
  • JavaScript (” JS “for short) is a function-first, lightweight, interpreted or just-in-time compiled programming language. Although it is best known as a scripting language for developing Web pages, iT is also used in many non-browser environments. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm dynamic scripting language, and supports object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (such as functional) programming styles.

  • JavaScript was first designed and implemented in 1995 by Brendan Eich of Netscape in the Netscape Navigator browser. Because Netscape worked with Sun, Netscape management wanted it to look like Java, hence the name JavaScript.

Development of browsers

  • In 1995, Brendan of Netscape designed and implemented the first version of JS on a browser
  • In August 1996, Microsoft IE3 was released, supporting JScript, and the browser wars began
  • In November 1996, Netscape submitted language standards to ECMA. It’s called ECMAScript instead of JAVAScript due to copyright issues
  • In 1998, Netscape was overtaken by Microsoft, losing ground, and was acquired by AOL at the end of the year
  • In 2001, IE6 was released with Windows XP. IE was on a roll until around 2010
  • Chrome launched in 2008 and quickly grabbed 1% of the market
  • In 2011, Chrome overtook Firefox
  • In 2016, Chrome had a 62% global share

The rise of mobile markets

  • In 2010, the iPhone4 was released
  • In 2011, Microsoft and Nokia joined forces, but it failed, Nokia was dead, and IE was virtually absent from phones
  • In 2016, Taobao Tmall announced that it would no longer support IE6 and IE7
  • By the end of the same year, IE8 was no longer supported
  • The rise of the mobile market, let China’s front end get rid of the fear of being dominated by IE for 10 years, from then on the front end of the rapid development

The rise of JavaScript

  • 2004: Google announced its Gmail web page. (One of the reasons JS has survived so far)
  • In 2005, Jesse named the technology Google was using AJAX
  • In 2006, JQuery was released, and until the end of the decade, JQuery has been in the spotlight because it supports Internet Explorer and supports multiple browsers at the same time. It was not so popular until IE died
  • In 2009, Ryan created Node.js based on V8, Chrome’s JS engine
  • In 2010, Lsaac wrote NPM based on Node.js
  • With these two technologies, front-end engineers were able to execute JS outside of the browser, and Node.js quickly became popular
  • That same year, TJ released Express.js, inspired by Sinatra
  • From now on, front end engineers can happily write back ends

Development of the ECMAScript standard

  • In June 1997, the first edition of ECECMAScript was also limited to developing MAScript releases
  • In December 1999, version 3 was released. This version is the most widely used and supports IE6
  • The fourth edition of abortion
  • In December 2009, version 5 was released with some additional features (IE was in vogue between editions 3 and 5 and ECMAScript was limited).
  • In June 2015, version 6 was released, supported by new browsers
  • Since then, it has been released annually, with a version number named after the year
  • ECMAScript is the paper standard, JS is the browser implementation; Paper standards tend to lag behind browsers, implemented first and then written into standards


Js was the historical choice, browsers supported a lot of things in the beginning, only JS survived to the end. Js started out as a toy language, but got it right every time. The advent of Gmail proved the power of JS at the time, and the rise of the mobile market. Js functions were relatively simple and consumed much less energy than Flash. The emergence of Node.js on mobile has broadened the options for programmers, who are more willing to maintain it