Table of ANTD is used to achieve multiple selection functions, the specific functions are as follows:

Check box Indicates whether to disable as required. The disabled check box cannot be selected.Copy the code

However, after you click Select All, the disabled check box occupies the number of available check boxes. The following situation occurs

A table uses the rowKey attribute to distinguish data from react keys. A table uses the rowKey attribute to distinguish data from react keys. If not set, the index for each piece of data is taken by default. In addition, the rowKey is also of positive significance to the table refresh. If the data is not changed, the table will not flush the data when requesting the interface. In this case, the table knows the total number of items that should be selected, but can’t distinguish which items should be selected, so it selects n items one by one from top to bottom… So you have a situation where the top is taking over.

It is best to set a unique rowKey in the application table to optimize performance, and it is important not to set the rowKey as an index value to avoid unnecessary bugs.

Part of life is working, and part of work is solving problems to please life, so live well, work well, love well (● world twentyconsciousness)