News 1:21, in order to activate the social security card, a 94-year-old man in Guangshui, Hubei province, was carried to a bank for face recognition.

News 2: On November 23, in a community of Maoping Town, Zigui County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, a staff member told an elderly man who went to the counter to pay for medical insurance alone in the cold wind and heavy rain: “No cash, you can either tell relatives or pay by phone.”

Photo source: Sichuan Observatory

The “digital divide” faced by the elderly has drawn the attention of The State Council. The elderly enter a technological blind spot.


1. The Internet is a young industry. As a result of the development of the mobile Internet, there is a natural gap between the Internet industry and the elderly.

2. The Internet is an industry that gathers young people and pays more attention to their needs. At the same time, due to the problem of perspective, it is easier for the elderly to enter the blind spot of service.

3, young people work outside, there is not enough time to teach the elderly how to use the new products of science and technology, the elderly are left behind by the development of science and technology, young people’s life is becoming more and more convenient, but the elderly not only cannot enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet, even the basic needs are gradually not met.

Young volunteers teach older people how to use smartphones

On November 24, The State Council issued the Implementation Plan on Effectively Solving the Difficulties of the Elderly in using intelligent technology, which focuses on the high-frequency events and service scenarios of the elderly in seven aspects, including travel, medical treatment, consumption, entertainment and service. Twenty specific measures have been put forward, including improving the use of “health code”, facilitating the elderly to take public transport, optimizing online medical services, retaining traditional financial services, relying on the national integrated government service platform for convenient services, and expanding the supply of intelligent terminal products suitable for aging.

Key tasks mentioned in the Plan: It provides solutions to practical problems faced by the elderly. Science and technology people-oriented, more people-oriented service.

**1. Local governments are not allowed to use “health code” as the only proof of passage. ** For the elderly and other groups, they can take alternative measures such as registering with valid ID, holding paper proof of passage, and presenting “travel card for communication” as auxiliary proof of travel.

**2. Maintain patrol taxi services, and improve the telephone connection rate for telephony services. ** Guide online car-hailing platform companies to optimize car-hailing software, add the function of “one-click car-hailing”, encourage the provision of e-hailing services, and give priority to the elderly for their orders.

3, railway, highway, water transport, civil passenger transport and other public transport in the implementation of mobile payment, electronic ticket, scan code while keeping cash, paper bills, vouchers, certificates and other forms of travel.

4, medical institutions, relevant enterprises to improve the telephone, network, on-site appointment and other ways, unblocked family, relatives and friends, family doctors and other channels for the elderly appointment. Medical institutions should provide a certain proportion of on-site number sources, keep manual service Windows such as registration, payment and printing of inspection reports, and provide medical guidance services for the elderly with medical guides, volunteers and social workers.

**5. No entity or individual shall refuse cash in the form of standard terms, notices, statements, notices, etc. ** The face-to-face service of service personnel should be improved. In retail, catering, shopping malls, parks and other places where elderly people frequently consume, the payment of basic public service fees such as water and electricity fees and administrative institutional fees should be supported by cash and bank cards. We will strengthen supervision of the payment market, and intensify efforts to rectify and rectify discriminatory practices such as refusing to accept cash or bank card payments.

6. Improve the fintech standard rule system, encourage financial institutions, non-bank payment institutions and online shopping platforms to optimize user registration, bank card binding and payment processes, create big-character version, voice version, national language version and simple version suitable for old mobile banking apps, and improve the ease of use and security of mobile banking products. It is convenient for the elderly to make online shopping, meal ordering, housekeeping, living expenses and other daily consumption.

7. Artificial Windows and telephone lines should be reserved for parks, sports and fitness venues, tourist attractions, cultural centers, libraries, museums, art galleries and other places that need to be reserved in advance, and a certain number of offline reservation free entry or ticket purchase quota should be reserved for the elderly.

