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RX series Retrofit package plugin GitHub learning website background interface hot fix React Native status bar Material Design SQL Linux Unit test Toolbar Keyboard Android Studio site build wechat Live interview OkHttp Gradle Dagger2 Chrome Architecture Evolution Java MVP regular expression algorithm dynamic write Https Git chatter MVC MVVM memory leak Utility class optimization over the wall of the subcontract continuous integration TV LoganSquare Maven Gson named line confusing pictures weekly blog JNI reverse loading View&UI units ContentProvider Hybrid NoHttp Thread design mode Automation Theme slim Bessel TWO-DIMENSIONAL code cache RESTful Host WEEX so adb Long connection Third-party SDK Access Data Binding screen adaptation Lock screen page JCenter Network request Security book source code Signature Picture Compression responsive Desktop serialization ConstraintLayout Flux UML

Learning notes
Get | Basic tools for android development
Fir. Im Weekly – Android Best Practices list for 2016
😄Android related knowledge points learning records
Tim9Liu9 collates Android data
There are 10 common tool classes for Android development
A directory about Android Sharing – a gift for readers
Android Tips 7
38 best sites to learn new skills
The first round of Google I/O Developer Conference for Android developers
Summary of Android
Android Development Tools
The open source project
Create project practices from scratch
Github project parsing (5) –> Android logging framework
Share an App based on MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+MaterialDesign
High force grid, super simple, App automatic update, one way to fix
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code
Come, Google Android browser source code here!
Quick Android file download (only 4 lines of code)
Cool Activity switch animation to create a better user experience
Create a romantic Android application
MVP+Rxjava+Retrofit build project
You own it, making Android development easier for you
How do I find good open source projects?
The most popular Android components, tools, and frameworks in history
What Android open source projects have you worked on over the years?
Super detailed Android access alipay payment implementation, there is a picture of the truth
Top 10 Android Open Source Projects of 2015
Android quickly realizes wechat Pay
Take you through open Source projects: RxJava & Retrofit best Practices for Meizhi Android
The Android open source BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper (continuously updated!
GitHub Top 100 Android open source libraries
Paolo Orotolo/Appintr-Android launches the page-turning library for the first time
RenderScript: Simple and fast image processing
Optimize battery usage using THE GCM network management tool
GitHub’s top 100 Android and iOS projects
Android high imitation wechat expression input and keyboard input details
15 Popular Frameworks for Android
Similar to QQ, wechat, Weibo WeiBoLayout
App dynamic guide page production
An open source library that supports urls to open activities
Automatic updates, all in one way
A Switch component in a good mood, good creative
Rxjava+ReTrofit+okHttp – The ultimate package
MVP architecture implementation for Github client (1- Preparation)
MVP architecture implementation of Github client (3- Feature implementation)


⬆ ️

Break xiaomi hover window permission control — hover window without permission
Android Permissions (1)
Android Permissions (2)
Let’s talk about runtime permissions for Android 6.0

RX series

⬆ ️

7. Learn from the case of RxAndroid
Summary of common usage scenarios for RxJava
Chinese translation of ReactiveX documents
Use RxJava to encapsulate existing libraries
RxJava Series (Simple RxJava)
RxJava First Article – Single usage and examples
Chinese translation of ReactiveX documents
Take you through open Source projects: RxJava & Retrofit best Practices for Meizhi Android
From case study RxAndroid development (top and bottom)
Retrofit2 fully parses and explores its relationship with OKHTTP
Retrofit2 and RxJava usage parsing
Practical application scenario of RxJava + Retrofit
Android MVP+Retrofit+RxJava practice summary
RxLifecycle source code parsing – Automatically stops network requests when an Activity is destoryed
Rxjava+ReTrofit+okHttp – The ultimate package


⬆ ️

Android Retrofit 2.0 use – Supplements
Android MVP+Retrofit+RxJava practice summary
Retrofit analysis – beautiful decoupling routines
Preliminary and simple use of Retrofit
Take you through open Source projects: RxJava & Retrofit best Practices for Meizhi Android
Retrofit2 fully parses and explores its relationship with OKHTTP
167. Retrofit2 and RxJava usage parsing
New Android project 5 from scratch – Repository layer (top) Retrofit, Repository assembly
Practical application scenario of RxJava + Retrofit
Why don’t you take a look at Retrofit?


