One, foreword

A few years ago, I read the technical books, but now I look again, it seems not difficult, and there will be a feeling of delightfully dripping dripping.

“Design Patterns” is the case, in college, learning design patterns, no matter how hard uncle learned, are half-understood state; Uncle once doubted himself, is not suitable to be a programmer? Did you choose the wrong major?

Deke recently rewrote Head First Design Mode and learned a lot.

This situation, uncle especially want to talk about two words, don’t hate me ha.

When we come across a technology that we can’t learn, we should never doubt ourselves;

Uncle thinks, programmer this profession, there is no suitable not suitable saying, only like and dislike the difference.

If you like this industry, he will be for you;

A half will learn not to understand, it is certainly not your qualifications mediocre;

But before the time comes, your accumulation is not enough;

Go back in two years and you’ll feel different.

2. Get to know this book: Head First Design Patterns

Let’s put the technology aside and get to know the book, it’s a very interesting book.

Do you know why the book is called Head First?

I’ve seen a lot of Head First books on the market: Head First Java, Head First Html, etc

To this day, I learned the First chapter of Head First Design Patterns: How to Use the Book. Found the title of the book interesting.

Head First.

The author designed the structure and content of the book to make it easier for your brain to absorb.

  • Illustrations. The text of the book is interspersed with various contextual pictures.

    When the words were placed on a picture associated with them, the comprehension of the students increased by about twice.

    Your brain naturally thinks about the relationship between words and pictures.

  • Conversational writing style

    Studies have shown that students who use a first-person conversation rather than a dry introduction during study sessions do up to 40 percent better on tests afterward.

  • Repeat technique

    If you see the same thing over and over again, even if it doesn’t seem interesting, you can learn it and remember it.

    Head First introduces the same thing in different ways, in different media, with multiple means of thinking. Make it easier for you to learn and remember.

  • exercises

    Basically, there are exercises for each chapter, and they’re great.

  • Affect the reader’s mood

    The ability to remember depends to a large extent on how what we remember affects our emotions.

    These emotions include surprise, curiosity, amusement, pride, etc

    For example, if you solve a problem, it will boost your pride. Or you can take pride in learning something that many people find difficult.

To be honest, there’s something to be gained from the introduction of a First book, and Head First does that.

And there is a sense of buying learning methods for design patterns, ha ha ha.

I think the author really paid attention.

Iii. Summary of design pattern

Uncle did a brain map summary that was very helpful in consolidating understanding of various design patterns.

If you’ve read the book Head First Design Patterns, I’m sure this diagram will help you.

If it helps you a little bit, please remember to come back and give a like, it is very important to uncle.

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