
The article introduces

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Series of summary

Project source code

The article introduces

This series of articles is a simple Android APP project combat, for beginners who just started Android, the basics have been learned, but how to write a comprehensive small app, may not start, including my own initial entry is the same, do not know how to write… Through the idle more on this case, so that fragmentary basis integrated, know how to use! Of course, go to B station to see actual combat small cases can also be learned. In these cases, there may be a lot of methods to achieve, such as the implementation of network request framework, such as Volley, Android-Async-HTTP, HttpURLConnection and so on; And there are many ways to build the basic framework of an App… Everyone may have a different way to achieve it, so I’ll write it with my own mind, and the rest, I can achieve it however I want.

Related to knowledge

Android The use of UI basic controls, Activity and Adapter practice, Intent data transmission, basic event processing, OkHttp network data request, using Gson to achieve json data parsing, through Intent to achieve simple data transmission, ViewPager+TabLayout implementation Guide page switching, ViewPager+TabLayout+Fragment to build the App home page frame, Banner2.1.0 to achieve advertising picture link home page rotation, ListView+OkHttp+Gson to parse news data, SharedPreferences local data storage Storage, RecyclerView display App home page data, hidden call system camera, photo album,…… Such as the use of basic knowledge, this is also a more comprehensive entry case.

This small series on the end of ~, about V1.0 (that is, the first version) is written here, there are certainly a lot of imperfect place, but can let beginners learn, the purpose is reached, there is time to perfect the update, thank ~

Series of summary

A, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (a)] to create a project

Second, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (2)] realize the splash screen page, start the app

Three, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (3) 】 implementation guide page, enter the login or the main page

Four, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (4) 】 Okhttp + Gson login server validation functions

Five, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (5) 】 okhttp + gson to implement the service registration function

Six, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (6) 】 app framework builds with TabLayout + ViewPager navigation bar at the bottom of the home page

Seven, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (7) 】 optimization page navigation, disabled home page slide transitions

Eight, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (eight) 】 implementation app page ads round figure switch and search the jump

Nine, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (nine) 】 Tablayout + ViewPager realize linkage switch by page at the top of the title page

Ten, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (10)] Okhttp + glide + json + ListView news module of filling data display

11, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (11) 】 app homepage intelligence service page classification data parsing and click jump

12, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (12) 】 implementation app homepage intelligence service & recommend hot & hot topics, news

13, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (13) 】 can remove token logged on user center module & information modify etc. Function

14, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (14) 】 to realize image release module | will know will call system of the camera photo, photo album

15, the Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (tutorial summary) 】 the Android project combat series of summary, the source code

The Android project actual combat | from scratch to write app (tutorial summary) series of Android project practical summary, source code]

Project source code

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