Summary of accounting system

In payment companies, money is always involved, whether it is payment or payment. Payment is the concept of agent payment in product form, and the specific scenario is that users withdraw the balance to their bank cards, or pay agent. In terms of product form, inputting is quick payment, and payment is deducted by agreement. The specific scenario is paying for taxi. This is targeted at the specific business level, and for payment companies, how to manage the money in and out, to ensure that the money in and out of the cash account is correct, the merchant’s money settlement is accurate, it needs a set of systems to manage and maintain, the account system is to achieve an important part of the fund management.

Theory of bookkeeping

Account system is the core of charge to an account (account is business happens, to be recorded in the accounts, in order to better grasp the source of the funds and where), since it is charge to an account, it must design the double entry bookkeeping (lending to borrow loans, equal) and single-entry (zhang) unilateral, two ways can be charge to an account, the system implemented two ways have their advantages and disadvantages

Say the method of two kinds of bookkeeping means first

Single entry bookkeeping:

  1. Simple bookkeeping procedure
  2. Reflect only a side of the business experience, can not reflect the overall system of economic business.

Second examination accounting method:

  1. The double register of experience business, which is linked, can reflect the whole picture of economic activity.
  2. Ability to check the accuracy of account records against the balance of the accounting equation.

Reexamination bookkeeping is a more scientific way of bookkeeping.

The basic principle of double entry accounting system: debit and credit balance, some in, some out.

Account system identity:

  1. Asset account balance = Liability account balance + public account balance.

  2. Balance of asset account = credit account + loan account (total amount owed by users) = total amount of receivables

  3. Liabilities account balance = Cash account balance = advance + Accounts payable total

  4. Public account = channel account + income account + coupon account, etc. (Generally not related to the user is set as a public account, the balance can be negative, non-public account balance can not be negative).

System design and implementation

The system is divided into three modules, respectively

  1. Account core, used for real-time bookkeeping operations, bookkeeping operations by business driven accounting to complete business bookkeeping.
  2. The account checking module, internal account checking, which is the basis of the follow-up account checking and actual account checking, is also the basis of external account checking.
  3. Daily final check, balance check, ensure the consistency and accuracy of accounting system data, generate general ledger.

In the system design, for the performance of the system will be split system module, split into payment bookkeeping and accounting bookkeeping.

Pay the charge to an account

Payment billing is done in the payment process, so that users can see the payment results and account balance immediately after completing the purchase. In order to improve the performance, payment bookkeeping generally adopts the form of unilateral ledger, that is, accounting entries are registered on the user side or merchant side.


Accounting uses double entry bookkeeping, different business bookkeeping is not the same.

Table design

Account Core Design (Day)

Account information sheet

Record the balance of the account.

Divided into: user account, merchant account, internal account, loan account.

Key fields:

Account no. OID_ACCTNO NUMBER(15)
The type of charge to an account TYPE_ACCTLOG VARCHAR2(1)
The balance AMT_BALCUR NUMBER(20)
Available balance AMT_BALAVAL NUMBER(20)
Amount frozen AMT_BALFRZ NUMBER(20)
Fund balance of the previous period AMT_LASTBAL NUMBER(20)
Available balance of previous period AMT_LASTAVAL NUMBER(20)
Frozen balance of the previous period AMT_LASTFRZ NUMBER(20)
Account opening time DATE_OPEN DATE
Balance change accounting date DATE_ACCT_LAST VARCHAR2(8)
Customer ID USER_NO VARCHAR2(32)

Account statement

Record changes in balances for each account

Key fields:

The name of the table TA_ACCT_BAL_BILL
Chinese name of field The field name The field type
Fund serial number JNO_ACCT VARCHAR2(20)
Billing date DATE_ACCT VARCHAR2(8)
The type of charge to an account TYPE_ACCTLOG VARCHAR2(1)
Transaction status STAT_TRANS VARCHAR2(1)
Account no. OID_ACCTNO VARCHAR2(15)
Transaction number OID_BILLNO VARCHAR2(16)
Transaction order date and time DT_BILLTRANS DATE
Transaction order type TYPE_BILL VARCHAR2(2)
External Order Number JNO_CLI VARCHAR2(64)
Channel code OID_CHNL VARCHAR2(2)
Business types OID_BIZ VARCHAR2(6)
Stream creation time DT_SYS TIMESTAMP
The amount of AMOUNT NUMBER(20)
Post-transaction balance AMT_BAL NUMBER(20)
The account account DEBIT_ACCT VARCHAR2(15)

Account freezing and unfreezing form

To record the relationship between the frozen account balance and the order, determine whether it is required based on the service scenario.

The payment company is mainly aimed at the transactions that need to be pre-frozen in advance, such as: before the successful payment, the money of the user account is frozen first, and after the success, the account is unfrozen.

Refund statement

It is not necessary to determine whether this record table is required based on the service scenario.