⬆ ️

Menu Android multi-channel packaging principle and use
Gradle packages APK with some tips and productFlavor configurations
Meituan multi-channel packaging solution, fast to blink
AndroidStudio multi-channel packaging
Android product development (5) — multi-channel packaging
Android packaging speed up practice


⬆ ️

Android plug-in development
Android componentization and plug-in development
How to Seamlessly integrate APP Project with plug-in (I)


⬆ ️

Do a very good sidebar index
Awesome-github: To better use Github
Github project for Android Studio
GitHub Top 100 Android open source libraries
How to choose an open source project?
GitHub’s top 100 Android and iOS projects
My open source project from 0 to 1024 process
Facebook open Source software list
All those cool RecyclerView open source libraries
Learn GitHub team Branch from scratch
How do I choose an open source license?

Learning website

⬆ ️

Android Weekly Chinese Version
Tmall Technical Team blog (Apple Core)
markzhai’s home
What tools or websites have you encountered during Android development?
Android Dev
38 best sites to learn new skills

Backend interface

⬆ ️

Mobile development, are you still waiting for the server side interface
Programmer welfare: each major platform free interface, very practical
Android new Project 9 from scratch – Front-end backend interface design (teach you better project collaboration)

Hot repair

⬆ ️

Principles and practice demo for Tinker_imitator Principles for hot update
Android client plug-in hot repair learning summary
The evolution of wechat Android hot patch practice
Analysis and comparison of hot patch solutions
Ctrip Android App plug-in and dynamic loading practice
Android hotfixes aren’t as hard as you think
From Instant-Run, let’s talk about hot fixes on Android
AndFix hotfix — actual combat and source code analysis
Issue 34: Hot repair technology for Android: hot repair solutions from wechat, Taobao, Alipay and Qzone
The evolution of wechat Android hot patch practice
Android hotfixes are actually quite simple

React Native

⬆ ️

React Native series blog
React Native instance – BBC News client
React Native Open Source project – Corporate MOBILE OA client
22 excellent React open source projects
React – Native is starting to move into mobile development

The status bar

⬆ ️

Summary of Android transparent status bar
Android transparent status bar implementation scheme
Research and compatibility of Android transparent status bar

Material Design

⬆ ️

Android Material Design series theme style introduction
Android Material Design compatible library usage details
Material Design technology sharing
Android Material Design series Toolbar
Most can solve your pain point problem, is also the most you need, all in the Material Design series
Material designed password

Power optimization

⬆ ️

Optimize battery usage using THE GCM network management tool


⬆ ️

WebView – Android Framework from Scratch (5)
Some ways to use WebView


⬆ ️

All that Android strings.xml stuff
Android Development on the Road: Fewer Pitfalls, More Shortcuts (Part 1)
What you should know about Strings.xml in Android Development
Description and use of Android CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, Toolbar, etc
EditText focus issues in Android
Android Minimalist reflection tutorial and application examples
CoordinatorLayout is so easy to use
Android developer options detailed
Thoroughly disentangle ThreadLocal from shallow to deep
Build your Own LayoutManager
We can use these new features on Android
Android Tips you should Know
Android prevents multiple events caused by clicking too quickly
The methods, classes, or interfaces you’ve never seen before in Android development
Service Knowledge Summary
Android’s sticky broadcast understanding
Android keyboard panel conflict layout flashing solution
What happens when Android boots up to the first app?
Android development: The most detailed summary of Toolbar development practices
Some thoughts on getting the current Activity
The Android Web requests the inner journey
Super detailed Android access alipay payment implementation, there is a picture of the truth
Knowing these 20 regular expressions can save you 1,000 lines of code
Android theme peels seamlessly
Android unit Testing: First, what to start with
Very comprehensive Summary of Linux knowledge points
Summary of common Android Notification styles
What you need to know about RecyclerView
Android Material Design compatible library usage details
Take you to SwipeBackLayout and SwipeBackActivity
Understand SharedPreferences in the Android API
Do you really know me?
Implement layout transitions manually
Summary of SQL base statements
Android screen rotation related operation tips
Cookie mechanism is implemented on Android
A SnackBar that works better than the system’s own
Android Tips 7
The best way to save and restore Fragment states in Android
Attr, Style, and Theme in detail
Do you really use Strings resources in Android
Github project for Android Studio
A trick to prevent consecutive clicks to open two duplicate pages
Whether the EditText automatically pops up the input virtual keyboard after the Activity starts
How much memory does Enum occupy in Android? How do I use it?
40 Best Android Development tips
The Context foundation!
Android calls system camera and album
Android Tips 8
Start with the encapsulation of BaseActivity and BaseFragment
Thoroughly understand the four Activity launch modes
What’s the difference between GET and POST? And why most of the answers online are wrong.
ConstraintLayout is a new layout for Android
A brief discussion on the use of PopupWindow in Android development
Commonly used Android Manager
99% of people GET the difference between GET and POST in HTTP wrong
You must understand the Intent Filter matching rules
Android easily complete alipay payment tutorial
Android will know will – long press to return to key exit
Exit gracefully in Android
To explore the android: largeHeap
Android alarm clock setting solution
Android product development (three) –> Base class Activity


