Django basis
Installation and virtual environment
Routing related
Session control
The article translation
Typescipt basis
Code compilation/data types/variables/interfaces/functions/classes/decorators/namespaces/modules/destructors/generics/generators/coroutine asynchrony
Linux part
1. Linux Foundation-1 file structure
2. Linux Basics -2 file color and its meaning
3.Linux Basics – 3 Linux file types
4. Linux Basics – 4 Commands
5. Linux Basics -5 wildcard
6.Linux Basics – 6 File copy move
7.Linux Basic-7 Directory operations
Linux Basics – 8 various definitions
9.Linux Basics – 9 Check the file type
Python based
Python exercises
Python based | – 1 malicious malicious basis
The operator | | | | digital variables and constants string collections
Python — function basics part1
Python reads Excel content
Collection of Python functions and modules
Python Concurrency Basics
Using multithreading to accelerate crawler program
Library time, random, collections, itertools
The socket part
The OSI model’s seven-tier structure
Database section
Database based | | | database operation
| MySQL execution, single instance, multiple instance configuration |
| MySQL user management |
| | ternary expression
delete | | database
Database replication | built-in function | | database
| | custom function
| view basis
The Oracle base
MongoDB installation user management
Database index section
The crawler parts
1. Crawler basics (don’t read)
2. Crawlers — Crawlers
3. Crawler — Request
Crawler – Tools list
Crawler — Data parsing — BS4
Flask part
Flask Course Notes — Introduction and Preliminary Use (1)
Flask Routing Settings (2)
Flask — Database operations
Flask-marshmallow serialization and deserialization
The front part
1. Web dynamic data
Cookie, session, and Token authentication
Md5 encryption
CV algorithm
Algorithm based
Django Project in Action
1. Preparations for Django Project-1
2.Django Project-2 Build project
3.Django project – Code management
4.Django Project – Other configurations
5.Django Project – Data manipulation
6.Django Projects — Create front-end projects
7.Django Project — Cross-domain CORS setup
8.Django Project — Front and back logins
9.Django project — JWT certification
- Django project – Slide captcha
Other technologies
Mac related
1. Set the Selenium driver in MAC Safari
2. Git basic operations
- Bug – pymql
Django3 part
Docker + k8s – docker
Docker – Basic framework
Docker – Cloud image acceleration configuration