This article is from the official account of the project: “AirtestProject” Copyright notice: It is allowed to be reproduced, but the original link must be retained. Do not use it for commercial or illegal purposes

(Note: Little Frog service is not provided, only as an example of automation tutorial)


The story takes place during lunch time on Chinese Valentine’s Day:

Have you been swept by a frog today? Operation little sister: have ah have, it is said that Taobao all sell out goods! UI Sister:…… What the frog

So the development of little sister to ignorant UI little sister popular science: this is a Tanabata limited, specifically tailored for single friends of the service. Then UI little sister expressed very envy, call development little sister to her point a service try (excited rub hand hand).

So, we have today’s tweet: use automation to our UI little sister to a limited frog service on Chinese Valentine’s Day ~

Code implementation

First let’s take a look at the effect of frog service:

The implementation process is also very simple:

  • Open the WeChat
  • Click on your “lonely frog” friend
  • Click on wechat emoticons and open the list of emoticons
  • Send lonely frog emojis in turn
  • Send multiple “widows and orphans” text
  • Send the text “End of service”
  • Back to friends list

The code is as follows:

As for the length of solitary frog’s service, students can customize according to their own needs, more than a few cycles, whatever

In addition, you will receive a cuckoo service (same as above) :


Today’s tweet content is purely entertainment, hope you focus on our code learning, wish students happy Chinese Valentine’s Day! Cuckoo cuckoo ~ (Not alone, not alone)

PS: students who need the above code, lonely frog and cuckoo emoticons, can get it by replying to the public account “Qixi festival”!

Disclaimer: The content is for entertainment only, not to be taken seriously, otherwise the consequences.

Airtest website: Airtest tutorial website: build enterprise private cloud service: