Make writing a habit together! This is the 10th day of my participation in the “Gold Digging Day New Plan · April More text Challenge”. Click here for more details.

Download the template

/ * * *@description: Download templates * 1. Obtain project template information through the project template API * 1.1 Build a back-end system through egg.js HZW -cli-dev-server * 1.2 Store project templates through NPM (vue-cli/vue-element-admin) * 1.3 Store project template information in mongodb database * 1.4 Retrieve mongodb data via egg.js and return it via API *@param {*}
   * @return {*}* /
  async downloadTemplate() {
    // Get the template name
    const { template } = this.projectInfo
    // The template information is matched based on the name
    const templateInfo = this.template.find((item) = > item.npmName === template)
    // Splice paths
    const targetPath = path.resolve(userHome, '.hzw-cli-dev'.'template')
    const storeDir = path.resolve(userHome, '.hzw-cli-dev'.'template'.'node_modules')
    const { npmName, version } = templateInfo
    // Create a Package
    const templateNpm = new Package({
      packageName: npmName,
      packageVersion: version,
    // Check whether the package exists
    if (! await templateNpm.exists()) {
      / / installation
      await templateNpm.install();
    } else {
      / / update
      await templateNpm.update()
Copy the code

After executing the command, we found that our template was already in the user’s home directory.

hzw-cli-dev init -tp D:\imooc-learn\hzw-cli-dev\hzw-cli-dev\commands\init test-project
Copy the code

Using spinner to implement the command-line loading effect

/ / install cli - spinner
npm i cli-spinner -S
Copy the code

The code is simple, just a few lines

const Spinner = require('cli-spinner').Spinner
const spinner = new Spinner('processing.. %s');
spinner.setSpinnerString('| / - \ \');
Copy the code

The default effect is as follows

Stop the loading effect with spinner.start(). But the text will also be displayed, and passing a true will make the text disappear when loading is finished, that is, spinner.start(true).

Encapsulate as a method

/ * * *@description: command line loading effect *@param {*}
 * @return {*}* /
const spinnerStart = (message) = > {
  const Spinner = require('cli-spinner').Spinner
  const spinner = new Spinner(`${message} %s`);
  spinner.setSpinnerString('⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏');
  return spinner
Copy the code

A method is called

// Check whether the package exists
if (!await templateNpm.exists()) {
  / / installation
  const spinner = spinnerStart('Template download, please wait... ')
  await sleep()
  await templateNpm.install();
  log.warn('Template downloaded successfully')}else {
  / / update
  const spinner = spinnerStart('Template updating, please wait... ')
  await sleep()
  await templateNpm.update()
  log.warn('Template updated successfully')}Copy the code

The effect is as follows, there is a flash during installation, maybe there is a problem with spinner library, try another library then.

Template update

Publish a new version of the hzw-cli-dev-template-vue3 template via NPM publish.

The template was downloaded for the first time

You can see that it is version 1.0.0

Updated the template for the second time

You can see there’s an extra version

Note: I didn’t read chapter 7 of week 5.