⬆ ️

Still using ListView?=
A very nice RecyclerView Adapter auxiliary class
Simple and Efficient Action List Design: One Minute Android List Common Requirements (original article)
This is an Android RecyclerView usage introduction oh
Custom WaveProgressView meets all your water wave loading needs
Packaging optimization of RecyclerView ViewHolder and Adapter


⬆ ️

Summary of SQL base statements
SQLite performance optimization in Android


⬆ ️

Very comprehensive Summary of Linux knowledge points
How did I learn Linux
Android RecyclerView top suspension implementation
Find command summary in Linux

Unit testing

⬆ ️

Android unit Testing: First, what to start with
Read the official Android MVP project unit test
Unit testing and UI testing in Android Studio
Use mock objects for testing


⬆ ️

Android development: The most detailed summary of Toolbar development practices

Soft keyboard

⬆ ️

Android keyboard panel conflict layout flashing solution
Whether the EditText automatically pops up the input virtual keyboard after the Activity starts
Completely fix the common problems with soft keyboards in Android development
An elegant way to solve the soft keyboard occlusion button

Android Studio

⬆ ️

Android Studio’s most complete shortcuts and demos
Android Studio插件 图 片
Multiple modules compose a single module technique
Android Studio’s most recent collection of features
Android Studio Plugin is too old and Gradle Version 2.10 is required
Android Studio 2.0 Stable features
Configure your Android Studio
10 Android Studio Tips you Probably Didn’t know
Detect memory leaks and performance with the new Version of Android Studio
The best plugin for AndroidStudio
Android Will know will -Android Studio changes the package name
A must-have plugin for Android Studio
Unit testing and UI testing in Android Studio
Android Studio plugins
Android Studio Debugging Tips you didn’t know
Android Template Programming Series (2)
Several useful new features in Android Studio 2.2

Web site set up

⬆ ️

How to create a GitHub tech blog
How to Build an Independent Blog — Concise Github Pages with Hexo Tutorial
Hexo + Github Pages: Hexo + Github Pages


⬆ ️

Android steals wechat chat records from phones
Evolution of wechat Android client architecture
Wechat Android client background preservation experience sharing
Wechat Android client background preservation experience sharing
Android high imitation wechat expression input and keyboard input details
Wechat public account crawler

Keep alive

⬆ ️

Wechat Android client background preservation experience sharing
Android process resident (0) —-MarsDaemon instructions
Everything you need to know about Android process survival
Wechat Android client background preservation experience sharing
A new way to improve the survival of Android applications
The Path to immortality for Android Apps

The interview

⬆ ️

Android Development Engineer Interview Guide
Let BAT Offer no longer difficult to get
2016 Sina Weibo Android interview questions
Some summary after Android interview
Android Interview Knowledge Base
Android famous enterprises interview questions and related knowledge points
A five-year Android developer baidu, Ali, Jumei, Inke interview heart
Android Interview Tips
1- About Activity
Interview questions from first-tier companies
2. About Service
3 — Broadcast and BroadcastReceiver


