The events of my Ordinary Life — 2021 year-end summary

“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Back in 2017 (21 years old)

  1. In 2017, I came back from the army. At that time, I was young and inexperienced, and I was striving for the ideal goal of a vigorous future life 💪. In fact, this paper can not be said to be a summary of 2021, it can be said to be a summary of this work for several years, but there are many changes in these years.

  2. My work experience is rather tortuous. I started to work in an asset management company as the overall investment attraction of the building (in plain English) since I came back from serving as a soldier. The whole company is actually the company that manages the building (property). The corporate environment is a lot like a scaled-down system. Everything was fine except the low salary, only 3500 a month. I have experienced the transition to society, experiencing renting a house, crowded buses and subways, and other common painful problems of college graduates. I feel that this company is not what I want, everyday work is the same. All I want is to learn, to be recognized in my own ability, in my own skills. Instead of blindly ranking, dawdling.

    That’s what I do every single day :(mostly miscellaneous)

  1. Until one day in 2018, I saw the video of animation modeling on the computer and it attracted fans. Then I started to look for videos and tutorials on the Internet. Start getting to know the industry. I decided to learn game modeling early because I wanted to do something else too much!!

Back in 2018 (22 years old)

1. In the first month of signing up for the training class, I started to learn sketch for a month to improve my art level:

2. The following is a 4-month training period for game modeling (all works made before) :

Now recall before why did not teach oneself! At this pace, training classes are about getting you started, and learning is up to you. I felt sorry for my small money (the training cost was tens of thousands). Later, I thought that I would rather have an internship in a company. The difference is that I still need to spend money on training courses, and I can make money in the company, and I had little money at that time. Once a person has been in a certain state for a long time, they fall into their comfort zone and don’t want to change or bother to change.

Time comes to 2019, my training is over. I found a start-up game outsourcing company, doing the game scene outsourcing of netease and Tencent. I remember that my internship salary was only 2500 yuan. It’s been three years of poverty.

Back in 2019 (23 years old)

What it’s like to work at a game outsourcing company for a year

  1. I started my official work in early April 2019. On the first day I went to the company, I was not asked to directly participate in the project, but just read the documents and practiced carving in ZB.
  2. A few days later, the project manager (the team leader was dispatched to netease at that time) assigned me a project. The first scene I made was a pattern carving. Stone material, just handle the chamfering. No problem. At the end of September, I started to become a regular employee, but my salary was also very low after I became a regular employee. At that time, I felt very uncomfortable. Besides, during the National Day holiday, I talked about work with my classmate, who majored in program and graduated at the same time as me. I asked his salary how much, he said internship period 6.4k after 8K I was uncomfortable 😣, I do games for three years also do not know there is 8K I a month’s salary is the other people’s 1/3 ah!
  3. And overtime at the game company, 50 bucks for overtime. There is no attendance award for taking time off. The insurance is the lowest standard in Nanjing.
  4. People with two years of experience earn just over $5K. So want to switch to do games quickly turn it, do CG than do games outsourcing wages are high, sincerely hope that we do not do games. The more tired you are, the lower your pay is, and the more overtime you work.
  5. I’m ready to quit my job. Switch to something else. No more games. You can’t see the future when you make games. You only get 8K in a game company after working for 5 years. What you lose is time. Games don’t have a future. For example, even if I became a manager when I was 32, MY body wouldn’t be able to handle it, pulling all-nighters every day to catch up on a project. What I want is a stable job, enough to cover my family’s expenses, and I don’t want to ruin my health for work, after all, my body is my own. So it’s the programs that are more popular in the early stages than the games. I’m sure you’ll say things like he worked overtime, he was tired, he had no hair. But think about it, if you work for 5 years, you can earn 500,000 yuan. If you work for games, more than half of them are good. If you work for 6 years, you can quit and find a relaxing job.
  6. So what’s wrong? Make games. All work for a long time have development, just is the number of wages, in the game outsourcing company for 10 years, he is unable to transfer, life to live, he has not considered their own problems, the depth is different. Think about it. I think about it like this. After a year of making games, I can switch to CG and 3D printing.
  7. Those are my personal thoughts. The game will not be made in the future, but do not give up modeling, sculpting.