Changes have been made to implement:

1. Nearly 100 website apps will be transformed for aging

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has selected a number of news media, e-commerce, financial services, life and entertainment, online shopping, government service platforms and nearly 100 Internet websites and mobile apps that are closely related to the lives of the elderly, and mobilized them to make them age-friendly and information-free. According to the specific needs of the elderly, the obstacles and difficulties of the elderly in vision and hearing are taken into account as much as possible in font size, font color, voice reading, temporary pop-ups and text input prompts, so as to help them receive information more conveniently and effectively improve the experience of the elderly.

2. Comprehensively carry out centralized rectification of refusing cash

Under the unified deployment of The State Council, the People’s Bank of China will comprehensively carry out centralized rectification of cash refusal and long-term mechanism construction in view of the current situation of discrimination and exclusion from the use of cash.

In view of the problem that some smart financial services and products mainly target young and middle-aged customers and cause difficulties for the elderly, the CENTRAL bank will guide financial institutions to focus on the daily high-frequency financial scenes of the elderly and create “age-appropriate” financial services that integrate online and offline and meet the needs of the elderly. For the elderly with mobility difficulties, relevant financial institutions will also be organized to improve their services, and some mobile devices will be used to extend their service tentacles, and take the initiative to conduct financial services at home or remotely.

Older people learn to use smartphones

3. Many Hospitals in Shanghai reserve “traditional options” for the elderly

At the same time, a number of hospitals in the city retain a certain proportion of the on-site number source and appointment quota of the clinic, and there is no manual code channel, and service measures are popular. The “traditional reservation option” in medical services is guided by volunteers to make an appointment for registration, so that the elderly can feel relieved to see a doctor and be reassured by the return visit.

Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University has reorganized the medical treatment process and released two records of convenient medical treatment for elderly patients (appointment for medical treatment and convenient service) through its official account to ensure a better experience for the elderly.

Among the outpatients of Huashan Hospital, 29.3% are over 60 years old. There is a special artificial channel in the outpatient clinic. When the old people who can’t scan the code pass by, volunteers will help to print the green code and issue a unified “pass” to ensure that the old people can see a doctor unblocked. At present, the clinic of Huashan Hospital retains 20 to 30 volunteers every day, stationed on each floor and in the clinic, mainly for the elderly registration, payment, and another appointment.

Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The convenience service center of the hospital is staffed with staff, which can provide the elderly with outpatient appointment, expert number plus number, free printing of laboratory test sheet, serious disease medical insurance registration, all kinds of medical examination appointment services; At the same time, elderly patients over the age of 80 will be provided with services such as medical treatment, charging, and drug taking priority.

4. Jinan has established an integrated medical insurance service system with full coverage to help the elderly bridge the “digital divide”.

In Jinan, with the launch of shandong Province’s Internet-based health insurance platform, some patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease can obtain one-stop services such as online prescription, medical insurance payment and door-to-door delivery without leaving home. If a patient needs to purchase drugs online, doctors can access the patient’s electronic medical records of the past three months and issue prescriptions online after passing facial recognition certification.

Jinan first to explore in high management level, in patients with chronic disease outpatient concentrated designated public hospitals, open online combined with slow disease management zone, will slow patients go to a doctor visits, slow disease continue to party, follow-up review, drug delivery, etc all focus to a window, to achieve the hospital electronic slow disease dispensary in direction of flow, solving the problem of the window handle, wait in line.

The director of Jinan Medical Insurance Bureau said that medical security services are centered on the needs of the masses; In addition to the establishment of physical halls, online halls, self-service terminals, wechat public accounts and other “online + offline” full coverage of the integrated medical insurance service system, but also in some community health centers, large enterprises, designated drugstores set up 190 medical insurance workstations, to bring medical insurance services to people’s doorsteps.

5. Hefei Railway Group has optimized the code sweeping measures again

Elderly people without mobile phones and passengers whose mobile phones cannot be used properly can check their ID cards, social security cards and other valid identity documents before entering the station to register and release, and places with conditions are encouraged to open channels without health codes for the elderly. Health code should not be taken as the only proof of travel, and a combination of online and offline methods should be adopted to facilitate people’s travel.

