Learn react.js from Top 45 Tutorials for the Past Year (V.2018)
Original author – Mybridge
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The best JavaScript Learning Guide from 24,000 articles (2018 edition)
The translator’s note: The author has researched nearly 24,000 JavaScript articles to come up with this summary, including learning guides, Getting started, Webpack, Performance, Basic Concepts, Functional programming, interviews, tutorial cases, Async Await, concurrency, V8, machine learning, data visualization, Debugging, unit testing, etc. Very suitable for their own JavaScript stack comparison, used to check the gaps, suitable for collection reading. There are cut. If there are any mistakes in this article, please comment.
Over the past year (2017), we compared nearly 24,000 JavaScript articles and picked out the best 55.
We created the directory and decided that reading articles written by experienced programmers was a good way to learn. After taking a course or two, you may face many challenges in building and releasing your real-world application.
This directory makes it easier to find last year’s best JavaScript tutorials, where experienced developers share lessons, insights, and mistakes they’ve encountered learning JavaScript.
This directory has 15 key topics, as shown below. They are learning guides, Getting Started, Webpack, Performance, Basic Concepts, Functional programming, interviews, tutorial cases, Async Await, concurrency, V8, machine learning, Data visualization, Debugging, unit testing.
- Modern-js-cheatsheet: A cheat list of JavaScript knowledge often encountered in Modern projects.
- JavaScript implementations of different well-known computer science algorithms.
- 30-seconds-of-code: Useful snippets of JavaScript code that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- A simple list of interactive ES6 features
- Fuck JavaScript: List of interesting and tricky JavaScript examples
- Airbnb’s Javascript Style guide
- Core content: Second edition – Dmitry Soshnikov
Get started
- MOE new also can understand modern JavaScript development
- Modern JavaScript for ancient Web developers
- 2017年的 JavaScript 模式 – Scott Allen
- ES6 with examples for beginners
- JavaScript gets better when I’m not paying attention
- I just asked 23,000 developers what they think about JavaScript. That’s what I learned.
- How I rediscovered my love for JavaScript after getting rid of 90% of it.
- DOM manipulation basics in Vanilla JavaScript (no jQuery) – SitePoint
- A detailed introduction to Webpack — Smashing Magazine
- I maintain Webpack, ask me questions!
- Webpack bits: Make full use of CommonsChunkPlugin()
- The price of JavaScript – Addy Osmani
- JavaScript Aerodynamic Performance – Addy Osmani
- How JavaScript works: Memory Management + How do you handle four common memory leaks
- Understand scopes in JavaScript
- Glossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 1
- 7 Tricks for dealing with undefined in JavaScript – Dmitri Pavlutin is Indonesian
- Simple programming concepts
- Explain promises in JavaScript in a hamburger queue
- Programming tip: Try programming without an If statement – Samer Buna
Functional programming
- Proficient in JavaScript Interview: What is Functional Programming?
- The rise and fall of functional programming (writing software)
The interview
- Final JavaScript Handbook for developer interviews
- The ten most common JavaScript interview questions
- 10 JavaScript Concepts you Must Know in an interview
Tutorial case
- Write snake in 4 minutes and 30 seconds (using browser-only JavaScript)
- How did we develop our first full-stack JavaScript Web app in three weeks
- Develop a Thrones Map interactive game (Part 2) – leaflet.js and Webpack
- Create a blockchain using Javascript (Blockchain, Part 1)
- How did we use JavaScript to hack the coffee machine
- Google Maps JavaScript API tutorial
Async Await
- 6 Reasons why Async/Await in JavaScript ends Promise
- Async/Await: Modern concurrency in JavaScript
- How JavaScript works: Event loops and the Rise of Asynchronous programming + 5 ways to better use Async /await programming
- Async/await – What, Why and How – Fun Fun Function in JavaScript
- Explain Await and Async with text and text
- Concurrent JavaScript: It works!
- How JavaScript works: 5 tips on the internals of the V8 Engine and how to write optimized code
- Understand V8 bytecode
- How does JavaScript work: Engine, runtime, and call stack overview
Machine learning
- Try a neural network in JavaScript using deeplearn.js
- How do you build a neural network in JavaScript with just 30 lines of code
- Using Machine Learning in JavaScript: Part 1
Data visualization
- A better way to program: D3. express Introduction: Integrated Exploration environment.
- 14 JavaScript Debugging Tips you Probably Didn’t know
- How to get the most out of the JavaScript console
Unit testing
- Unit Testing in JavaScript [Part 1] : Why unit tests? – Fun Fun Function
- 2017 JavaScript Testing Technology Review
The last
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