⬆ ️

OkHttp usage tutorial
How can I use OkHttp more efficiently
OkHttp official Tutorial Parsing – A thorough introduction to OkHttp usage
OkHttpUtils is a framework that focuses on making web requests easier
OKHttp source code analysis and best practices
Detaching wheel series: Detaching OkHttp
Open source projects: OkHttp- Implement OkHttp yourself


⬆ ️

Android development learning system architecture
App architecture experience summary
Android App Design Architecture: MVC,MVPMVP,MVVM and Architecture Experience
App architecture design experience: interface design
Android from scratch new project 1 – Architecture building chapter
Android application architecture evolution
The Gospel of Choice phobia! Learn about MVC, MVP and MVVM
Android architecture resource collation
Android Application Architecture Continues – Build fast and reliable UI tests in Android
HermesEventBus- An open source Cross-process event distribution framework for Android
Architecture of the Android storage system


⬆ ️

How to learn Android Animation?
Discover meaningful animations in Android!


⬆ ️

Gradle packages APK with some tips and productFlavor configurations
Learn these tricks of Android Gradle to speed up builds
Android application development framework process with IDE and Gradle outline
For Android beginners Gradle knowledge popularization
Android development you need to know Gradle configuration


⬆ ️

4 new Android projects from scratch
How to use Dagger2
Build android framework from scratch (6)
The beginning of the Dagger2 series: Sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodwork
Using Dagger in Android is the most accessible tutorial ever


⬆ ️

Private collection of Chrome plugins, blood spitting recommended

Evolution of architecture

⬆ ️

Evolution of wechat Android client architecture
Jingdong dong architecture evolution


⬆ ️

Discussion on dependency injection and Inversion of control
Java Reflection for common technical points
A brief introduction to Java callback mechanism
Knowing these 20 regular expressions can save you 1,000 lines of code
Common technical point Java Annotation Annotation
Reflection, annotations, and dependency injection summaries
JAVA decompiler collections
How much memory does Enum occupy in Android? How do I use it?
InfoQ – Java Blog series (Cheng Fu)
Multithreading in Java you only need to read this article
Why is DOM slow
Chapter 4 classes and interfaces
Deep understanding of The Java Virtual Machine garbage collection mechanism
Java object lock and class lock comprehensive parsing (multithreaded synchronized keyword)
Explore cloning in Java
Understand ThreadLocal in Java


⬆ ️

Android official MVP architecture sample project analysis
MVP implementation of the Android infrastructure project architecture
How to design the Presentation layer in MVP
Read the official Android MVP project unit test
Google official architecture MVP analysis and combat – (build android framework series from scratch (3))
T-mvp: MVP slimmed down with generic depth decoupling
Android MVP+Retrofit+RxJava practice summary
Android MVP mode introduction and actual combat
(Basic framework) A new way to implement MVP mode in Android
Android MVP architecture ideas

Regular expression

⬆ ️

Knowing these 20 regular expressions can save you 1,000 lines of code
Regular expressions tutorial in 30 minutes


⬆ ️

Search algorithm sequence, binary, binary search tree, red – black tree detailed comparison summary
LeetCode brush questions Guide (1) : Why brush questions

Dynamic writing

⬆ ️

A scheme for dynamically writing information to Apk
Android dynamic loading technology three key issues in detail
Android dynamic load so file (resolve so file conflict)


⬆ ️

How does HTTPS ensure security
HTTPS theory and practice
Android encounter HTTPS
HTTPS theory and best practices in Android


⬆ ️

Git basic commands
Get through the 54 levels and light up your Git tree
Git tips
Learn GitHub series “Git Advanced” from 0
Start with nothing (3) – Practice will take you to fly


⬆ ️

What is a real programmer
Magic City, 3 years, programmer to CTO
My Path of programming — Knowledge Management and Knowledge System
Domestic Top500Android application analysis report
Code farming and English
Make console feel good
These Android technologies will be hot in 2016
How to be the technical team leader of Internet company?
How to Teach Yourself Android
Foreign famous Android developers and company information
How to choose an open source project?
After four or five years of Android development, how do you break through the technical bottleneck of growth? (Discussion thread)
The first round of Google I/O Developer Conference for Android developers
A full review of 10 new gadgets announced at Google I/O 2016
My open source project from 0 to 1024 process
Programming languages, frameworks, and new technologies you should learn in 2016
Another Learning roadmap for Android development
We can use these new features on Android
Facebook open Source software list
Android APK — Preparation before release
Anroid builds a LAN Web server
The most Beautiful app – From the Android developer’s perspective


