The complete content of the BAT interview shared today mainly includes:

How to Prepare for an Interview (3 tips)

Scope of Technological Hard Power (50 questions)

Highlight and optimize your RESUME (3 steps)

Personal soft power improvement (6 dimensions of improvement)

BAT Interview Experience Summary (1 point summary)

1. Prepare for the interview

Mentality can affect your preparation for the interview, the state of the written test, the play of strength, can affect all aspects of an interview process. Mentality collapse, only luck, offer is estimated to go far.

So how do you adjust your attitude?

The first is to face up to their ability, do not underestimate, do not overestimate.

Not to overestimate means to know the scope of their own capabilities, not to say that too high expectations are bad, but too high expectations will make your psychological vulnerability, slightly bad mood has the tendency to collapse. Because after all, the interview is too accidental, even if you reach a certain level, the corresponding level of the post is not 100%, not to mention there are so many gods and harvesters around, take offer every day reject offer, is not a small impact on the psychological.

Do not always give yourself a negative hint, bad attitude positive adjustment.

Most of us are always telling ourselves why we are running out of time and how we are living so fast every day and being so inefficient. To the written test, say to yourself this algorithm is too difficult, certainly can’t do it; Upon the interview, say to yourself don’t ask me Linux kernel, don’t ask me distributed, ask me sure over; After the interview, no results, every day to be sure to hang up again, alas, I how so vegetables.

If this series of performance form a habit, the mentality of this coefficient is 0.5 at most, can play out of the things are also played half of the discount. Do not be too pessimistic about everything. If you fail to get an offer, the normal situation is that the experience and summary generated by this failure experience will improve the success rate of the next one. Do not let these negative hints undermine the improvement you should have.

When the state of mind is poor, it is necessary to stop your repetitive and inefficient work and adjust.

For the students around, more communication, not comparison.

It is very good to have some good partners who prepare together. They can not only urge each other, but also learn from each other’s strengths in the process of communication and sharing.

Have a clear understanding of their own level, and choose their own appropriate company, well prepare their own written test, interview, not afraid of failure, but ensure that each interview harvest and improve, that satisfactory offer will come sooner or later.

2. Technological hard power

I mainly divide power into hard power and soft power. Hard power is the real accumulation of technology (of course, the accumulation of product knowledge).

What is hard power? Let me give you a few examples to compare your technical advantages. It is recommended that you have a firm grasp of algorithms, databases and programming languages in advance, whether in school or social recruitment:

Basic knowledge:

Algorithms and data structures

Array, linked list, binary tree, queue, stack various operations (performance, scenario)

Binary search and various variants of binary search

Various sorting algorithms and complexity analysis (quicksort, merge, heap)

Various algorithm problems (handwritten)

Understand and analyze time and space complexity.

Dynamic programming (written test return has..) And greed.

Red black tree, AVL tree, Hash tree, Tire tree, B tree, B+ tree.

Graph algorithm (less, also two shortest path algorithm to understand it)

Computer network

OSI7 layer model (TCP4 layer)

The database

Database (most mysql, Nosql has Redis)

Index (including classification and optimization methods, failure conditions, underlying structure)

SQL syntax (Join, Union, subquery, Having, Group by)

Engine comparison (InnoDB, MyISAM)

Database locks (row locks, table locks, page-level locks, intent locks, read locks, write locks, pessimistic locks, optimistic locks, and select SQL locks)

Isolation level, problems solved in order (dirty read, unrepeatable read, phantom read)

The transaction of the ACID

B tree, B plus tree

Optimization (Explain, slow query, show profile)

Database paradigm.

Sub-library sub-table, master/slave replication, read/write separation.

Nosql (redis vs. memcached, if you’re familiar with Redis, redis has a lot to ask)

Operating system:

Processes communicate IPC (several ways), as distinct from threads

Several strategies of OS (page replacement, process scheduling, etc., with several algorithms in each)

Mutexes are deadlock-related

Linux common commands (when asked to give a specific scenario)

Linux kernel related (select, poll, epoll)

Programming language:

Programming languages (Java only) :

Java basics (object-oriented, four features, overloading, static and final, and much more)

Collection (HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, various lists)

Concurrency and multithreading (thread pools, SYNC and Lock locking mechanisms, thread communication, volatile, ThreadLocal, CyclicBarrier, Atom packages, CountDownLatch, AQS, CAS principles, etc.)

