1 introduction
In the previous article we used “[Spring] just want to use one article to record the use of @value, do not want to find other (attached with mind map)”.
It explains in detail how to use @Value in Spring to implement our configuration requirements. It is powerful and easy to use. However, it also has its limitations. For example, for the mail service, we configure:
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With @value, we need five annotations and five independent variables:
private String hostname;
private String username;
private String password;
private List<String> to;
private List<String> cc;
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This is very inconvenient, error-prone, difficult to maintain, not good delivery. If you could combine configurations for the same function, the configuration would not be so messy. Springboot provides the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to solve this problem perfectly. Now let’s take a closer look at the power of this annotation.
Three ways to start annotations
There are three ways to start @ConfigurationProperties:
ConfigurationProperties+ Component
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pkslow")
public class PkslowProperties {
private String name;
private List<String> emails;
private Map<String, Integer> price;
//getter and setter
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The @ConfigurationProperties annotation on the property configuration class is required in all three ways, the first of which is declared as a usable Bean via @Component. It doesn’t have to be @Component, @Service, etc.
ConfigurationProperties+ Configuration Bean
Declare via @bean in the configuration class:
public class Config {
public PkslowProperties pkslowProperties(a){
return newPkslowProperties(); }}Copy the code
(3) attribute class @ @ EnableConfigurationProperties ConfigurationProperties + configuration class
We can add a note in the Springboot start class @ EnableConfigurationProperties to declare:
public class ConfigurationPropertiesDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(ConfigurationPropertiesDemoApplication.class, args); }}Copy the code
3. Two advantages
3.1 Loose binding rules
Loose binding rules are supported, and the following formats can be recognized as the accountType attribute:
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3.2 Support for multiple attribute types
Supports a variety of attribute types, including the following Java classes:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pkslow")
public class PkslowProperties {
private String name;
private List<String> emails;
private Map<String, Integer> price;
private Account mainAccount;
private List<Account> emailAccounts;
private Map<String, Account> friendAccounts;
private Duration activeTime;
private DataSize appFileSize;
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The configuration is as follows:
Name =Larry #List pkslow. Emails [0]=larry@qq.com pkslow. Emails [1]=larry@gmail.com #Map pkslow pkslow.price.pen=10 pkslow.price.book=43 #Object pkslow.mainAccount.username=larry pkslow.mainAccount.password=123456 pkslow.mainAccount.accountType=Main #List<Object> pkslow.emailAccounts[0].username=larry pkslow.emailAccounts[0].password=****** pkslow.emailAccounts[0].accounttype=QQ pkslow.emailAccounts[1].username=larry pkslow.emailAccounts[1].password=xxxxxx pkslow.emailAccounts[1].account_type=Gmail pkslow.emailAccounts[2].username=larry pkslow.emailAccounts[2].password=xxxxxx pkslow.emailAccounts[2].account-type=163 pkslow.emailAccounts[3].username=larry pkslow.emailAccounts[3].password=xxxxxx pkslow.emailAccounts[3].ACCOUNT_TYPE=Apple #Map<String, Object> pkslow.friendAccounts.JJ.username=JJ pkslow.friendAccounts.JJ.password=****** pkslow.friendAccounts.JJ.accountType=QQ pkslow.friendAccounts.Larry.username=Larry pkslow.friendAccounts.Larry.password=****** pkslow.friendAccounts.Larry.accountType=QQ #Duration pkslow.activeTime=30d #DataSize pkslow.appFileSize=10KBCopy the code
Duration indicates the Duration attribute. The following units are supported:
Ns: nanosecond
Us: microsecond
Ms: millisecond, millisecond
S: Second
M: Yes
H: Yes
D: Day
Do not write The default is milliseconds, or you can specify the unit by annotating @durationUnit.
private Duration timeInDays;
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DataSize is similar to the size of a file. The unit can be B/KB/MB/GB/TB. The default unit is B, which can be specified with @datasizeUnit.
4 Handling attribute conversion failure
4.1 Types that cannot be converted
Sometimes if the configuration is wrong, the conversion to a normal type will not be possible. For example, if the property is Boolean and the definition is pkslow. Enabled =open, the conversion will not be possible. The startup fails by default and an exception is thrown.
Failed to bind properties under 'pkslow.enabled' to boolean:
Property: pkslow.enabled
Value: open
Origin: class path resource [application.properties]:46:16
Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to boolean
Update your application's configuration
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But if we don’t want to affect Springboot, we can ignore the error properties by setting the ignoreInvalidFields property to true (the default is false).
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pkslow", ignoreInvalidFields = true)
public class PkslowProperties {}Copy the code
When set, the wrong attribute takes its default value, such as NULL or false.
4.2 Unknown Attributes
What happens if instead of writing the configured value, you write the configured item incorrectly?
MyAppName =pkslow. MyAppName =pkslowCopy the code
As a result, nothing will happen.
By default, Springboot ignores fields that are not recognized. If you want it to fail in this case, set ignoreUnknownFields to false, which is true by default. Then you must remove the misconfigured property.
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pkslow", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public class PkslowProperties {}Copy the code
There are two points to note:
(1) If ignoreInvalidFields is set to true, ignoreUnknownFields does not work.
(2) Different classes with @ConfigurationProperties should not use the same prefix (namespace), which can cause conflicts, such as one available attribute and one unavailable attribute.
5 Custom converter
Duration and DataSize, as explained earlier, are special properties. In fact, we can also customize the properties and customize the converter to implement the property binding.
The configuration is as follows:
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The corresponding attributes are:
private Account convertAccount;
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The Account class is as follows:
public class Account {
private String username;
private String password;
private String accountType;
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By implementing the Converter interface, you can customize the Converter as follows:
public class AccountConverter implements Converter<String.Account> {
public Account convert(String s) {
String[] strings = s.split(":");
return new Account(strings[0], strings[1], strings[2]); }}Copy the code
Through annotation @ ConfigurationPropertiesBinding statement to enable the converter:
public class Config {
public AccountConverter accountConverter(a) {
return newAccountConverter(); }}Copy the code
Once you’re done, you can use your custom properties and configurations.
6 Use the Spring Boot Configuration Processor
Custom properties are alerted in the IDE and are not recognized as valid configurations. This problem can be solved by introducing the Springboot Configuration Processor, and the IDE can also enable auto-completion.
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6.1 Automatic Completion Is Complete
Once the dependencies are introduced, rebuild the project. It will create a Json file for us:
6.2 The tag configuration attribute is Deprecated
Put comments @ DeprecatedConfigurationProperty getter method, the property will be displayed as Deprecated:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "pkslow")
public class PkslowProperties {
private String name;
public String getName(a) {
returnname; }}Copy the code
The effects of auto-completion and Deprecated are as follows:
7 summary
This article explains the use of @ConfigurationProperties in detail through the code example. The demo code can be obtained by following the “ConfigurationProperties” reply of the public account background.
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