@ jinpeng

Processing means programming. In this age of computers, how can programs be used

That is to say, compared with Grasshopper, which clearly takes algorithm-generated modeling as its mission, the application field of Processing is not limited to parametric, but should be defined more generally and broadly computational. Here are some typical classifications:

1.Autonomous Agents

It can be generally defined as a group consisting of a large number of small-scale discrete individuals with emergent and self-organizing behaviors. CTRL + F can find several class agents {or similar custom classes.

The following example is a screenshot of Roland Snooks’ workshop at Aalto Uni#3: Roland Snooks : ADD VARIANCE : Education

The system can be further subdivided into two subcategories:

A) Vector-based form generation process based on vector trajectory, such as ant colony algorithm and Kokkugia’s Swarm Intelligence. Is characterized by the system is composed of a large number of random movement of the individual, through close between individuals is attracted to each other/reject/navigation behavior, to simulate the collective behavior of biological (group behaviour) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_behaviour

Among the available cases, it is typical to “find” the best path suitable for external constraints through agent, and then iterate + lofting/extrusion/hollowing into the final construction (expansion) building (attack) form. For example kokkugia:

↓ Personal comments: 1) The works of workshop are similar, and it is difficult to get out of the “multi-fiber” routine in form; 2) It is difficult to control for these exciting and unexpected forms of complexity through variables

Photo source:deskriptiv – form

B) Class CELLULAR automata I say class cellular automata because I want to put Cellular automata and Cellular stigmergy into the same class. Its common characteristic is the lack of a macroscopic overall control, but only through the information exchange and transmission of discrete individual cell units to the surrounding cells, to determine the state of the cell itself, so as to achieve a cooperative complex structure of self-organization. You directly see wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stigmergy)

Here’s an example:

Breathing Aggregationhttp://emtech.aaschool.ac.uk/breathing-aggregations/

Copyright Sebastiaan Leenknegt, Lei Liu, Aarathi Muralidharan

The design applies the stigmergy principle, through the information contained by the 8 surrounding small cube: the urban calorific value, the visibility of the sky, the dominant wind direction, the volume ratio index, etc., to determine the solid/void of the cube, and thus emerge the final architectural form. The limitation is that for the individual cells themselves — 1) they are still just units storing information, so what do these pixelated irregular Spaces represent on an architectural level? 2) Similar designs that can be referenced, such as MVRDV-Porous CITY LEGO TOWERS, default to the form of third-order cube aggregation, why/ Why not?

2. Multivariable trade-offs

Probably the most “architectural” and least “Processing” usage of all. I refer to the design that is biased to the category of “modelling and simulation”. By quantifying restrictive conditions (e.g. city sensible heat value from Breathing Aggregation, sky visibility, dominant wind direction, volume ratio indicator, etc.) into controllable variables (note the sliders in the figure below) and assigning different weights to them, we iterated out optimal solutions that fit the constraints.

In Spatializing the Socialhttp://issuu.com/andrearoxrossi/docs/130822_theisbooklet_ccFor example: discuss the possibility of compromise between bottom-up informal settlement self-construction process and top-down local planning policies and regulations.

As for the mocking aspect, I also mentioned above: multi-variable tradeoffs, why bother Processing when you can do better with GH + a little Python (intuitive interface, support for simultaneous software) design.

All of these are from my own project, SyncroniCityhttp://issuu.com/abh.champaneri/docs/synchronicity

3. Dynamics/interaction this has been mentioned in my previous answer. In short, using physical Imput (such as wii controller, Remote Slider for electronic mobile devices, and various motion sensing hardware mentioned by Jin Peng) and sending/receiving string information via UDP port, Create a feedback loop between the virtual and the real. This human-machine interaction is often used with Arduino and MIDI.

To repeat the previous example from@marshall maAerodynamic Microclimate:

Attached to the video:http://vimeo.com/77400372Micron needs to climb the wall.

The Arab Cultural Center, reminiscent of Jean Nouvel, realizes the state change of physical model elements by sensing and analyzing the change of certain external conditions.

In terms of current limitations, 1) Existing examples are mostly confined to the scale of installations, so it is difficult to see the prospect of large-scale architectural applications; 2) Due to its kinematic characteristics, it can only be applied to non-load-bearing structural parts (such as skin).


I wonder if I should make the effort to learn this