The above half is actually the technical ability of being a programmer. I have made a chart of myself, what I want according to my psychological state year by year, the energy and time I put in, and the harvest I get, including my salary and my company. Then, through this picture, I can make a clear idea of my own growth path, including the path I want to grow in the future.

The above means that you are going to be a manager, ask three questions on the job, to ask clearly.

– Seeing young people worried

And then when you’re done looking at yourself, you have to look outside, look at your team, look at young people today what are they concerned about? I have four on my side, and I think young people care most about it.

  • Growth: Growth is very important. In a team, whether it is infrastructure construction or business, if students cannot continue to grow, their morale and willingness to stay in the team will be reduced. You could put him in business for six months, you could put him in business for a year, it could be dangerous.
  • Salary: His growth must be matched with some corresponding returns from the industry or the company. If there is no return continuously, or the return is not up to expectations, it will also occur, and his willingness will be reduced.
  • Atmosphere: In his team, the way he communicates with various business parties, including internal employees, is to judge whether the atmosphere is relatively OK.
  • Equality: Maybe I’m using the word incorrectly, but it’s really about whether a company has deep management, whether performance reviews are tough, whether relationships between people are particularly stiff. That is to say, he felt inside the company whether it was more like an Internet company or more like a traditional company.

Therefore, the growth, salary, atmosphere and equal employee management and relationship need to be seen by managers, and the four points of care of employees, because they feel these things every day.

So I said at the beginning, I need to think about myself, and then I need to think about the concerns of the employees, and then I need to look at the problems in the team, so that you don’t misjudge the reality of what’s going on.

– Diagnose team problems

I had (just parachuted in) a lot of problems, and I abstracted it and sorted out the following eight categories:

  • No one has a career plan.
  • Basically, in the first three months of the staff, there are a lot of people leaving, so everyone is not stable.
  • At that time, I could only write RN of APP. However, Nodejs, applets, PC and H5 were not good at all.
  • Working with partners, working with product operations, getting very emotional, always banging on the table.
  • The overall tool experience awareness and ability is weak,
  • I don’t care much about business. For my product, once the UI is restored, the rest has nothing to do with me. I can fix it if I want, but I don’t want to fix it. I even said that once the business is online, OK, the moment the business is online, it is the end of my work, and I don’t care too much about all things in the future.
  • No echelon ability, very good students, in a very mechanical business work, and then, some difficult things, find some people with relatively moderate ability to do, and then there is always a delay.

– Current status of promotion channels

Second, because we focus on growth, we should pay attention to whether the company can provide an environment for growth and supporting systems. I was working on what the company called promotion channels. At the beginning of our company, there was only a verbal promotion channel, not a paper one. Of course, there are a lot of people with me to push, we push about a year and a half, formed a relatively complete and rigorous promotion channel system.

– Ability echelon status

The third bottom line is the ability echelon. As long as the company’s business is expanding fast and the employees are advancing every day, the number of employees will change greatly in that year. So think about the shape of my team’s overall ability in such an environment of the company. I hope it’s all P5 or P7 experts?

This shape you might want to think about. The biggest problem with our team was that we had no head at first. Later, when we had a head, we found that there was a head, feet and no waist, but no one to take these students, so this was a state in our team.

– Business product status

The last one is to touch the bottom of the business, in fact, MY personal advice is best into the business inside to touch the business, do not listen to the product manager nonsense. Listen to what he says, of course, but take it with a grain of salt. You can go into the business, talk to the business side, talk to the sales side, talk to your company, talk to them, have dinner and drink with them, listen to their understanding of the business.

I believe that after this process, you will have a deep intersection with business students in the company and establish a relative trust relationship. Most importantly, through such an intersection, you get first-hand information that is not processed by the product manager, which is very helpful for you to make a relatively rigorous prediction.

-How to reach a consensus

Now let’s talk about how to reach consensus. The first one is how to reach consensus with your boss and partner:

I take infrastructure as an example of how to reach consensus. When reaching a consensus, many people are emotional, but actually do not listen to reason. But there is one thing that everyone has to believe. This thing is called numbers, and only with numbers, cases and measurable things can we convince others.

This is what I did when I was trying to get infrastructure started. At that time, IT was necessary to start the r&d system of the whole company from 0 to 1. I had to have a lot of data behind me and try to refine these data. Most of the data can actually be extracted, you can memorize it on a human flesh chart.

