The 2017 China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Index was unveiled

At AI World 2017 held today, the AI Industry branch has received special attention from the Industry. From a well-known expert in the field of intelligent medical, robot and so on has carried on the wonderful topics to share, after China sound valley blockbuster issued China industry development index, artificial intelligence and declare China valley expert committee formally established, at the same time read the list of expert committee of the first group of experts (30), to represent present experts held the opening ceremony.

“Artificial intelligence industry development index in China” by the national industrial development research center, information security software and information service research Zhang Yifu as publishers, deputy director of the national high and new technology development zone of hefei committee members, the ac, deputy director of the group, announced the first batch of “China valley expert committee” list of 30 experts, and to present four experts gave nameboards representative.

“Sound Valley of China” is a key cooperation project co-established by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and anhui Provincial People’s Government. It is also the only state-level industrial base in The field of artificial intelligence in China. In order to speed up the construction of “China Acoustic Valley”, Anhui Provincial People’s Government issued several Policies to Support the Construction of China Acoustic Valley to support the rapid development of China Acoustic Valley, supporting 800 million yuan of special funds for policy implementation every year, and setting up a total scale of 5 billion yuan industrial development fund to support artificial intelligence projects in industrial development.

The scale of the AI industry and the number of enterprises are exploding. According to data released by McKenzie, ai-based automation will drive global productivity growth of 0.8% to 1.4% per year.

However, traditional industry evaluation methods focus on the industry itself, unable to objectively and comprehensively reflect the development status and characteristics of China’s ARTIFICIAL intelligence industry, which is insufficient to support industrial decision-making and policy evaluation. It is in this context, Anhui Information Industry Investment Holding Co., LTD., in conjunction with the National Industrial information Security Development Research Center, on the basis of full field research and extensive solicitation of expert opinions, to develop a scientific and effective index system, the preparation of China’s artificial intelligence industry development index.

The ai industry development Index sets five first-level indicators including industry scale, basic guarantee, industry application, innovation ability and development environment, and 15 second-level indicators to comprehensively evaluate the AI industry. In the establishment of the evaluation system, the development status and potential of artificial intelligence industry are considered, and the interaction between artificial intelligence and the external environment and other industrial fields is taken into account, so as to construct a closed evaluation model.

Basic guarantee corresponds to the basic layer of the ARTIFICIAL intelligence industry chain, and mainly evaluates the development level of data, chips and computing power, the three cornerstones of the development of artificial intelligence industry.

Innovation capability corresponds to the technology layer in the AI industry chain, and is mainly evaluated from the perspective of the development potential of AI technology innovation in China, including product iteration, talent pool, innovation platform and innovation results.

Industrial application corresponds to the application layer in the ARTIFICIAL intelligence industry chain, focusing on the analysis of the enabling effect of artificial intelligence industry, focusing on the breadth and depth of the integration of artificial intelligence and traditional industries. Industrial environment includes capital heat, policy intensity, hot events and other aspects, emphasizing the role of external environment in promoting the development of artificial intelligence industry.

Based on this index system, through scientific and rigorous calculation, China’s AI industry development Index in 2017 was 75, with an increase of 44.23% compared with 2016 and double compared with 2015 (an increase of 102.70%), showing a rapid growth trend.

In general, the development of China’s ARTIFICIAL intelligence industry presents the following characteristics:

First, all indicators are coordinated and the overall development tends to be balanced.

Second, the development environment is rapidly optimized, and the basic guarantee needs to be improved.

Third, the scale of the industry is growing rapidly, and the innovation capacity needs to be strengthened.

Fourth, the integration and penetration of steady improvement, industry application potential is huge.

The release of China’s AI Industry Development Index indicates that China’s AI industry development has a more comprehensive, objective, scientific and effective index system and evaluation methods. At the same time, the calculation of the index itself can reflect some characteristics of the development of China’s AI industry, which has important reference significance to optimize the industrial structure, promote the landing of technology, and promote the process of China’s intelligence +.

A few days ago, a news that “Acoustic Valley of China” will be established “Dharma Institute”, 5 billion fund 30 million yuan to build a new industrial high ground “attracted the attention of the industry. The news introduced that the Sound Valley of China, located in Hefei, Anhui Province, will announce the establishment of” Acoustic Valley of China expert Committee “at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

The news that Acoustic Valley of China will establish its own “AI Dharma Hospital” has not only triggered a larger social response, but also won the strong support of many excellent experts in the industry. The names of 30 scholars or industry leaders from various fields such as computer vision, AI chips, robotics, intelligent speech and intelligent terminal were written on the first list of the Expert Committee of China Sound Valley.

The first 30 AI Dharma patriarch of Sound Valley of China are:

Launch ceremony, professor xiao-ping Chen, director of the China university of science and technology of robot laboratory, CMU computer muhammad ma jian, associate professor, school of China university of science and technology demonstration microelectronics dean, executive director of institute of information science and technology, wu feng tenured professor at rutgers university, chairman of KDD2018 Xiong Hui four experts as a representative of the experts, such as Accepted the “China Acoustic Valley Expert Committee” certificate.

Experts will make suggestions and suggestions for the development of China Soundvalley and even the whole artificial intelligence field in China, provide intellectual support for the accelerated development of the industry, and provide high-end strategic decision-making support for the innovation-driven development of China SoundValley.

The original post was published on November 8, 2017

This article is from xinzhiyuan, a partner of the cloud community. For relevant information, you can follow the wechat public account “AI_era”

China’s AI Industry Development Index has been released, and the first AI Damo list of Sound Valley of China has been unveiled