One is integration. The relevant information is automatically integrated into the health code, through technical means, coordination of relevant departments, so that the computer more trouble, so that the elderly save more trouble.

Second, mutual understanding and mutual recognition. Local governments have developed codes of their own. We need to promote the interoperability and mutual recognition of one-code traffic to make it easier for people, especially the elderly, to travel.

Third, alternative forms of inspection should be retained. For example, the elderly, who do not use smart phones, should show valid identification or paper identification instead.

Fourth, open channels without health codes. Encourage places and places where conditions permit to open channels without health codes for the elderly.

Fifth, integrate the health code with various bus cards, citizen cards and senior cards through technical means, and strive to make other alternative ways to serve as travel vouchers.

Make it as convenient as possible for the elderly to travel through technological means, strengthening coordination among various departments and adopting policy measures:

November 26: The Ministry of Transport will ensure that the elderly can travel without a health code and take taxis without mobile phones

First, optimize the health code inspection measures to ensure that the elderly can travel without a health code. Health code inspection and control measures will be implemented in different regions. Health code checks are generally not required in places with low risk of COVID-19 except airports, docks and long-distance bus stations. For example, the current bus, subway, generally do not need to check the health code. When health codes need to be checked in special periods, human services should be retained, and local authorities should be guided to optimize services such as relatives and friends’ agents and staff checking for them. At the same time, it promotes the establishment of non-health code channels at passenger terminals with external means for the elderly who do not use smartphones, as they can still travel without health codes.

Second, we will maintain telecall and Yang call services to ensure that the elderly can take taxis without access to the Internet or mobile phones. The Ministry of Transport has asked all localities to maintain the cruising taxi pick-up service and give full play to the role of telephony services such as 95128 to provide telephone booking or instant taxi hailing services for the elderly. At the same time, for the elderly with fixed car needs and the elderly with mobility difficulties, the organization of love caravan, Lei Feng caravan, provide one-to-one pair of security services.

The Ministry of Transport is promoting the establishment of taxi stops, temporary waiting stations and temporary taxi hailing stations in places where senior citizens travel, such as hospitals. In some places, manual buttons can be set up to call a car directly with one button, providing convenience for the elderly. At the same time, online car-hailing platforms are encouraged to optimize car-hailing software, enhance one-click car-hailing functions that are convenient for the elderly, and reduce the operation difficulty so that the elderly can use, know how to use, dare to use and want to use.

Third, traditional services should be strengthened to ensure that the elderly can take public transport without worry. At present, the policy of free or preferential bus ride for the elderly has been widely implemented across the country. The Ministry of Transport encourages the elderly to take urban public transport directly by presenting their ID cards, senior citizen cards, social security cards and other documents. At the same time, the highway and water transport, rail transport, such as passenger and the expressway service area, toll station and other places, to preserve human service window, encouraging the establishment of priority in buying tickets, special for the elderly waiting area or the green channel, and promote mobile payment, bus services such as electronic ticket, yards and at the same time, keep cash, the use of paper bills, vouchers and certificates.

6. The national Unified medical insurance information platform is expected to be put into use by the end of 2021

A unified national medical insurance information platform is expected to be put into use by the end of 2021, with more than 300 million omni-channel users of electronic medical insurance vouchers. Medical insurance service will adhere to the traditional service mode and intelligent service innovation in parallel to solve the problem of digital adaptation of the elderly and other groups. For ginseng registration, long-distance medical treatment for the record, slow outpatient treatment of diseases, disease, medical expenses manual (retail) reimbursement for such, the elderly and other groups to deal with the matters of high frequency, to guide the local introduced a number of convenient and beneficial measures as soon as possible, give play to the role of traditional services such as offline way out, the applicability of the ascending simultaneously online services for the elderly.