You can secretly do two or three months, the results do it, then take these data to convince your boss, to persuade your business party, to convince people, let everybody agree with the value of the things you do, so I said this is level 1 of the agreement, to let everyone know that, if this is done infrastructure, let everybody can realize the essence of the infrastructure is in effect authors, This thing is helpful to the company, is essentially helping the company save servers, save people, save money.

The quality of online products will be relatively high, so the essence is to improve efficiency and reduce cost. But when you first told him that we were going to build infrastructure in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs, he said he didn’t believe you. So you have to take something concrete to reach the first agreement with him.

The second is how to reach a consensus with students:

We do infrastructure. In fact, as we all know, most of the time, business can make technology grow, but the depth and richness of business-based growth may not come as fast as infrastructure. So maybe you spend 70% of your time doing business and 30% of your time doing infrastructure; It could be a team of 10 with 7 people doing business and 3 people doing infrastructure. But no matter how you slice it, what we’re really going to do is ultimately give students a sense that if you want to grow actively, you can actively participate in infrastructure, and that infrastructure can be virtual projects, it can be projects that last for years.

This is to reach the second consensus, through infrastructure can greatly offset the emotion of doing business, he felt unhappy feeling of no growth, and then can bring him some practical growth. So that’s the way to reach consensus.

Summary & Suggestions

If you really want to succeed, I think you should return to the double repair of personnel, one eye on people, one eye on things, both at the same time.

Let’s just talk about so many methods, from the top down to do a general comb.

  • First, identify yourself. Who am I? Make sure you know what your career plan is. Take your time, but don’t stop.
  • Second, be clear about your strengths. If you want to be a manager, you must first focus on the areas you are best at, rather than focus on your weak points.
  • Third, we need to get to the bottom of the matter. In particular, the strategic intent of the company is very important, because that’s the thing that determines whether or not what you say in the company is going to be accepted. Right? Behind it, is your understanding of the company’s intentions is accurate. And then to find out the shape and status of the entire organization. Because a lot of times, a lot of problems in the team, these problems are actually the responsibility of the manager, if you don’t push, then there is no one to push. When no one pushes, employees feel bad.
  • Fourth, really do things, solve problems. Let’s figure out the pace of things. Sometimes you find it difficult to find time to do infrastructure after a year of doing business. You have to change the rhythm, like one person at the beginning, three people in the middle, then two people. You need to develop a sense of pace that will allow you to grow both professionally and as a student. The grasp of the middle point, behind it, is your grasp of the specific platoon arrangement, project promotion rhythm.
  • Fifth, straighten out a capability model and polish echelon capabilities. Let all the students agree with the company’s growth standards and expectations. We all know that it must be right to say that I run towards the goal, so only in the end can I achieve the so-called organizational development.

The diagram above is good for everyone to have a look. Today, the time relationship will not be further expanded. Basically, it is the double repair of management, director and personnel.

People and things:

  • People, is to choose to stay.
  • The thing is the technology, product, business and management that you are facing.

Finally, I would like to give you some advice. Just now, I mentioned the double repair of personnel. Here is another one called the upper and lower concentric, to the upper account, to the lower inspiration.

  • As explained above, I can divide it into two aspects:

    • The first is strategic understanding, not to mention whether you can be strategic driven, but at least to achieve an accurate understanding of the strategy.
    • The second is project implementation, which is the ability to get results. It’s a foundation for getting your boss, the entire organization above you, to trust you, to empower you,
  • It is inspiring for me to be good at reaching various consensus with my classmates. You can tell him that if you work in this team for another two years, I can increase your personal value more. Of course, not everyone will say this, but if someone is very concerned about salary, you can say this to him, and reach a consensus to gradually adjust his stability is ok.

Because everyone in a company to grow, in fact, is the company provides such a scene. And then appraisal motivates you to help your employees get as much benefits and rewards as possible, which is what a manager is supposed to do.

Today’s sharing basically consists of these contents, many of which are just simple lists of routines and frameworks, without in-depth extension. I hope these rough views will be helpful to everyone’s work.

In the past two years, Scott observed that the front-end industry has completely entered the deep water zone of competition. The front-end TL of companies of various sizes just took office and led the team at the beginning. In view of the front-end engineer group, how to manage the personnel director, take the results from the stage and help them grow, this national front-end technology executive learning exchange group was established. Learn and grow from each other in the selection and education of people. The threshold for entering the group is that you have a solid line or a dotted line with the team. Please add Scott wechat: Codingdreamer to invite you to join the group