The second day…
The title
Find the first character in the string s that occurs only once. If not, a single space is returned. The s contains only lowercase letters.
The sample
S = “abaccdeff” return “b”
S = “return “”
Train of thought
- Count the number of occurrences of each character
- The first character of degree 1 is the result of the loop count
The code
class Solution {
/ * * *@param String $s
* @return String
function firstUniqChar($s) {
if ($s= =' ') { return ' '; }
$s = str_split($s);
$counts = array_count_values($s);
foreach ($counts as $v= >$count) {
if ($count= = =1) {
return $v; }}return ' '; }}Copy the code
The idea of solving the problem
- Iterate over the string, setting the hashMap key to false if the current string already exists
- Loop through the hashMap, and the first key with a value of true is the answer.
The idea is roughly the same, eliminating the logic of calculating the corresponding number of times for each key, which is faster
class Solution:
def firstUniqChar(self, s: str) - >str:
dic = {}
for c in s:
dic[c] = not c in dic
for k, v in dic.items():
if v: return k
return ' '
Copy the code
This question focuses on the use of hashMap. It also needs to reduce some unnecessary logical calculations to save time