The evolution of a visualized building system

Visual construction system is an interesting and mysterious topic, but in fact, it is not difficult to get started. Combined with the exploration of cloud Butterfly application and construction in the middle Platform in the past, we try to teach you to write a visual construction system from scratch with a story of a code farmer trying to get lazy

Began to be lazy

A gun is a 25-year-old front-end code farmer, working in an Internet company, daily work is for a marketing site cutting pictures, adhering to the calm but lazy as possible lazy philosophy of life

But the marketing site changes rapidly, once a week for advertising, a gun each time to submit, test, release, verification, a gun wants to break the painful repetitive life

Templates and data

It took him three days to extract the code’s frequently changing content, such as advertising addresses, create a configuration page, let operations record the data themselves, and finally write a rendering engine that could combine the data with the templates

<a href={{ config.banner.url }}><img src={{ config.banner.cover}} / ></a>

config: {
  banner: {
    cover: ''.url: '',}}Copy the code

Operation of the original need a gun to fill in the address, now you can directly submit, a gun stole lazy, operation is less time to communicate, we are very happy, this way to go! Let’s see if other pages can use this method, and find a way to put my awesome configuration on it


Divide and conquer and reuse complexity through modularization

A gun began to put more possible changes on the website information dug into the configuration, and input into the system, watching the operation of the website has been nearly empty skeletonized, but the configuration into a vast ocean, a gun is now a headache how to distinguish these configuration items exactly what

Just a gun suddenly received a demand, the company opened up a foreign business, but cultural differences lead to the module display is not exactly the same, a gun inspiration, give each module a name, navigation, advertising, calendar, and so on, and then in accordance with the module name to do two management! Then the flag bit expresses the enable/close of the whole module, so that after adding new requirements, new modules are opened, and dynamic things are dug out by the module name, and then put into the template

Even templates can support simple mogul-level orchestration!

Layout system

After a while, the operation said, the sponsor’s budget was adjusted, and the top AD module was to be placed entirely at the bottom of the page, one size smaller

Gun carefully calculation, according to the trend, the size of the module and position also gradually with the dynamic relationship, even if is also a module, there are wide or narrow, so he is prepared to put the original configuration items out, open to a single namespace relationship between the size and location of the concentrated expression module, introduces the layout of the original system

After a period of time, a new tianma star, design director of advance design, to do the design of the whole station revised: these several modules I want to place a triangle! A gun’s original module layout design could not support, so he decided to rewrite the original typesetting engine for free layout mode, based on the array order of data migration to the absolute position

Visual drag

Intuitive editing experience

The description of the free layout is very strong, but the handwritten coordinates are not intuitive, a pao remembered the usual use of Sketch, PS, need a canvas! Drag it anywhere! Automatically record the location information! So A gun spent a few months building a visual drag-and-drop canvas

Free to drag and drop, everyone is very happy, every day drawing figure, demand is ready, more and more people begin to use the program to build, but free drag-and-drop also gradually exposed problems, the mouse operate a high degree of freedom, but it is hard to control, the location of the module always crooked, we will design of freedom, but freedom need some rules to constrain, for instance, Like Ant Design, he was inspired to write a system of alignment and guides to help with drag and drop by keeping the spacing of eight multiples

A gun year-end summary with a visual construction system said, I just want to steal a lazy just, now I just want to live a quiet life


What is a build system

In fact, from the first extraction of variables, the building system is completed, a building system is based on a template language data production process

  • Template engine: A user of data that abstracts appropriate data definitions and rendering engines through application and business deconstruction
  • Editor: Data producer that produces the data needed by the engine through an efficient editing mode


In the above examples, the construction system evolves from simple variables to the subsequent perfect visual construction. The editor continuously improves the data production efficiency by organizing by module, visualizing drag and drop, and altifying references. The template engine supports the increasingly complex requirements by digging more holes and supporting the layout system. Gradually evolved from a simple operation system to a full-fledged visual system

Every time a new type of requirement is added, data describing it is defined and produced by an editor. Finally, code that translates that function is added at run time, so that the system as a whole can be improved and evolved

Template engines

Template engine is the core of the building system, determines the maximum of the scaffolding system complexity and completeness, usually by applying target deconstruction as configuration items to extract the template engine, abstract degree is higher and higher, you can do the more general requirements, such as CMS by scalable is the scope of the template to make site set up open, by contrast, The business input of commodity information in the ordering system is also a template engine, but it can only solve the problem of fixed scenes. For the template engine of Papiliopoulos yunensis, please refer to the next article “Derivation and Implementation of Visual Construction of Papiliopoulos yunensis”.

We can deconstruct an application into an architectural pattern of modules-attributes-values, assembling modules and module relationships in a declarative way that is extensible enough

Module – property – value

  • Module: minimum reusable package unit
  • Properties: A representation of the behavior of a component, including basic properties and common capabilities such as layout and conditional rendering
  • Value: contact data flow, carrier of binding, such as unidirectional binding, bidirectional binding

The module

A large part of the extensibility of the engine comes from the extensibility of the modules themselves. Much of the logic that is not supported by templates can be encapsulated inside modules and extended by plugging modules into the template engine. As a result, many build systems support importing various types of components, such as React, Vue, and Angular components


Each module usually has its own properties, such as props under the React system, which are properties that the component exposes. In addition, the engine can also give components some common properties at the platform level. For example, free layout is a property that the component itself does not have, but is given by the outer wrapper. The horizontal capabilities of components can be greatly extended in a declarative manner, for example

  • Logic control, if, repeat, switch, components can do different renderings depending on the condition
  • Interactive behavior, jump, Loading, etc


In addition to the basic types of values, you can also extend the value of some entity types to complete the encapsulation of some complex logic, such as

  • Relationships that sustain the flow of data between modules are extracted as subscription types
  • The remote data load is encapsulated as a value of Connector type

By setting the dataSource to a value of Connector type as if it were static data, the component has the ability to mount a request and set the result of the request to the dataSource property

The editor

The editor is easy to start with, and everything can be edited with a Single Monaco editor, but it’s hard for users to write the data they want, even against the documents. On top of that, finer granularity can be done to step up the usability of the editor

Properties pane

In accordance with the moding-property-value architectural pattern described above, each application is composed of modules, and the behavior of each module is determined by the property values of the module itself, so editing the site can be broken down into editing of each module

Combined with the design of the Chrome and common editor, we can for each module is equipped with a properties panel, according to the template attribute definition and framework of general attribute definition, deduce the most appropriate renderer, such as for string type, we can use the input box to edit, for Boolean type, we can use the checkbox to edit, See the next article, “Open Component Definitions and Property Panels.”

Visual drag

It may not be intuitive to directly express the position and layout information of modules using data. We can use the visual drag-and-drop from the canvas to view and edit just like A Pao, and then spend some time to further improve the efficiency and accuracy. Please refer to the article “How To Create a Free Canvas Comparable to Sketch” in the next article.

So how many steps does it take to write a visual scaffolding system?

Three steps:

  • Analyze business characteristics, abstract rendering engine and data
  • Write a supporting information entry system
  • Keep improving them

Back to this sentence: building a system is really a data production process based on a template language

Okay, so you’ve got all the facts, plus the other details, and write your own build system

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