
Promise can be pending, resolved or rejected

The disadvantages of a Promise object are:

  1. You cannot cancel a Promise, it is executed as soon as it is created, and you cannot cancel it in mid-stream.

  2. If the callback function is not set, the errors thrown by the Promise internally are not reflected externally.

  3. When you are in the Pending state, you have no way of knowing where you are (just started or about to finish).

  4. By the time a Promise actually executes the callback, the part that defines a Promise is actually gone, so the error stack context for a Promise is not very friendly.


A Generator is a new syntax introduced in ES6. A Generator is a function that can pause and continue execution.

A simple way to use it is to use it as an Iterator, doing some iterating. For more complex uses, it can store some states internally, making it a state machine.

The Generator’s basic syntax consists of two parts: the function name is preceded by an asterisk; The function returns the value internally using the yield keyword.

  • Yield, the expression itself returns no value, or always returns undefined.

  • Next, the method can take an argument, which is treated as the return value of the previous yield expression.

function * foo(x) {

    var y = 2 * (yield (x + 1));

    var z = yield (y / 3);

    return (x + y + z);


var b = foo(5); // { value:6, done:false } // { value:8, done:false } // { value:42, done:true }

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Async(recommended ~ ~)

Async is a syntax sugar for Generator.

Async corresponds to *.

Await corresponds to yield.

Async /await automates the flow control of the Generator.

async function fetchUser() {

  const user = await ajax()



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  • Note: If the current function needs to be executed asynchronously, use async again. Cause: Babel recognizes and compiles async to promise, resulting in an increase in code.

Why is Async/Await better?

  1. Using async makes your code much cleaner. You don’t need to write a then like a Promise, you don’t need to write an anonymous function to handle the Promise’s resolve value, you don’t need to define redundant data variables, and you avoid nesting code.

  2. Error handling: Async/Await lets try/catch handle both synchronous and asynchronous errors.