“This is the first day I participate in the August more text challenge, activity details check: August more text challenge” I am small white, pure own record master don’t waste time

SpringBoot is the use of the SPRING framework to quickly build Java EE projects can be packaged into a WAR package, run with Tomcat, can also be packaged into a JAR package with Java-jar, or directly click the run method.

Create a new project using idea as an example, select Spring Initializr and choose the default (select a startup dependency and choose a Web). It will automatically generate a XXXXApplication with annotations on it

Starting dependencies can be seen in the POM.xml file to define transition-dependent dependencies on other libraries, which together support some functionality

Copy the code
@springBootApplication // Added annotation public class DemoApplication {! [image.png](https://p1-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/801388fd3cd74dd2b2a50fac90ee8aca~tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-watermark .image) public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); }}Copy the code

Create a Controller package, for example

Public class demoController {@getMapping Public String Hello (){String STR = "hello,springBoot"; return str; }}Copy the code

OK, run it now when SpringBoot is up

The browser accesses localhost:8080

To explain what an annotation means :@SpringBootApplication is a composite annotation

If you press Ctrl to enter IDEA, you can see that there are many annotations and three key ones



Copy the code

So the first one I’m going to click on and you can see itA little closer to the truth is an @Configuration. So the @SpringBootConfiguration function is to indicate that it is a Configuration class, and developers can configure beans on both sides similar to the applicationContext.xml file in Spring. The second annotation @enableAutoConfiguration can be seen from the name is automatically imported configuration of the third annotation @ComponentScan open package scan OK, end hard work not overtime rush