Quirky, no. 1, has more than two million product ideas

Quirky is a New York-based social e-commerce startup that launched in March 2009. Quirky, a community and e-commerce site for creative products, uses crowdsourcing to involve the community in the whole process of product development, including idea submission, jury review, valuation, development, pre-sale, production and sales.

  • Address: https://quirky.com/

No. 2 InnoCentive has more than 40,000 social and technological solutions

InnoCentive is a pioneer in innovative crowdsourcing services and rewards competition, enabling companies and organizations to solve their core problems by accessing diverse sources including customers, partners, and the world’s largest problem solving markets. Today, Boeing, DuPond and other world-renowned companies submit their technical problems on InnoCentive’s web site to find solutions. And anyone with the ability to solve the problems posed can have an equal opportunity.

  • Address: https://www.innocentive.com/

The United States Patent Office holds more than nine million patents

  • Address: https://www.uspto.gov/

No. 4 OpenIDEO has hundreds of analyses on various issues

  • Address: https://www.openideo.com/

To be continued