When writing Dojay-MD, there is a method to listen for changes in the input content. The code is as follows:

methods: {
    / /... Omit code...
    editor.on('change', () = > {const mdValue = editor.getValue()
    / /... Omit code...
Copy the code

After change, mdValue was processed. At that time, the idea was to write a method in the methods method to deal with it. As follows:

methods: { // ... Omit code... editor.on('change', () => {const mdValue = editor.getValue() this.valuechange (mdValue)}), valueChange(value) {// do something wrong} //... Omit code... }Copy the code

It doesn’t feel right, why don’t I write in watch or computed?? — Because I’m scum.

compunted: {
    mdValue() {// do something}}, // or watch: {mdValue() {// do something}}Copy the code

The question is, methods, Watch and computed can all do this, but what is the difference between them?

Methods, Watch, computed difference

  1. Watch and computed are based on the dependency tracking mechanism of Vue. When a certain data changes, all related data that depend on this data changes automatically.
  2. Methods need to be called manually.

Watch and computed

  1. Computed caches data; Watch does not
  2. Watch supports asynchronous operations, but computed does not. For asynchronous operations when data changes or for high overhead, watch is the best choice.
  3. If the data of watch does not exist in data, it cannot be watched. The existence of computed data in data is an error.
  4. Things watch is good at: one data change affects multiple data; Computed is good at dealing with data: multiple data affect one


  1. How do Watch and Computed work (source)
  2. Computed Data Caching (source code)