Computer network
Collated from the seventh edition of Computer Networks, the key content will be added after the title *.
From Illustrated HTTP
Operating system 
Collated from Modern Operating Systems and Computer Operating Systems
Organized from “Birdman’s Private Linux Dishes”
Data structures and algorithms 
Sorting out from the fourth edition of algorithms, mainly sorting out the interview often asked and search algorithms.
5. Offer offers
“Sword finger Offer second edition of the best solution, in the online programming of questions have been AC.
Leetcode antithesis
The paper makes a classification of the topic, and summarizes the thinking of solving the problem of each topic type. We have sorted out 300+ topics, covering all classic topics basically.
From Head First Design Patterns
Object-oriented thinking
Some object-oriented ideas and principles.
Collated from SQL Must Know must Know
Collated from High Performance MySQL with some highlights.
From Understanding the Java Virtual Machine, this article focuses on the memory model, garbage collection, and class loading mechanism.
Java container
Some summaries of containers, including analysis of container source code.
Java IO
File, InputStream and OutputStream, Reader and Writer, Serializable, Socket, and NIO
Java based
Sorted out some common test points.
Coding practices 
Refactoring is a kind of adjustment to the internal structure of software, aiming to improve its comprehensibility and reduce its modification cost without changing its observable behavior.
Code readability
A large part of your programming time is spent reading code, and readable code can greatly improve your programming efficiency.
Code style specification
Code style specification for Google open Source projects.
Download information 
Some PDF books
Originally published in Computer basic knowledge arrangement has a lot of quality interviews, interviews often give a list of knowledge to prepare for some interviews, but these knowledge lists are scattered, not suitable for systematic learning. Therefore, the author selected some classic computer books and materials, and made a systematic arrangement of the basic computer knowledge related to the interview, hoping to be helpful to everyone.
Organized notes open source on Github, including data structures and algorithms, networks, operating systems, object-oriented. Github repository offers downloadable PDF versions of the books you’ve been looking for in hd.
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