From Amousse who works hard to make a living

For those of you who love learning about game modeling
  1. Everybody loves the game, not be this professional change is ok, as to how to learn, self-study still is training class, still have to see oneself self-discipline, I see too many people self-discipline is not enough, learned less than 2 weeks knowledge quantity only in two months. Now let’s talk about reality: one way to learn game modeling is to work in a game outsourcing company (this is relatively tight for each part of the next generation production process).
  2. The second is to enter wumao Company (AT the beginning of my interview, I will simply build trees, grass and characters, but I will touch the game engine development, which belongs to the original company), and the third is 3d printing company, (this company has strict requirements on modeling. Modeling is not as easy as game modeling, but without the next generation process.) Finally, some medical companies need modelers (well, generally speaking, medical companies don’t need new people, they need old people who have worked in game outsourcing companies for more than 2 years, which is not recommended in the early stage).
  3. Next: don’t expect a high salary too much, most of the training courses are difficult to reach even the probation period, really. Can find 4000 that you should be the company that training class learns very solid also is comparative conscience. Generally speaking, 2000 to 3000 more, there is no shortage of people in the north, or there is no shortage of novices. It’s luck.
  4. In short, to hold a heart of learning, you are young, you can also work hard 💪

Changed companies for comrades-in-arms, got married and had a baby (24 years old)

  1. My buddy came to me and said he had a job and asked me if I was going to take it. I asked a few questions and the main thing was that I was going to be paid $13 million a year and then I quit my last game company. I did not think so much at that time. I have been working in the company for 2 years and now I regret it. Everywhere contacts, even cleaning elder sister is the boss “aunt”. Direct management is chaotic, promotion is hopeless, and the company is full of shit, and you can’t run a company without hiring. 😂 gan do “forever outsiders”, [wu face] every morning and night, hard work. For us, it’s all about “reward is pie, mistake is whipping,” stupid company, wrong before. I blame myself for being too young.
  2. Ok, unhappy things in the company, I will not say, say something happy, I have got married this year. Luckily for me, my daughter-in-law is not so demanding and there is actually no bride price (voiceover: Some nominally) but does not enough money in the hand over the years these things consumption, I also don’t want to let my parents, because I get married, a age everywhere to borrow money, so they need to borrowed money is my own (I don’t know daughter-in-law initially 😄, xiao li is great), through our operations, mother-in-law there has in the past, even if are able to marry.
  3. Everything worked out pretty well, and we had a house, and the baby was seven months old. My pressure is coming up, how to do, ordinary people can only learn to improve technical ability, to get a higher salary, so I came to the Nuggets

Everyone’s choice is different. Some want to live in a big city, even if the house is small, and some can’t stand it. According to their own needs to choose, do not regret

Excuse me big city bed and small town room, which do you choose

In fact, I was lucky, the family can not give much help, but early home to buy a house, barely enough to clean up their own

Bask in:

December 7, 2021 Ready for the front end (25 years old)

  1. I think those who can truly succeed in self-study are those who can persist and have learning methods, and those who can clearly realize the need to change the status quo and make efforts to do so.

Technical writing (Future)

Day arch a pawn have no do, don’t donate tang eventually into the sea

  1. Writing articles is not necessarily how many people to read, but to record their learning process, but also a summary of the learning content, in the future when you encounter problems or need to turn over.
  2. My goal is to urge myself to study, and it is easy to participate in activities, so I will not write for a variety of activities.
  3. Just graduated brothers, keep learning, even if not every day to learn, but to hold on, don’t like me to retreat to the point of no retreat to wake up, although they say that as long as learning is never too late, of course, the earlier the better.

For contemporary spiritual opiates

Where did the time go — all in short videos

  1. My spiritual opiates are short videos, tiktok kuaishou.
  2. I also downloaded Douyin before for the purpose of Posting some videos of my own fitness, but I mostly watched the videos. I haven’t seen it for an hour. I haven’t seen it for a long time. It’s okay to watch these short videos. Once you start watching them, you can’t stop watching them, and the time is quickly wasted.
  3. Short videos are so addictive that I consider myself a pretty good person for self-control. In order not to waste time on this, I have uninstalled all the short video apps such as Douyin, Weibo and Bilibili (originally for learning purposes). For video learning, I will use Bilibili on the Web side. At present, there is only Zhihu on the mobile phone, and short videos like Douyin have started to appear on it. Maybe one day, we will say goodbye to it and move to the Web if necessary.

If you can’t beat it, uninstall it. Bye.

2022 planning

The following is to learn to improve their own technology!!

  • !!!!!!!!! Continuous learning, continuous input, continuous output.
  • !!!!!!!!! Try to make a career change in 2022 and save more money for your wife.
  • !!!!!!!!! Weekly exercise or can not be less, to avoid middle-aged men’s paunchy.
  • !!!!!!!!! There’s another important thing I need to learn to be a dad.
  • !!!!!!!!! Next year, I hope I won’t be so indoorsy. I will accompany my daughter-in-law to go out for a walk on weekends.

Refueling, wish we can be better and better, the body times good, ability times strong, high wages

I am Mr. Xiao Bu, with the output force input and continue to learn, welcome to pay attention to, to be a continuous growth of technical people.
