Unconsciously, 2020 is less than a month time, this last month, you will check the annual bill of Alipay, netease cloud annual song list, Taobao annual shopping summary…… Along with that, of course, comes your year-end deadline

Under the shadow of the epidemic situation, the end of this year comes earlier than before, the market tightens, the end of the winter, presumably the office of each urban beauty, young talent has begun to scratch bald for the end of the year summary.

How to write a beautiful year-end summary report, fully show their achievements in the year, let the boss give more year-end bonus?

Today I will give you the year-end summary writing methodology! Let everyone in this cold winter no longer need to worry about the summary!

Why do you write a summary of your work?

Before we get to the methodology, let’s talk about why we write a summary of our work. Every time before the work summary is handed in, there are always some people who mock the formalism of writing the work summary, thinking that writing the leader will not look good, and it is a waste of time. But in fact, work summary is of great significance to both individual employees and enterprise leaders:

For individuals, work summary is a mirror to help us systematically analyze stage work, find successful experience and lessons, and bring enlightenment to the next stage of work.

For leaders, work summary is a way to understand the working status of employees and an important basis for judging employees’ contributions to the company. In other words, a good work summary will affect your promotion and salary to a certain extent.

What are the types of work reviews?

According to the role of the report, we can divide the work summary into three categories:

  • Personal work summary: report to the department, show achievements and quantified goals. Text summary predominates
  • Summary of work of the department: make internal transparency and show the achievements of the department in one year. Illustrated, the sense of hierarchy is good
  • Summary of work of the company: Annual report of the company is preferred, which is more formal, such as annual report of listed companies. It is generally done by professional finance staff and takes more energy

According to time classification, it can be divided into monthly summary, quarterly summary, annual summary and so on. In addition, it can also be classified according to events, such as the summary of a certain activity.

Next, I will get to the point, from the classification of reporting roles, I will focus on explaining how to write the summary report of individuals and departments, and the case explanation, please play up the spirit of 12 points to read down!

How to write the summary of individual work?

Content framework

The main content of personal summary is the overview of their own work achievements, as well as the report of the completion of the key work, which also reflects the growth of their own ability level to the leadership. The overall content framework looks something like this:

Make use of data and charts

Many people like to use adjectives in their work summary, such as “achieved good results” and “brought about great growth”. This kind of vague expression makes people unable to objectively perceive your work results. How good are you when you say good? Do you mean it when you say it?

Therefore, I suggest that we make full use of data to quantify their work, learn to report with data, sort out key indicators and key projects from work, in the form of ** “data display + data analysis” **, combined with chart visualization, so that leaders can see their achievements intuitively.

For example, a student used the visual annual summary report made by FineBI to visually show the completion of his key KPI indicators, quantify his past performance and work ability growth with data, and present it with visual charts, which left a deep impression and won unanimous praise from the leaders:

Focus and seek truth from facts

A good year-end summary report must be focused and concise. It is suggested that the key work and the highlight work should be reported in the report, and the small things should not be put up. This is a lot of people are guilty of the problem, the year-end review of the time feel their work achievements less, scrape together bright spots, do some small things also write up, but play the role of gild the lily.

In addition, the year-end summary report should not be regarded as one’s own boast meeting. In addition to publicizing achievements, it is necessary to reflect on one’s own shortcomings, how to do better, and put forward some feasible suggestions to the team. Leaders prefer people with long-term vision.

How to write the department work summary?

Compared with the personal work summary, the department work summary report is much more complex. The personal summary is to check all aspects of personal performance ability, while the department summary is more to check all kinds of business data of the department. If the data business logic of a department is complex, it is necessary to disassemble indicators and use a larger amount of data for calculation and in-depth interpretation.

In addition, the data and content displayed in the department’s work summary report are more comprehensive and systematic, and the process of disassembling data indicators and dimensions is suggested to be led by people familiar with the department’s business. At the same time, data acquisition and analysis also need IT and business cooperation to complete.

Disassemble data indicators

The breakdown of indicators is the most difficult part of the department’s work summary. It is generally divided into four steps: clear analysis objectives — determine problems — disassemble problems — disassemble indicators & expand dimensional layout. Take the sales department as an example:

Report making practice

We must be very familiar with the traditional text report, PPT report, can be seen everywhere in the work, sameness, it is difficult to shine. Therefore, I prefer BI visual summary report.

Compared with traditional summary report, more convenient way to view the BI report, departments can share data and analysis report on the platform, and report their own data analysis attributes, can be on the analysis of the data step and drill, intuitive show content analysis, the use of visual chart, also let the appearance level and to enhance the readability of the report.

Just say not practice false handle, the following will take you to use FineBI to practice a store operation summary report

** Reporting framework: **

Production steps:

Step 1: Upload the data to FineBI

Enter FineBI interface, click Data Preparation, create a new business package, click Add Table, and upload the data we need to use in this analysis. FineBI supports adding database tables, SQL data sets, and Excel data sets. Here, we upload the detailed list of sales data of a company used in this analysis.

Step 2: Create a self-service data set for data processing

We upload the original data, the data processing, in order to do further analysis, in FineBI, we can make use of automated data collection of the data is new, grouping, filtering, formula and so on a series of processing, using the self-service data processing out of the people’s square set shop sales detail data in 2020, And inventory 28 analysis data table:

Step 3: Create the component

After the data is processed, click Create Component to start making diagrams. The process of making analysis chart in FineBI is very simple. Select the chart you want, drag the dimension and index to the coordinate axis, and the chart is generated. You can also set a series of humanization Settings for the chart component, such as color, background and self-adaptation.

Other chart components are made in a similar way, so I won’t go into details for reasons of length

Step 4: Add text information and interpret data

A summary report, in addition to the presentation of data charts, also needs text interpretation and analysis of data, so that the audience can better understand the meaning of data and analysis background. There are many component types available in FineBI, and TAB blocks, text, images, and more can be added to enrich our analysis reports.

Step 5: layout and detail optimization

After the report text and data chart are made, the last step is to adjust the layout of components, background color, and can also be appropriately decorated with pictures, so that the report is quite good-looking.

Due to time constraints, I have no time to carefully polish the store operation summary report. Let me show you the finished product of an annual analysis report on ios platform that I did before: