The night before yesterday, my friend suddenly sent a message to the group:

“The industry’s first programmer reality show is coming soon.”

From youku video sharing, click on it to find only 23 likes, not more than my article?

In the spirit of curiosity, I still watched the two-minute preview, found that the main organization of students to play network security attack and defense and AI games.

Is this it? What’s there to see? Watch other people model it? Or watch someone shell?

Continue to hold a skeptical mind, I wrote down this matter, anyway, two episodes, nothing when reluctantly watch a glance.

And then I turned it on at dinner last night.

It’s fine if I don’t open it. Once I did, I read it straight through.

You’re killing me.

In order to let the students better get me, or I have to introduce the background.


“Burn it! Talented Programmer” program is sponsored by Ant Security Lab, and the prize is 1 million yuan network security attack and defense +AI joint competition. A total of 20 players participated in the competition, which was divided into four teams. Most of them were born in the 1990s, including students from CMU, Tsinghua university and Peking University, as well as Top and Kaggle Grandmaster who had won online competitions for many times.

The competition lasts for 48 hours, and the program also invited four well-known instructors to provide 30 minutes of guidance to the contestants in the middle of the competition.

Network attack and defense game is the form of everyone to hack into the server, get the organizers of the hidden each FLAG, according to the difficulty will have different scores.

AI games do object detection, identify wild animals in pictures, and evaluate the overall score based on algorithm accuracy and speed.

Reversal frequency (reveal plot warning)

Since it’s a competition, and it’s such a fast-paced one, there are always reversals.

The first reversal was that in the attack and defense competition, when everyone was still struggling to get a hundred or two hundred FLAG, CLS team directly took the core FLAG of Area C and crushed the whole field with 16,000 points. The other teams were stunned. This battle scene, it’s not like a bobo blood, is it? This upgrade speed, not faster than net text? After all, Tang three still have to rise level by level, and CLS team directly a shuttle to the title douluo.

The second reversal was on the second day, when I suspected that the two teams of 0.9999 and Qiuhou milk tea gave up the race, and the AI track was always 0 points. Unexpectedly, several young brothers in the 0.9999 team, who had never done target detection task before, quickly did up the score after a day’s study, which must be the strength of Kaggle Grandmaster.

The third reversal is the only female player in the autumn milk tea team. Although I am also a girl, I have to admit that WHEN I saw the ranking, I also played some tag on gender, and saw her anxious picture in front of the computer. Did not expect her to come from behind, even in the rest of the teammates are still a person to brush results, rushed to the first.

The above is my deep memory of the inversion, also interspersed with a lot of small twists, the program is only two hours, really finish watching.

Who was the champion at last? You guess.

Interesting soul one in a million

After watching the show, I can say that it is completely different from my expectations.

As we asked at the beginning of the programme, what comes to mind when you think of programmers?

Slovenly, introverted, stiff, inarticulate, sloppy, plaid shirt, nerd, code guy, hairline, computer guy…

Even as a programming girl, I think of these tags first.

But this program, let me see the “programmer” group under each outstanding individual and interesting soul.

I was completely round and funny he Liren circle powder, but also for the same girls in silent efforts to shu Ting pinch a few sweat, but also doubt and admire Ceng Zhaoyang’s overconfidence.

Thoughtful, young, intelligent, hot-blooded, persistent, humble… It’s also a word associated with “programmer.”

Because of the relationship between the development of science and technology and the nature of the profession, the programmer group has few opportunities to contact with the public directly. However, with the inner coil of early childhood programming and social informatization, I believe that there will be more and more people to know our excellent atmosphere, cheerful, pure, elegant, lively, straightforward and moving NB group.

Finally, thumbs up for the show team and contestants.

A beautiful skin is all the same, an interesting soul is one in a million.

The interesting person turned out to be me.

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