⬆ ️

Enhanced MVC design pattern


⬆ ️

The MVVM mode is introduced
Android MVVM Development Mode (iii)

A memory leak

⬆ ️

Android memory analysis command

Memory leaks are common in Android

Detect memory leaks and performance with the new Version of Android Studio
Summary of Java and Android memory leaks
Android Memory Leak Solution (OOM)
Android Memory leak detection tool: LeakCanary
Android memory leaks – Full parsing and handling

Utility class

⬆ ️

There are 10 common tool classes for Android development
The methods, classes, or interfaces you’ve never seen before in Android development
My favorite Android tool class
The 100 Most Popular Java libraries of 2016
Common Android tool classes

To optimize the

⬆ ️

Several aspects of App refactoring
The Way to The Next level of Android — Android Programming Specification
Speed up your Android apps
40 Best Android Development tips
Android client performance optimization (Dedicated by meizu senior engineers without reservation)
Android network operations are related to optimization
Chapter 15 — Android Performance Optimization
Network for Performance Optimization on mobile networks
Try not to use static variables to save data
Further simplify your ViewHolder
The Android application will optimize the experience in seconds
What about poor performance? Just wank it over the list
10 tips for improving application Performance by 10 times
Ctrip App network service channel governance and performance optimization @2016

Over the wall

⬆ ️

Free flip wall mirror and tools

The subcontract

⬆ ️

Android Subcontracting Principle
MultiDex installation process source code analysis
Android DEX subcontracting scheme

Continuous integration

⬆ ️

Fir. Im Weekly – A collection of “Continuous Integration” practice tutorials
Android Automated build: Jenkins+Gradle
Jenkins+Docker build continuous integration test environment
Android jenkins
How to achieve continuous deployment of Android applications?


⬆ ️

The first Android TV Launcher open source project


⬆ ️

LoganSquare fast to exploding JSON parsing

Named line

⬆ ️

Understand Android build commands


⬆ ️

Understand Android build commands
Android application development framework process with IDE and Gradle outline
Versatile APT! The power of compile-time annotations


⬆ ️

Build your own Maven repository using Gradle and Sonatype Nexus


⬆ ️

Do you really know how to use Gson? Gson User guide series
An introduction to using JSON data binding framework Jackson in Java
Why should Android developers use FlatBuffers instead of JSON?


⬆ ️

A new host


⬆ ️

5 minutes to fix android confusion
Android Sharing: Code confusing those things
Android code protection battles, and a different technique
Read code obfuscation in Android
Android product Development (6) –>Apk confusion

The network load

⬆ ️

Network image loading package 【 Build android framework series from scratch (4) 】
Which network library should you use?


⬆ ️

What do you want to talk about Android custom controls?
Android RecyclerView top suspension implementation
Explain the basic concepts of View
FlyRefresh – Different pull-down refresh
Imitation of wechat Alipay payment password input box
Custom View: Padding and drawing content
TagSelectorView Tag selector
Android will know will – Get View coordinates and length and width time
Android custom control trilogy article index
Android open source library stack
ConstraintLayout takes you step by step through understanding and using ConstraintLayout
View event passing for common technical points
Path to Play (PathMeasure)
Android application coordinate system comprehensive details
Illustrate the Android event distribution mechanism
Use DialogFragment to achieve the bottom popover layout
Detail implementation of Android View sliding in several ways
Step by step to write a StepView
Managing App numbers and red dot prompts with tree model
Android custom notification style ADAPTS
Android water ripple effect simple implementation
HermesEventBus- An open source Cross-process event distribution framework for Android
Click on the shopping effect
The Android boot screen changes the background color based on a sliding gradient
Summary of custom View
NightView(Random generation of night sky stars)
In-depth understanding of Matrix in Android
Shredder animation
10 minutes to thoroughly understand the View event distribution mechanism
Arc scale progress bar
Clarify the relationship between activities, Views, and Windows
Custom View — Elastic slide
On the art of UIView Animation programming
Android custom controls 1

