Write a blog for the first time in my life. Without further ado, the renderings are as follows:
I’m doing this with a floating view tag, which is fixed, top: 0 by default; left: 0;
Note: All the free views in this article refer to the view where the animation moves, that is, the element indicated by the red arrow in the picture below
When the plus sign is clicked, the following action occurs:
Get the position information of the current click plus sign, calculate the top and left values, and position the wandering View to the current click position, which is the start of the animation
Calculate the left, top value in the bottom left corner from the shopping cart to the top, which is the end of the animation
Then, cSS3 animation is used to move it from the start position to the end position, and left, top and opacity change simultaneously
Why not use the wx.createAnimation that comes with the applet? > > < span style = “font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: ‘Times New English,'”
This flyin effect is implemented by CSS3, so other methods can be used, not only for small programs, but also for top and left
The following distribution is introduced:
Step 1: Get the top and left values of the current plus click
Gets the top, left values of the current plus click
Add the click event to the shopping cart button binding as selectGoods
selectGoods(e) {
letthat = this; // Get the height of the current click position from the top, which is marked in red, and subtract 40 from the top and left values respectivelylet top = e.detail.y - 40;
let left = e.detail.x - 40;
style: `top: ${top}px; left:${left}px; ` }) that.playAnimation(e, left, top); // Play animation},Copy the code
The free view looks like this:
<view class="animat" style="{{style}}">
<image class="icon" src="/resources/images/icon_add01.png"></image>
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position: fixed;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
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Click the plus sign to dynamically set the style value to top, left
At the end of this step, you can see the following effect:
Step 2: Calculate the left and top values in the lower left corner from the shopping cart to the top
The small program provides a method to obtain the location of the element, I roughly encapsulate only need to pass the ID of a method, easy to use, as follows:
quertElementSize(id, callback) {
let query = wx.createSelectorQuery();
query.select(The '#' + id).boundingClientRect((rect) => {
callback && callback(rect);
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/** * get the top, left values */quertShoppingCarSize() {
let that = this;
this.quertElementSize('shoppingCar'.function (rect) {
'shoppingCarSize.top': rect.top + (rect.height / 2),
'shoppingCarSize.left': rect.left + (rect.width / 2)
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The diagram below:
Gets the top value from the center of the element, and the left value from the left
Since the position of this icon is fixed, the location information can be obtained in advance and stored in data, instead of being calculated every time it is added to the shopping cart
Step 3: Use cSS3 animation to move it to the position of shopping cart in the lower left corner. The left, top and opacity change simultaneously
Steps 1 and 2 have taken the top and left values for the initial position and the top and left values for the end position of the animation
Now we just need to use animation to move the floating view from its initial position to its end position.
/** * playAnimation(e, left, top) {let that = this;
this.aniTimer = setTimeout(function () {
style: `--startLeft: ${left}px; --startTop:${top}px;
--endLeft: ${that.data.shoppingCarSize.left}px;
--endTop: ${that.data.shoppingCarSize.top}px; Animation: runTop. 3S Cubic bezier(.66,.1,1,.41), runLeft.3s linear; `}}), 5); that.setDataAddShoppingCar(e); },Copy the code
Here’s an explanation:
- –startLeft: ${left}px; StartLeft, startTop, endLeft, endTop are all variables. CSS code in WXSS uses var(–startTop) to use variables
- Animation: runTop. 3S Cubic bezier(.66,.1,1,.41), runLeft.3s linear; Here, the top change and the left change are two different animations respectively, and the speed of these two animations is not consistent, so the running track can be a curve
- The reason for the timer is to make sure that the animation is executed last, like the classic interview question
setTimeout(function(){ console.log(1); }) console.log(2); // The input result is 2, 1Copy the code
CSS code: dynamically obtain the start position top,left value and end position top,left value
@keyframes runTop { 0%{ top: var(--startTop); opacity: 1; } 90%{ opacity: 1; } 100%{ top: var(--endTop); opacity: 0; } } @keyframes runLeft { 0%{ left: var(--startLeft); opacity: 1; } 90%{ opacity: 1; } 100%{ left: var(--endLeft); opacity: 0; }}Copy the code
/** * Update data */setDataAddShoppingCar(e) {
let that = this;
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
let data = that.data.nowShowData[index];
data.isSelect = true;
let nowSelectData = that.data.nowSelectData;
let tag = 'nowShowData[' + index + '].isSelect';
[tag]: true,
nowSelectData: nowSelectData
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At this point, the fly into cart effect is complete, clap your hands
Next up is the shopping cart list popping up and dropping ##
Wx. createAnimation is used here
The code is as follows:
/** * Shopping cart list pops up */transShoppingCar() {
let that = this;
if (this.data.nowSelectData.length === 0) {
title: 'There is no product in the shopping cart.',
icon: 'none',
duration: 1500
letshoppingCarIsShow = that.data.shoppingCarIsShow; shoppingCarIsShow = ! shoppingCarIsShow; Var animation = wx.createAnimation({duration: 500, default: 400ms) var animation = wx.createAnimation({duration: 500, default: 400ms)'ease',// The animation default is linear}); this.animation = animation;if(shoppingCarIsShow) { this.setData({ shoppingCarIsShow: shoppingCarIsShow }); that.fadeIn(); // Call display animation}else{ that.fadeDown(); // Call the hidden animationlet time = setTimeout(function() { this.setData({ shoppingCarIsShow: shoppingCarIsShow }); clearTimeout(time); }.bind(this), 500).bind(this), 500)function () {
animationData: this.animation.export()
fadeDown: function () {
animationData: this.animation.export(),
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WXML code
<view class="goodsList" animation="{{animationData}}"></view>
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With translateY implementation, the initial list translateY(300), the pop-up animation makes translateY 0, and when hidden, the translateY changes to 300 again
So the style goes to the initial position translateY(300), that is:
.goodsList {
background-color: #fff;
transform: translateY(300px);
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Github code: github.com/orangleLi/o…
Demo folder, download down the developer tools directly imported can be