After learning JS functions today, I will summarize the execution time of JS functions, and give some examples to understand the call stack

This article is their own summary, if there is a problem please provide help, thank you!!

How is the JS function called?

Let’s define a function and call that function

Function fn(){console.log(' I was called ')}fn()console.log(' after calling fn, execute me ')Copy the code

The above code simply calls the function fn

Print out ‘I’m called,’ and then print out ‘After calling fn, execute me.’

In the JS engine, how does this code know that I called fn first?

Now that I know, how do I find the code after FN?

Here we use the call stack in the JS engine

  1. In carrying out thefn()When the JS engine records the location, we assume asone 
  2. And then we didPush and press the stackThe operation of the
  3. So that ourThe call stackIt’s in the bookfn()
  4. Then enter the fn function, and the JS engine recordsConsole. log(' I've been called ')The position of, let’s assumetwo
  5. Continue toPush and press the stack
  6. Console. log(' I've been called ')After pressing the stack, it was popped and printed
  7. And it pops upFn functionWhen the function is not given a return, the defaultreturn undefined
  8. Then the JS engine recordsConsole. log(' after calling fn, execute me ')The position of, let’s assumethree
  9. Continue toPush and press the stack
  10. JS engine, found nothing, started to execute the stack
  11. The stack is pushed first and then removed
  12. So this is the call stack, and it’s done in sequence, and every time you bounce one, you end up on the stack
  13. All the way down the stack
  14. This is theThe execution timing of the JS function

The picture below, combined with the text above, is better understood

Explain why the following code prints six sixes

In the following code, why does the following code print six sixes?

let i = 0 for(i = 0; i<6; I ++){setTimeout(()=>{console.log(I)},0)} It's executing when it's bouncing but when it's executing it's for when it's ending the loop and then I is 6, so it's executing it every timeCopy the code
Write a way to let the above code print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
for(let i = 0; i<6; I ++){setTimeout(()=>{console.log(I)},0)} The use of let will result in block-level scope where each stack of setTimeout's I is independentCopy the code
What other way to print out 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 besides using the for let tie-in

SetTimeout is the third argument

let i = 0
for(i = 0; i<6; i++){
Copy the code

Closure + Executes the function immediately

let i = 0 for(i = 0; i<6; i++){ ! function (){ setTimeout((j)=>{ console.log(j) },0,i) }() }Copy the code

Use the const keyword

let i
for(i = 0; i<6; i++){
    const x = i
Copy the code
  • JS function execution, need to refer to the call stack

  • The call stack is based on the JS engine

  • The rule is push first, then out

Thanks to Mr. Awkward for asking this article! ! !