• 1 STD :: Max cannot find definition “Max: not a member of” STD “”

    #include <algorithm>Copy the code
  • 2 cannot convert “wchar_t*” to “char*” from “wchar_t*” if set to Unicode, wchar_t is of type 2Byets, which is incompatible with char.

    #ifdef _UNICODE\ typedef wchar_t TCHAR ; \ #else\ typedef char TCHAR; \ #endifCopy the code
    // Workaround: Properties --> General --> Character set --> Unicode switch to multi-byte character setCopy the code
  • 3 “Unresolvable external symbol main msvcrt. lib” this is a project configuration problem, as well as a linking problem Background: The open source code is a Windows program,(WinMain() is the entry point of Windows program) and I use the console to build it, so the console main entrance and the code on the WinMain link is not

    int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstanc, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) 
    Copy the code
    // Resolve: Properties --> Linker --> Subsystem --> Console switch to Windows(window)Copy the code
  • 4 Ffmpeg discarded function, error

    // Resolve: Properties --> General --> SDL detection turned offCopy the code
  • 5 Stream output error “error C2679 binary” < < “: no operator found that accepts” STD ::string “right-hand operand (or no acceptable conversion)”

    // A  
    #include <string>
    Copy the code