Mobile terminal - Scan code to experience wechat mini program:

PC – Applet official document: Applet official document

Next to learn, please read the table of contents:

Basic introduction to wechat small program:

1. Small program concept:

1.1: Register applets development account and obtain AppId

1.1.1: Register applets development account

1.1.2: Get the AppID of the applet

1.2: Install wechat developer tools

1.2.1: Scan code to log in to wechat developer tools

2: Configure wechat developer tools:

2.1: Set the appearance and agent

2.2: Steps for creating a small program project

2.3: Two ways to view the operation effect of the project

2.4: 5 components of the main interface of wechat Developer Tool

2.5: Basic structure of the project

2.6: Components of the applet page

3: four configuration files in the applets

3.1: Understand the four configuration files in the applets

3.2: app. Json file

3.3: project. Config. Json file

3.4: a sitemap. Json file

3.5:. Json configuration file of the page

A: Create A small program page and modify the project home page

4.1: Create a small program page

4.2: Modify the project home page

4: WXML, WXSS, and small program JS files in the three categories

4.1:WXML concepts and differences from HTML

4.2:WXSS concepts and differences from CSS

4.3: three categories of JS files in small programs

5: the host environment of wechat applets

5.1: Concept of host environment

5.2: Communication model of applets

5.3: Operating mechanism

6: component

6.1: Common view container components

6.2: Basic use of view components

6.3: Basic use of the Scrollview component

6.4: Basic use of swiper and swiper-item

6.5.1: Common properties of swiper

6.6: Text and rich-text components

6.7: Button Button component

6.8: Image Image component

Stage summary: The three main categories of applets

7: small program background management - collaborative work and release

7.1: Rights management requirements, organization structure, and development process

7.2: Two aspects of applets member management

7.3: Description of developer permissions

7.4: How to add project members and experience members

7.5: Version stage of applets

7.6: Main steps for the release of small programs online

7.7: small program code for promotion

7.8: View the operation data of small programs

Stage summary:

8: Basic syntax of applets

8.1: Applets data binding

8.1.1: Data binding principles

8.1.2: Dynamically binding properties

8.1.3: Ternary operation

8.1.4: Arithmetic operations

8.2: Event binding

8.2.1: What are events and the events commonly used in applets

8.2.2: Property list of event objects

8.2.3: The difference between Target and currentTarget

8.2.4: Syntax format for bindtap

8.2.5: Assign values to data in data in event handlers

8.2.6: Event parameter transfer

8.2.7: Syntax format of bindinput

8.2.8: Realizes data synchronization between text boxes and data

8.3: Conditional render if else

8.3.1: if... elif... else

8.3.2: If conditional rendering based on block tags

8.3.3 are included: the hidden

8.3.4: The difference between if and Hidden

8.4: the for loop

8.4.1: Basic usage of the for loop

8.4.2: Manually specify the index and variable name of the current item

8.4.3: Specifying key values improves rendering efficiency

9: wechat small program advanced

9.1: WXSS

9.1.1: WXSS and its relationship to CSS

9.1.2: RPX and how it works

9.1.3: Unit conversion between RPX and PX

9.1.4:@import Style import

9.1.5: Global style

9.1.6: Local styles

9.2: Applet global configuration

9.2.1: Common global configuration items and components of the applet window

9.2.2: Window - Sets the title of the navigation bar

9.2.3:window - Sets the background color of the navigation bar

9.2.4: Window - Sets the navigation bar title color

9.2.5: Window - Enable the drop-down refresh function globally

9.2.6: Window - Instructions on emulator issues

9.2.7:window - Sets the background color of the window for drop-down refresh

9.2.8:window - Sets the loading style for the drop-down refresh

9.2.9: Window - Set pull-up distance to bottom

9.4: tabBar

9.4.1: What is tabBar

9.4.2:tabBar has six components

9.4.3: Understand tabBar configuration items

9.4.4: Achieve the effect of tabBar case

9.4.5: Relationship between page configuration and global configuration

9.4.6: Common configuration items in page configuration

10: applets data requests

10.1: Limitations on network data requests in applets

10.2: Configuring a valid Request domain name

10.3: Initiates a GET request

10.4: Initiating a POST request

10.5: How do I request data when the page is just loaded

10.6: Request domain name verification is skipped

10.7: Instructions on cross-domain and Ajax

Based on the above knowledge, complete the local life small program case

Create the project and organize the project structure

Configure the navigation bar effect

Configure the tabBar effect

Get the data of the caroute chart

Render the wheel cast effect

Get the data of the nine squares

Render the layout of the nine grid

Realize the layout effect of the bottom picture of the home page

Stage summary:

11: wechat mini program page navigation

Small procedures to achieve page navigation in two ways

11.1: Declarative navigation

11.1: Navigate to the tabBar page

11.2: Navigate to a non-Tabbar page

11.3: Achieve backward navigation effect

11.2: Programmed navigation

11.2.1: Navigate to the tabBar page

11.2.3: Navigate to a non-Tabbar page

11.2.4: Achieve backward navigation effect

11.3.: Indicates navigation parameter transmission

11.3.1: Declarative navigation Parameter Transfer

11.3.2: Programmatic navigation parameter transfer

11.3.3: Navigation Parameter Transmission

12: small program page pull and drop down events

12.1: Refresh page data from the drop-down list

12.1.1: What is a drop-down refresh

12.1.2: Enable drop-down refresh

12.1.3: Configure the style of the drop-down refresh window

12.1.4: Listens for the page drop-down refresh event

12.1.5: Stop the drop-down refresh effect

12.2: Pull-up bottom loading data

12.2.1: What is pull-up bottoming

12.2.2: Listen for the pull-up event of the page

12.2.3: Configure the pull-up touchdown distance

[Drop down random loading color block] case

Based on the pull-up and pull-down learned above, the requested data will be pull-down refreshed and randomly generated color bars

Case Effect Demonstration

Define the method to get random color, get data

Render the UI structure and beautify the page

Pull up to get a random color when you hit bottom, pull down to load more data

Add loading prompt effect

Introduce why throttling process is needed for pull-up bottom contact

Throttling is performed on the pull-up contact bottom

Custom compilation mode

13: Applets life cycle

13.1: What is the lifecycle

13.2: Two categories of life cycles in applets

13.3: Life cycle functions

13.4: Two classifications of life cycle functions in applets

13.5: Application lifecycle functions

13.6: Page lifecycle functions

14: small program WXS

14.1: What is WXS and its application scenarios

14.2: WXS and JavaScript

14.3: Embedded WXS scripts

14.4: Define WXS scripts for outreach

14.5: Use external WXS scripts

14.6: Understand the four features of WXS

Rewrite [local life applet] case, improve

A demo of the store list page

Load the project code into wechat developer tools

Realizes the navigation jump and transmits parameters

Dynamically set the title content of the shop list page

Create a compile mode for the shop list page

Understand the API and define the required data nodes

Define the getShopList method to get the item list data

Render the UI structure of the shop list and beautify it

Display loading prompt effect

The next page of data is requested when the pull-up hits the bottom

Throttling control for pull-up bottoming events

Demonstrate and analyze data loading problems

Describes formulas for determining whether there is data on the next page

Use the formula to determine whether there is data for the next page

Enable the drop-down refresh effect for the shop list page

Implement the drop-down refresh function

Fixed an issue where the drop-down refresh window effect would not close automatically

Use WXS to handle phone numbers


Small program basic part of the knowledge is still very much, so the article is divided into a total of 2 parts to explain, so the road is long to repair xi, mutual encouragement ha!

Next: One article master – wechat small program foundation (the second half)