
With the continuous development of Internet enterprises, there are more and more modules in product projects, and the user experience requirements are getting higher and higher. It is more and more difficult to achieve the purpose of small steps and quick iterations. There are also problems such as mutual calls between applications, and plug-in technology is applied. Without plug-in technology, meituan and Taobao, which integrate a large number of “apps”, would be several gigabytes in size.

As a result, Android mobile development today is not hotfix, plug-in, componentized, and 80% of interviews fail.

Ali’s P8 bosses stay up until one or two in the morning, Spent nearly half a month to integrate Android hot fix framework, plug-in framework, componentalization framework, image loading framework, network access framework, RxJava responsive programming framework, IOC dependency injection framework, recent architecture component Jetpack and other Android third-party open source frameworks into a set of system knowledge notes PDF. It’s 1042 pages long! After reading this document, you will have a deeper and more systematic understanding of these Android third-party frameworks.

Due to the excessive content of the document, in order to avoid affecting your reading experience, only part of the content is shown in screenshots here. If you need a complete version of the document, please click here for free.

Chapter one: Thermal repair design

AOT/JIT & Dexopt and dex2OAT 2. Common problems of hot repair: CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED Problem 3. Principle of hot repair 4.

Chapter 2: Plugins

Interpretation of structure of Class file and Dex file 2. Detailed explanation of loading mechanism of Android resources 3. Principle of calling four components 4

Three: componentized frame design

1. Alibaba open source routing box — ARouter principle analysis 2. APT compilation period automatic generation code & dynamic class loading 3

4. Picture loading frame

1. Picture loading frame selection 2. Glide Principle analysis 3

5. Network request framework

1, network communication essential foundation 2, OkHttp source code interpretation

Design of RXJava responsive programming framework

1. Chain call 2. Extended observer pattern 3. Event transformation design 4. Scheduler thread control

IOC architecture design

1. Dependency injection and Inversion of control 2. ButterKnife principle 3

Android Architecture Component Jetpack

1, How does LiveData work? 2, How does Navigation solve tabLayout problem? 3, How does ViewModel perceive view life cycle and kernel principle? WorkManager kernel decryption 7

The above is the PDF version of all Android third-party libraries organized by Ali P8 leaders. Due to the subdivision of each chapter, the article is limited and cannot show all of them. All the information in the article is free to share with everyone.

Now all say the Internet winter, in fact, as long as their technical ability is strong enough, we are not afraid! I have compiled a set of Android advanced learning video, a full set of Android interview secrets, and a full set of Android knowledge points PDF for Android developers.

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