Work overtime

February 31, 2020, 2:30 am, just finished the task at hand. Fatigue had swept over me, and my body was resisting my brain’s commands. The white ceramic tile on the left hand side of the desk tells me my current state: messy hair, yellowish black circles under the eyes, greasy forehead, and slightly black lips.

This is the fourth time this week to work overtime after 2 am, ready to go home, home can still have a good three or four hours of sleep, if in the company, arms will be unbearable. Pick up the phone, open wechat, black car Wang, two dogs, Liu, Zhao Ge, old six as early as 11 o ‘clock on the wechat, also right, after all, I work overtime so late, the only thing is probably free taxi (the company reimburses the taxi fare). Finally, I chose Zhao Ge, who was the most stable driver. I could always sleep in front of my house. Put down the mobile phone, lie prone on the table, just zhao Ge said he was eating midnight snack, may be a little late, set the alarm clock for 15 minutes, afraid of oneself in case fell asleep, will oversleep. Slightly trembling hand opened the nuggets, saw the big guy just updated nuggets booklet – “XX technology introduction and Progress”, buy, use PDF tools to open the booklet, began the chapter of introduction…… My eyes are very astringent. When I closed my eyes, darkness swept over me.

Sudden violent shaking around, earthquake? Oh no, the alarm clock rang and waved the his little head, shut the alarm clock time, saw WeChat zhao4 ge already in place, clock in, wear clothes, turn off the computer, has seen just see the half of the XX technology introduction and prestige, then consider for 10 seconds, will learn “XX technology introduction and prestige” on the my daily plan, IT, don’t work, How to survive the crisis of turning 30.

Friday’s daily

The next day at 11 o ‘clock in the evening, today is Friday, the people around went back early, just read the wechat, the product this evening to his pursuit of 3 years of yoga hot girl, do not understand, a hot girl how to like a Mediterranean hair detail male; Test sister and boyfriend go out to date, eat is haidilao, when I have money not to work overtime, must also go once; UI sister made dinner today, his golden hair to help her take the express, very good, must go back to his home to see the golden hair, carry things, dog food. Check your to-do list, go home early, take a shower, sleep in tomorrow and be happy. Humming a tune, opening up the mission schedule, huh? When did you add the learning task? Well, this weekend is off again. Learn bai, after all, was their choice of IT code farmers.

Company Sharing Week

After a month, today is company technology Sharing week, and it’s my turn to share. Fortunately, I have prepared early, “XX technology introduction and advanced” I used a month of weekend time, now basically understand the technology. At the sharing meeting, I talked with all my heart, including an example of forehand and a demo of backhand. When they raised questions, I opened the document “INTRODUCTION and Advancement of XX Technology” to directly locate the problems and solutions. Watching the product fall to the ground, revealing a bald man with hair balm; A day to ask 200 questions of the test repeatedly turned over my demo and PPT, I know, this time, I, the world. They? It’s an ant.

XX Technology fire

Half a year later, Google suddenly announced that XX technology was added into the browser and a relatively large version iteration was carried out. At the same time, the company’s senior management declared that XX technology was in line with the current market, so XX technology suddenly became popular.

An emergency meeting

Today Tuesday, I was busy in the afternoon, and suddenly RECEIVED an email from the boss of the company’s technical headquarters. One hour later, an emergency meeting was held in the north conference room on the 18th floor. I asked around, and it seemed that I was the only one who had received the notice. Open the recent work task, the server is normal, front-end page and compatibility are normal, APP message release is normal. Seems to be no problem, open WeChat group, mysterious Zhao Dajie asked the company, she said she was not clear, only know that company cto came back today, and just to the north room, also reveal the obscure, the last time the cto, is fired a backend eldest brother, thanked her and staring at the computer, waiting for the upcoming noon three hour.

Outside the window on the right hand side, dark clouds slowly cover the dazzling sun, the office dark down, the storm is about to come?

Entering the conference room, I watched the technical boss, who always bossed me around, chatting with the CTO in front of me. His trembling body revealed the difficulty of bending 90 degrees at the age of 40. I seem to have forgotten to knock at the door, and my right thigh began to shake. Do I look like a door god now? How should I greet them?

“Here? Sit.” At the word of the CTO, I stopped thinking about the war between man and nature. The tech boss sat down too, but there was a hint of hate in his eyes as well as embarrassment.

A trace of cool, rising from the soles of feet, glancing out of the window, has not seen the traces of the sun.

“Now XX technology is on the market, our company plans to establish a XX technology department, and develop a XX plug-in library, to adapt to Google, and internal technical support, the final goal is to open the component library. To this end, we are planning to set up a new technology department. I heard that you have done this sharing before, and you seem to be very skilled in this technology, so the choice of technology leader…” .

I walked out of the conference room, I was a fool, I was the tech boss? I’ll be leading a tech department? I’ll have my own office? I got a promotion?

When walking through the corridor, the light of the west but my eyes a burst of pain, originally, the afternoon sun can also be so dazzling.

Lecturer in packaging

A year later, XX Technologies introduced System 1.0. So the company released to the outside, the company hired big shot, XX technology research, research results and Google browser bottom XX technology combined, launched the UI component library 1.0, without any introduction, can directly use the component. XX technology UI component 2.0 was released, industry leaders were invited and a symposium was held. I sat on the seat of lecturer + technical director and watched the achievements of the whole team that had been almost sleepless for half a year, all of which became my credit. I, on the other hand, was sitting in the middle of a bunch of early tech moguls I knew. Listening to them: jiangshan generation have talent, after the wave, night and dazed, blockbuster, etc all kinds of words, and I found the original share weeks that kind of feeling, looking at the audience with me day and night r&d friend big black rim of the eye, high hairline, cannot bear to look at, I turn my back his head, gushing tears, be interpreted into tears for a project. Countless praises flew to me, and while I held the crown, the bones of my fellow researchers were built into my castle below the stage.


Two years later, I became XX technology big man, although a little against his will, but rich and famous is really comfortable, the people of my hometown proud of me, seven aunts and eight aunts, poor in downtown no one asked, rich in the mountains have distant relatives is my portrayal now. Through two aunt’s son’s colleague introduced, I know her, there is no special dog blood plot, her home is urging, my home is urging. I’m famous and rich, and she’s pretty and a little bourgeois. I don’t care about her past. He doesn’t care about my love of computer accessories. It’s good.

This year I am 29, I married her. It’s good.

In 30

This is my 30th birthday. I ate cake with her, lay in bed, and thought I was 30. I’m 30, I have a great girlfriend, a job I love, my own computer accessories, my own house, my own account and my own company team. Mention XX technology, do technology can also think of me and my UI component framework, good.

Feel lucky to have everything you want. Think of a few years ago poor themselves, as if the rest of the world, the exhaustion of staying up late as if now can still feel.

Wake up

His head seemed to be torn, his arms were strangely shaped and he could not move, his lips were split open, his eyes were covered in eye excrement.

Where I am? My head hurts. Why is the bed so hard? Where’s my wife? Why are voice-activated night lights so dazzling?

He tried hard to open his eyes and saw a white ceiling. He looked around, unfamiliar and familiar. “What is this? Liu Ge? What are you doing here? How do I “,

Liu elder brother interrupts me to say: “went to your company, you faint on the ground, the computer screen still learns XX technology, really is to work overtime not to die ah”.

I work overtime? Faint? What about my wife? The company? XX technology UI component 4.97?


I am not afraid of death, more afraid of sudden death, I am afraid I do nothing for a lifetime, more afraid of home parents eyes inside the disappointment.

What’s so hard about dying? It’s hard to live.