Day end to check

Account closing balance statement

General ledger subject general ledger, divided into daily general ledger and cycle general ledger, daily general ledger daily generation, cycle general ledger at the end of the month, the end of the quarter, half the end of the year, generated at the end of the year, record the ending balance of each subject and this period borrow, loan amount.

It mainly records and registers the final balance of the account every day for subsequent checking records.

Key fields:

Account period, institution code, account number

Debit balance of previous period, credit balance of previous period

Amounts incurred by debits in the current period and credits in the current period

Ending debit balance, ending credit balance

Table of amount to be carried forward

It is not necessary to realize certain business scenarios, such as account split into transit account and settlement account (direct withdrawal).

System implementation functions

Day function (Account core real-time module)

Business driven accounting to complete business bookkeeping, accounting system according to different business scenarios, divided into different transaction codes, set entry rules, split entries, change the balance. Realize the function

  1. Out and entry function.

    Check it in, check it out, check it out.

  2. Account management.

    Create, modify, query

  3. Freezing function

    Freeze, credit freeze, credit freeze credit freeze, credit freeze, credit unfreeze

Internal reconciliation:

It is the basis of the follow-up account checking and actual account checking, and also the basis of external account checking.

  1. Verify the consistency of accounting and payment records in the account system;
  2. Verify the consistency of accounting and payment records in the accounting system.

The two reconciling tasks are usually run regularly in the background (every 5 minutes). Unless there are bugs or faults in the system, the internal reconciling will not go wrong. If there is error, also need manual handling.

Day end module

At the end of the day, balance check, ensure the consistency and accuracy of accounting system data, generate general ledger. The end of the day mainly for the following processing

  1. Generate a general ledger.
  2. General ledger balance check.

Applications of identities in systems

  1. Regularly check whether the balance of the account system is identical, check whether there is unilateral entry, manual adjustment of the balance and other abnormal phenomena occur.
  2. Early warning of abnormal conditions in normal business
  3. Review of internal risk control

For example:

A transaction records the payer, only the payer’s balance account has increased, but the payer’s balance account has not decreased, the payer can withdraw more cash.

Internal employees with authority to change the amount of database balance account amount, secretly withdraw cash


Checking accounts is to check and check the relevant data recorded by account books and accounts before the account books are recorded during the period of carrying forward accounting, so as to ensure that the account books record is true and reliable.

In accounting, reconciliation is divided into three parts: accounting verification, accounting verification and accounting verification, so as to achieve consistent accounting, accounting and accounting.

Card account check

It is to record zhang book and proof of charge to an account undertake check, here is proof of charge to an account is the written proof that points to daily economic activity. If we still use the bookkeeping APP to classify, our supermarket shopping receipts, invoices for purchasing goods, and bank card receipt and transfer records are all bookkeeping vouchers.

Actual service scenarios:

E-commerce platform: e-commerce platform’s own transaction orders, payment channels to provide statements.

Payment company: payment company’s payment orders, and payment channels (UnionPay, Online) reconciliation.

ZhangZhang check

It’s the reconciliation of records from multiple books that are related to each other. Interrelated book records, including various types of general ledger reconciliation, subsidiary ledger reconciliation, etc. For example, when we use the bookkeeping APP, the daily expenses of the whole family and classified expenses such as shopping, education and transportation are checked between the general ledger. Check the bank card withdrawal record and daily cash expenditure record, is a detailed check between the books.

After the completion of channel reconciliation, daily settlement and trial balance shall be carried out:

  1. Whether the total debits and credit balances of the general ledger accounts for the current period are equal;
  2. Whether the total of the debit balances of each account in the general ledger matches the total of the credits incurred;
  3. Verify that the current amounts and ending balances of various subsidiary accounts and cash and bank deposit journals are equal to the relevant balances in the general ledger.

From the subject dimension, calculate:

  • Course beginning balance + course amount on the day = course ending balance
  • Total balance of lower level subjects = Balance of higher level subjects (subject total score check)

Zhang reality check

A reconciliation of recorded values and actual amounts of assets and materials. For example, we used the billing APP to record the purchase of a mobile phone, and I found that I did have a mobile phone in my hand. This is the account verification.

Corresponding to actual service scenarios:

For e-commerce platforms: transaction data is checked with payment channel collection amount and quantity of goods delivered, and settlement data is checked with payment.

For the payment company: check whether the payment orders and payment channels have been transferred to the provision account, and confirm whether the amount is clear from the e-bank details.

Verify that changes in bank deposits are consistent with actual capital flows. If it involves the carry-over of account funds (in transit into cash, allowing account funds to be withdrawn), the premise is that the actual funds are consistent with the account balance.

Reference documentation

  1. The difference between single and double entry bookkeeping
  2. Accounting system – Summary of double entry bookkeeping
  3. Basics: A detailed explanation of the secrets of “financial reconciliation”
  4. Payment and settlement of accounts and accounting treatment
  5. In the Internet payment industry, how to design the accounting subject of double entry bookkeeping related to clearing and settlement, and how to keep an account? Has anyone done or know the relevant design scheme?

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