
To become an excellent Android developer, need a complete knowledge system, here, let us grow together as they think ~.

One, the analysis of the core points of management

Technology management has two meanings:

  • 1. Manage the technology of myself and the team: select the technology, use the most suitable technology in the right scene, ensure the program is simple, strong and maintainable, and finally complete the launch of the product.
  • 2. Manage the technical team: Help team members grow, change from hands-on mode to empowerment mode, help others succeed, oneself will achieve greater success.

1. From giving answers to guiding

We can’t always give answers, but we should try to use guidance, let the other person learn to find their own answers. If I were you, I would try to look at the so-and-so document, where do you think the online error might have been caused, and have you tried to eliminate the impossible factors first.

The advantage of mentoring is that it improves his ability to solve similar problems. Moreover, he can be motivated to work and feel a sense of achievement that he has solved the problem himself.

2. How to help team members grow?

Don’t get stuck in static thinking

We should give our subordinates the opportunity, space and support to succeed. We should take the initiative to help our subordinates grow by making mistakes at work.

For example, in large companies, the criterion for promotion is whether a person has worked at the next level in the past six months to a year.

A technical manager’s success is not based on how good his code is or how strong his ability is, but on the success of his team. Only when team members continue to grow, can the team complete greater challenges, and technical managers can stand higher and see farther on the basis of the team.

We need to take a dynamic view of each person’s capabilities, adjusting the granularity of follow-up and scope of delegation to ensure that tasks are accomplished while allowing each person’s capabilities and creativity to flourish.

3. How to avoid project delay?

Establishing processes, prioritizing, synchronizing progress, and providing real-time feedback will most likely prevent or save a delayed disaster.

  • 1) Establish process: including plan making process and plan follow-up process, it can be weekly synchronous meeting or a shared task management tool, or it can be email synchronization.
  • 2) Prioritize: Make sure you get your most important tasks done first.
  • 3) Synchronized progress: Develop a shared project schedule, ensure that the plan is confirmed and agreed upon by each key stakeholder, and ensure that they can see all updates to the plan every day thereafter.
  • 4) Don’t leave anyone out.
  • 5) Provide an effective feedback channel.

In this way, once the project is delayed, we can clearly know which link is wrong, quickly realize and understand the impact and consequences of the delay on the whole project, and then adjust the requirements and planners at the first time to put the project back on the right track.

4. How to assign work?

We should assign work to different types of employees, for example, some are skilled, some are cooperative, some are slow, and some are impatient. When delegating tasks, you need to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, assign different types of tasks to each person, and provide support and assistance accordingly to get the most out of your people.

In addition, when making the project plan, we need to subdivide and reorganize several projects. There are six factors to consider, as follows:

  • 1) Assess the ability first, and then assign tasks. Each person’s ability should match the difficulty of the task.
  • 2) Everyone should be as equal as possible when it is necessary to complete the task.
  • 3) Each person should have a roughly equal proportion of challenging work and “dirty work”.
  • 4) The task should be challenging enough to help people grow, but not too daunting and frustrating.
  • 5) If the tasks of different people depend on each other, we should arrange a reasonable order when assigning tasks to ensure that no one will be blocked by others or things.
  • 6) There should be a theme in each task, so that members can feel that they have participated in a relatively complete project and have a sense of accomplishment rather than feeling that they have done a lot of chores.

5. Basic qualities an excellent Leader should possess

Whether a Leader is excellent depends on two aspects:

  • 1) His presence has promoted the success of the company, especially the success related to technology;
  • 2) His presence promotes the success of every engineer in the team and helps them grow and succeed as one by one.

A good technical leader must be well versed in the design of the system and, without actually writing the code himself, should understand the pros and cons of all solutions, consider all technical and non-technical factors, and quickly make the right decision within the given constraints.

A good technical leader should be on top of the situation and know ahead of time what obstacles the project will encounter. These barriers may be communication and collaboration with the external group; It might be looking for a solution to a technical difficulty; It may be to refuse unreasonable demands on some products; Even to motivate unproductive engineers in the group.

6, from the performance of the incentive and spur

As a team manager, I should make career planning and ability improvement plans for each team member and review them regularly. It is believed that the performance assessment will be used by companies of a certain size. It is suggested to put the personal growth of employees into the performance, and give some actual rewards when the ability is improved.

The performance of promotion can be divided into two aspects, one is the application in practical work, the other is a successful sharing to the team, both can be regarded as a bonus, and tell him that this will be used as a reference for future promotion. It’s also helping him build his presence within the company.

If not, there should be corresponding punishment, to remind him that his growth has stagnated, when the growth rate is lower than the growth rate of the company and the team, he will be eliminated, to do the ugly words first.

With the development of business and technology, we should develop a system platform with technical challenges, stimulate the potential and enthusiasm of team members, avoid only doing business development all the time and slow technology growth, so that they can achieve a sense of achievement in technology.

Finally, many managers worry that the people they’ve trained for a long time will jump ship after a year or two. It’s like you’re training for another company, which can actually expand your team’s influence in the industry, and maybe even bring some people back.

Second, the summary

Human beings are the most complex animals. The management and common growth of personnel is a course that technical managers need to study throughout their life. After all the final model of all enterprises are made up of elite personnel system. Personnel management is not only the ability to communicate, but also the comprehensive ability of accurate judgment of personnel quality, employee psychology, team morale, killing decision, superior and subordinate management and communication. It is also the most difficult ability in the core ability of technical managers.

To judge whether the technical manager of a team has done a good job in talent management, a simple question can be used to verify whether your elites are willing to recommend their surrounding elites to join your company. If most of the elites are willing to do so, then your talent management is effective. At the same time, it also forms the elite culture of your company, and brings more elites to your company.

Reference links:

  • 1. A Survival Guide Beyond Soft Skill Code

  • 2. How to Become a Great Person

  • 3. Silicon Valley’s Path from Technology to Management

  • If there are any efficient learning secrets, they are all here

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