Message mechanism

⬆ ️

Android processes communicate using Messenger
Android Binder fully interprets Android Binder
Android Binder fully analyzed (ii) design details
Simple, clear and thorough understanding of Binder
Android message mechanism learning
Android Services: Binder, Messenger, AIDL (2)
Use AIDL for Cross-process communication in Android
Android Message handling mechanisms (Handler, Looper, MessageQueue, and Message)
Probably the best article on Binder mechanics
The principle of Android message mechanism analysis – closed loop summary
Android source code parsing (2) –> asynchronous messaging mechanism
Android Message processing mechanism: Handler | Message


⬆ ️

Android UI development in the understanding of dimension units

Weekly blog

⬆ ️

Android Blog Weekly # 19 #


⬆ ️

Android JNI principle analysis

The reverse

⬆ ️

Quick Decompilation of APK (Mac environment)
Android competitive analytics tools that are worth checking out


⬆ ️

Use ContentProvider to share data across processes


⬆ ️

How to build a high-performance Hybrid App
H5 performance optimization scheme


⬆ ️

It’s time to replace Volley with NoHttp


⬆ ️

Android thread, thread pool usage and principle blog reference
Java concurrent learning Notes
The correct use posture of Android threads

Design patterns

⬆ ️

Design patterns in Android source code
Memorizing 23 design patterns from Android Code
Simple factory mode, factory mode, abstract factory mode
Design mode quick talk: two, simple factory mode
Android Design Pattern


⬆ ️

5 hours to complete Google’s native automation framework UIAutomation 1.0

The theme

⬆ ️

Deep dive into the Android theme hierarchy
Code to dynamically set the theme

Thin body

⬆ ️

Old driver on APK slimming routine – Photo resources
Old drivers talk about APK slimming routine – project optimization
APK Slimming, how to achieve up to 53% compression effect
Google I/O 2016 Notes: The right posture for APK Slim down


⬆ ️

Custom View — Bezier curve

Qr code

⬆ ️


The cache

⬆ ️

Android clever implementation of caching
Level 3 image caching in Android
Theoretical analysis of cache architecture
System cache for Android garbage cleanup


⬆ ️

RESTful API design best practices
Good RESTful API design principles
A minimalist restful framework


⬆ ️

Weex open source library


⬆ ️

A permanent crater associated with so


⬆ ️

ADB commands that you must know to do Android development

Live & Video

⬆ ️

Want to build a live streaming system like Inke? Just look at me


⬆ ️

Android Product Development (11) — In-app jump Scheme protocol
Five ways to animate an activity
[Android] Gracefully handles login page jump logic
Android security development of web opening APP


⬆ ️

A magic control — Android CoordinatorLayout and Behavior usage guide
Material Design series, custom Behavior on the slide back to the top button

A long connection

⬆ ️

Android product development (13) — App polling operation
Android product development (12) — App long connection implementation

Third-party SDK Access

⬆ ️

Full analysis of wechat App payment
Some third-party libraries used by a tens of millions of apps

Data Binding

⬆ ️

New Android project from scratch 8 – Advanced Data Binding

Screen adaptation

⬆ ️

Make Android screen adaptation development easier – I’m the legendary Google percentage-layout support library

Lock screen page

⬆ ️

Talk about the starting position of Android custom lock screen


⬆ ️

Beta: The easiest Android Studio to publish Library to Jcenter

Network request

⬆ ️

An asynchronous implementation of Android HTTP network requests


⬆ ️

Android security class website collection


⬆ ️

Top100 douban books

The source code

⬆ ️

How is the Android Activity lifecycle implemented
Are you really familiar with Activity? Not until you see it
Android source code parsing (4) –>HandlerThread

The signature

⬆ ️

Android signature related knowledge

Image compression

⬆ ️

Image compression for Google I/O 2016 Notes


⬆ ️

How to Write a Responsive framework


⬆ ️

Android creates desktop shortcuts


⬆ ️

An experienced driver will show you how fast Parcelable really is


⬆ ️

Google I/O 2016 Notebook Layout New World -ConstraintLayout
ConstraintLayout The concept and use of ConstraintLayout


⬆ ️

Using Flux to build a very practical Android development framework


⬆ ️

UML class diagram instance