First, Firefox VS Chrome synchronization problems

The main browser is Mac, Firefox is the main browser, Chrome is auxiliary. Both browsers can sync bookmarks across devices by logging in to their own accounts, but this has been a problem for me for years. The landlord finally decided to solve this problem well.

Solution: Nut cloud +Floccus

This program currently supports the browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Kiwi (Android) this program supports the synchronization mode: automatic synchronization (default 15 minutes synchronization, time can be modified), manual synchronization floor master use experience is very good, synchronization speed is very fast, no perception!

What you need to do:

  • Prepare a nutcloud account and complete the configuration. (You do not need to download nutcloud for online configuration. Only need to do it once)
  • Install the corresponding Floccus plug-in for each browser and configure it once (every new browser needs to be configured once)

1. The Floccus is introduced

Floccus is an open source solution for cross-browser bookmark synchronization via Nextcloud, WebDAV, local files (or any sync file). Open source:… You can easily interpret Floccus as a browser plug-in for bookmark syncing.

2. Configure the nut cloud

Nutcloud is a Chinese web disk provider (similar to Baidu web disk). Importantly, it supports WevDAV technology (similar to DropBox’s sync disk), and in terms of the amount of resources that bookmark files occupy, free is enough!

(1) Create a bookmark file for synchronization

Log on to your Nut cloud disk (register one if you don’t have an account), create a Floccus folder under the sync folder root, and select unsync by default. Then upload a Bookmarks. xbel file to your floccus folder. Click here to download any that aren’t.

(2) Create a WebDAV application

Next, in the top right corner of Nut Cloud click on your nickname, account info – Security options – third-party app Management, create a WebDAV app and get your password.

Nutcloud has been configured here. The server address, account name and password shown in the figure above are needed for the later browser plug-in configuration.

3. Install and configure the Floccus browser plug-in

(1) Download and install the plug-in

You can also find these add-ons on the Floccus open Source project.

(2) Set server parameters

Once you’ve installed the Floccus browser plug-in, click on the Floccus plug-in icon to start configuring (firefox, for example).

The new account

Select “XBEL files in WebDAV Shares”

Server configuration, according to nut cloud background to create applications that page can be filled.

Bookmarks pathThe address of the directory in the nut cloud where your bookmark files are stored. If you are using this tutorial, fill it outFloccus/bookmarks.xbel

Folder mappingWhich bookmarks folder in your browser will be synced to? Bookmarks toolbar, so that the browser bookmarks toolbar bookmarks will be synchronized.

Synchronous behavior Settings

Nested accounts: If you have folder directories in your bookmarks, you need to select the option shown below, otherwise you will create duplicate empty folders during synchronization.

Save the configuration when complete!

(3) Synchronize bookmarks

Then click on the plugin and click “Sync” to upload your bookmarks to nutcloud!

4. Synchronize bookmarks to the new browser

Last step, we uploaded our Firefox bookmarks to Nutcloud. Next, we sync our bookmarks from the cloud to Chrome. If the bookmarks in your Chrome browser are duplicates, you are advised to delete the bookmarks in your Chrome browser and then synchronize them. In this way, you do not need to manually delete the bookmarks after synchronization.

Open Chrome and install the Floccus plugin. Repeat the configuration steps in 3. (remember to change the Folder Mapping directory to the bookmarks bar). After saving, click synchronize. It’s time for a miracle! If all goes well, bookmarks in Firefox will be synced to Chrome.

Regardless of which browser you’re using the tabs on, the tabs in both browsers will automatically sync!

Common problems

1. The progress bar got stuck while I was syncing

Restart the browser and try; Still can’t reinstall plug-in, reconfiguration try, building Lord is reinstall plug-in to solve.

2. Do I need to manually click sync when I modify the bookmark?

The default synchronization time is 15 minutes, which can be set in the plug-in. If you are in a hurry, you can open the plugin and manually click the “Sync button” to synchronize.

3. After I install this plug-in, do I still need to log in my browser account for synchronization?

Log in. Your browser will sync all your add-ons and some browser configurations, while Floccus just syncs your bookmarks.

4. Frequent synchronization errors, inexplicable many duplicate empty folders?

This is because the “sync Settings – nested accounts” is not configured correctly and the default configuration ignores the local folder when synchronizing. This problem also bothered the author for a long time at the beginning. Solution: Download bookmark files in nut cloud disk, manually delete duplicate empty folders, tidy up and upload back to Nut cloud. Delete old accounts and bookmarks on the wrong browser and reset the account number configuration. Note: Co-walk – Nested accounts, select include this account’s local folder in other account synchronization behavior. (See configuring server parameters above.)

If you have any other questions, please leave a comment!

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How to sync your bookmarks between Chrome, Firefox, Edge, And Safari?