Learning goals

  1. What is a development environment
  2. Understand python environment installation
  3. Knowledge of python programming editor tools


First article: “if the programming is the zero basis of magical can read the Python tutorial” – (a) since you chose this series so I’m going to let you understand the third article: “if the programming is the zero basis of magical can read the Python tutorial” – (3) using the original magic with programming magic world say hello Article 4: If programming is magic, the basic data type of Python will be found in the first part of this tutorial. I made magic into building blocks. I made magic into building blocks. I made magic into building blocks


Blogger other small white tutorial: “Zero basis to understand the C language tutorial”

Welcome everyone to pay attention to the public account, the public account in advance to read yo, the public account every 1024 and 1024 times will be lucky draw a mechanical keyboard + 2 IT books yo ~

First, you have to understand the conditions of weapon use

For many students who are learning programming for the first time, many defining concepts such as the development environment are largely unknown. It’s a vague concept for most of you.

1.1 What is a development environment A development environment is one or more pieces of software that support software or systems, like if you have a magic wand, but your wand doesn’t have a crystal ball how can you cast magic?

Taking software development as an example, other tools, plug-ins and libraries are needed to write software in normal development work. These tools, plug-ins and libraries are called the environment of the software currently under development. Using mobile phone software for example, an Android wechat program can not run on a PC, such as Windows system can not directly run android phone software; In this example, the operating environment of wechat program of Android system is Android system, not Windows system. The environment refers to the program that can support the operation of the software. A system is also a software program.

From the above examples, we can see that in computers, the environment refers to the support for a piece of software. The development environment is the supporting software required for the current development category.

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software or system that contains all the support for the development and only needs to be developed on the system, or the use of the software for development does not need other support. Integration means that the software integrates other supporting software.

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, which translates into Integrated Development Environment. This series of tutorials does not use an integrated environment, which is somewhat limited and not free for the author. Of course, this concept may be unique to me, but I’m going to take you through python programming in a somewhat old-fashioned way.

Learn about your wand code editor and crystal ball Python

There are many different types and varieties of code editors that can be used. We can compare code editors to “magic wands” and code to “crystal balls”. The crystal ball needs to be equipped with a wand for easy use. A good wand allows the user not only to cut wood comfortably but also to save effort.

Notepad++ is a relatively simple editor, support Chinese, without too much operation process, directly into the crystal ball (python) can be used.

Notepad++ can be downloaded at notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

Notepad++ interface is extremely simple and clean, is a lightweight code editor, for beginners programming is an easy tool to use.

Notepad++ is also extremely easy to create a python file by clicking file in the upper left – > select new.

Select the file type when saving the file:

To save, press CTRL + S and select a location in the resource selector window that pops up. For example, the yellow area is the save path, the red box is the file name, the purple box is selected to select the type of file you want to save, and finally click Save to finish saving the file.

You can also save the file without using shortcut keys. Another way is to click the file in the upper left corner and select Save. The operation process is as follows:

Shortcuts are recommended here to simplify the process.

Python is a language. It is an abstract concept. In our real world, spoken language is a kind of communication medium composed of certain characters through rules, characters and grammar. Python, too, uses a set of words to form an instruction that a computer can understand and then use to execute the corresponding command.

In computer programming, a programming language is more like magic. You learn that programming in that language requires a way to translate instructions that the computer can understand, and that way is through the interpreter. The python language is like magic instructions, and the interpreter is like a crystal ball. The crystal ball transforms our magic and releases it, a simple program.

Python can be installed directly on the Python website. If you don’t like the slow download, you can follow my public account, or add groups to ask me.

Official download address for Python:www.python.org/downloads/

Open the python installation package after downloading python:

As shown in the figure above, click the red area for installation and proceed to the next step. Note that you should click on the purple box to select “Add Python 3.7 to PATH”, which means to Add the current Python to your system environment. Adding Python to the environment will make it easier for you to use Python. The blue areas shown above are the installation paths.

Why do YOU need to configure this environment? Why do I need to put a directory in a path? Since path is not configured, the current system does not recognize Python commands. After storing the Python path in the system environment, when entering python commands, the system will search for the path in the Python directory, which is the path we put into path. In the Python directory, the Python interpreter file is launched in response to the magic command.

Assuming you don’t have the Add Python option, you can configure it manually.

Click on the lower left corner, type Python, find Python in the list that appears, and right click to open the file location. Or click properties to open the file location.

After opening the Python file location, we right click on my computer, click properties, and click Advanced System Settings

Click on environment variables:

Find path and double-click it

Copy our Python directory to the value of a variable. Note that you must first enter a semicolon “;” as an English input. , and then copy the Python directory.

After copying, enter CMD and press Enter in the lower left corner to open the Dos command box:

Open the Dos command box, type python, and press Enter to view the installation:

If yes, the installation is successful. With this important first step completed, we can begin to learn about the magic path. Every wizard come on ~