JVM (memory model, GC garbage collection, including generation, GC algorithms, collectors, class loading and parent delegation, JVM tuning, memory leaks and memory spills)


Reflection and proxy, exceptions, Java8 correlation, serialization

Design pattern (common, available in JDK)

Web related (Servlet, cookie/session, Spring<AOP, IOC, MVC, transaction, dynamic proxy >, Mybatis, Tomcat, Hibernate, etc.)

Look at the JDK source code.

These are all examples of technical hard power, and of course, if you are interviewing BAT architects, there are also:

Knowledge body of distributed technology architecture:

CAP principle and BASE theory.

Nosql and KV storage (Redis, hbase, mongodb, memcached, etc.)

Servitization theory (including service discovery and governance, ZooKeeper, ETCD, SpringCloud microservice, etc.)

Load balancing (Principle, CDN, consistency Hash)

RPC framework (including some overall framework theory, communication Netty, serialization protocol Thrift, Protobuff, etc.)

Message queues (Principles, Kafka, activeMQ, rocketMQ)

Distributed storage system (GFS, HDFS, fastDFS), storage model (skipList, LSM, etc.)

Distributed transactions, distributed locks, etc

Personal soft power

Soft power mainly refers to the convenience in language communication, logical thinking, enthusiasm and initiative in interview, resume optimization skills and so on.

The combination of soft power and hard power is the true expression of your own strength.

Communication and logical thinking skills:

For the expression of a problem, logical thinking (like some people’s speech makes people sound very hierarchical, very comfortable), hierarchical sense of communication, good at highlighting the key points in a short time.

Motivation and initiative in interviewing:

BAT, in particular, is fond of proactive and positive talents. Proactive people are better at overcoming current difficulties and doing things well. After encountering setbacks, they are easier to adjust their mentality and actively promote projects. In this regard, during the communication process of the interview, the experienced BAT interviewers can capture part of your strengths and weaknesses by communicating with you in detail. In conclusion, proactive and optimistic people are more conducive to future development, which applies not only to interview, but also to future career development.

Resume preparation:

A resume focuses on introducing yourself, skills, and project experience. Self-introduction to be able to do a sentence can clearly express their advantages, such as: learning ability (a short time to master skills), personal experience (BAT background advantage), active efforts (what projects I promote, etc.).

Skills: There are just one description of professional skills: proficient, skilled, familiar, and knowledgeable. The feeling of mastery is generally not to write, unless you are really confident in a technical point, can truly master a language, a distributed framework that is proficient. Familiarity, proficiency and mastery are typically at the top of the pyramid. In short, your resume should focus not so much on the number of items you have mastered, but on areas of expertise.

Project experience: Highlight your flagship project, the one with the most technical content, challenge and help is enough. During the interview, the interviewer will ask you to describe the project you are good at, and simulate the sequence and key points of the project in advance, rather than explaining it on the spot.

Be responsible and responsible:

Many companies will note this in their internal interview guidelines and will reject it if it’s a question of values or character. No interviewer would want to find someone who is skilled and responsible. Please believe me, responsibility is very important and conducive to future promotion.

Finally, after you pass the assessment of hard and soft skills, the rest is fate, your interview atmosphere and BAT interviewers match, every interviewer hopes to find similar candidates, this may be Wen Wei.

BAT Interview summary:

Offer = state of mind * (hard power + soft power) + fate and luck, everyone is experiencing repeated failures in the interview and then summarize, then optimize the interview experience, and then improve the technical depth, so as to find a job they like, the above is my share, I hope it will be helpful to your BAT interview journey!

A successful meituan interview case, the details of the whole interview, interview, summary are detailed in this note

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