[TOC] #VUE Basics

Based on label


Example code:

		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<script src="Lib/vue - 2.4.0. Js." "></script>
		<div id="app">
			new Vue({

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Cloak **{{MSG}} will display the default value and then the real data will be displayed as soon as possible

		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<script src="Lib/vue - 2.4.0. Js." "></script>
		<div id="app">
			<p v-cloak>{{msg}}</p>
			new Vue({
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In CSS, add:

[v-cloak] {
    display: none;
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If it does not work, consider two points:

  1. The display property of the V-cloak is overwritten by a higher layer, so raise the level:
[v-cloak] {
    display: none ! important;
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  1. Styles are placed in the CSS file imported by @import, can be placed in the CSS file imported by link, or inline styles


Similar to v-cloak, but comes with a blink solution

The difference between:

  1. V-cloak needs to solve the flicker problem itself, v-text does not
  2. V-cloak only replaces the contents of {{key}}, while V-text overwrites the contents of the element
  <div id="app">
		<p v-cloak>{{msg}}+++++++++</p>
		<p v-text="msg">+++++++++</p>

export default{
		return {
			msg:213}; }}</script>
Copy the code

Results page:


This is kind of like Android, and it overrides the properties that are in there as well

TextView. SetText (Html. FromHtml (MSG));Copy the code

Example code:

  <div id="app">	
		<p v-cloak>{{htmlMsg}}</p>
		<p v-text="htmlMsg"></p>
		<p v-html="htmlMsg"></p>

export default{
		return {

Ling Yu is so handsome ~! Painted painted (omega) < / h1 >"

}; }}
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Running results:


Binding properties, which can be abbreviated as:

		<input type="button" value="Button" :title="htmlMsg"/>
		<input type="button" value="Button" v-bind:title="htmlMsg"/>
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Note that v-bind can write JS expressions


Event binding mechanism

  <div id="app">
		<p v-cloak>{{htmlMsg}}</p>
		<p v-text="htmlMsg"></p>
		<p v-html="htmlMsg"></p>
		<input type="button" value="Button" :title="htmlMsg"/>
		<input type="button" value="Button" v-bind:title="htmlMsg" v-on:click="showAlert(htmlMsg)"/>

export default{
		return {

Ling Yu is so handsome ~! Painted painted (omega) < / h1 >"

}; }, methods: {showAlert:function(msg){ alert(msg) } } }
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Label for two-way binding of data

Summary exercise: horse racing


		<p v-text="msg"></p>

		<input type="button" value="Start" v-on:click="startRun()" />
		<input type="button" value="The end" v-on:click="stopRun()" />


	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				msg: "Ling Yu is so handsome! Painted painted (omega)".myInterval: null}; },methods: {
			startRun: function () {
				if (this.myInterval ! =null) return;
				this.myInterval = setInterval((a)= > {
					var startStr = this.msg.substring(0.1);
					var endStr = this.msg.substring(1);
					var result = endStr + startStr;
					this.msg = result;
				}, 300);
			stopRun: function () {
				this.myInterval=null; }}},</script>
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Event modifier

  • .stop prevents bubbling
  • . Prevent Prevents default events
  • .capture Uses event capture mode to add event listeners
  • .self fires the callback only if the event is fired on that element (for example, not a child element)
  • The. Once event is triggered only once

Several methods of class style binding

Conventional methods

 <h1 class="red big">{{msg}}</h1>
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V – the bind method

  <h1 v-bind:class="['red','big']">{{msg}}</h1>
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Using ternary expressions

<h1 v-bind:class="['red',isBig?'big':'']">{{msg}}</h1>
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Use ternary expressions in arrays to improve code readability

 <h1 v-bind:class="['red',{'big':isBig}]">{{msg}}</h1>
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Use classes directly

<h1 v-bind:class="{red:true,big:isBig}">{{msg}}</h1>
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The complete code is:

    <! --// Normal method -->
    <h1 class="red big">{{msg}}</h1>

    <! - v - the bind method -- -- >
    <h1 v-bind:class="['red','big']">{{msg}}</h1>

    <! -- Use a ternary expression -->
    <h1 v-bind:class="['red',isBig?'big':'']">{{msg}}</h1>

    <! Use ternary expressions in arrays to improve code readability -->
    <h1 v-bind:class="['red',{'big':isBig}]">{{msg}}</h1>

    <! -- Use class directly -->
    <h1 v-bind:class="{red:true,big:isBig}">{{msg}}</h1>


    export default {
         return {
           msg:'Ling Yu is a handsome bitch (★ ω ★)'.isBig:true}; }}</script>

<style scoped>
    color: red;
    font-size: 24px;

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Several ways to bind the style property

Normal operation

 <! -- General operation -->
    <p :style="{color:'red'}">{{msg}}</p>
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Point to a class

 <! -- Point to a class -->
    <p :style="redObject">{{msg}}</p>
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Point to an array

 <! Pointer to an array -->
    <p :style="[redObject,bigObject]">{{msg}}</p>
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The complete code is:


    <! -- General operation -->
    <p :style="{color:'red'}">{{msg}}</p>
    <! -- Point to a class -->
    <p :style="redObject">{{msg}}</p>
    <! Pointer to an array -->
    <p :style="[redObject,bigObject]">{{msg}}</p>


  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        msg: 'Ling Yu is a handsome bitch (★ ω ★)'.redObject: {color:'red'},
        bigObject: {fontSize:'40px'}}; }}</script>

<style scoped>


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Several ways to use V-for

Note: in the new version,v-for requires a key. 1. Key can only be a string or number attribute. 2

Just iterating through item

<p v-for="item in list">{{item}}</p>
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Want item and index traversal

 <p v-for="(item , i ) in list">
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#### Traversal objects

<p v-for="(key,val,i) in Handsome">
      {{i}} =={{val}} = {{key}}
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A digital iteration

<p v-for="i in 10">{{i}}</p>
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The complete code is


    <! -- if item is iterated -->
    <! --<p v-for="item in list">{{item}}</p>-->

    <! Select * from item and index;
    <! --<p v-for="(item , i ) in list">-->
    <! --{{i+"===="+item}}-->
    <! --</p>-->
    <! -- Traverse the object -->
    <! --<p v-for="(key,val,i) in Handsome">-->
      <! --{{i}} =={{val}} = {{key}}-->
    <! --</p>-->
    <! -- Digital iteration -->
    <! --<p v-for="i in 10">{{i}}</p>-->

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        list: [1.32.433.234.32.543.43655.234.4325].Handsome: {
          name: 'Ly'.age: "18".sex: "guy"}}; }}</script>

<style scoped>

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V – if and v – show

The same

  1. Can play the role of a hidden control according to a flag

The difference between

  1. V-if re-deletes or creates elements each time
  2. V-show does not delete dom creation, but toggles the disable: None style


  1. V-if has high switching performance consumption
  2. V-show has a high initial render cost
  3. If frequent switching is involved, v-show is recommended instead of V-if; If the element may never be displayed for the user to see, v-if is recommended. (Because if an element may never be displayed, use v-show, then it is actually added to the DOM, whereas v-if is only displayed)