SpringBoot e-commerce project mall (40K + STAR) address: github.com/macrozheng/…


Readers often ask me: How can I be as good as me? In fact, I also come from the rookie, but I firmly believe that usually more accumulation, more output, can become excellent! Today I share my blog experience, I hope to inspire you!

Why blog?

Great people don’t necessarily blog, but they do take notes.

I remember that when I started working, I forgot the template code I had written before, and when I needed to use it, I often went to the original project to find it, which was very troublesome. I probably learned it from the company’s old programmers, but it was not a good habit anyway!

When using search engine to solve a problem later, discover some problem to solve, encountered again, want to look for again, have a little trouble! So I formed the habit of recording the useful articles to the cloud notes, which is convenient for later reference.

When I am free, I will browse blog websites to collect useful articles, especially some practical articles, and record them in my cloud notes.

In the process of solving problems through other people’s articles, I sometimes find that the technical version of some articles is too old, some have errors, and some are not detailed enough, so I start taking notes myself.

Remember the wiki in the Mall project? It’s basically a note I took before I started blogging, but now it’s my blog post…

I’ve already written my notes, so why not be more formal and write a blog post? So I started my blog, mall Learning Tutorial, haha…

Does a self-written tutorial really smell good?

Why say oneself write tutorial fragrant? I have a deep understanding of what I have written. If I forget it for a long time, I will come back and remember it again.

Technology changes from time to time, and when it does, the articles you write can be updated at any time. In my deployment tutorial, for example, many of the dependent service versions have been updated from the previous Spring Boot 1.x to 2.x. Deployment modes have also been added from Windows->Docker->Docker Compose->Jenkins->K8S.

Keep improving your technical articles, and one day you’ll be more comfortable with them. For example, this article of mine: “still in Baidu Linux command? Recommend a set of commands that I use especially handy!” , covers the usual work in the common Linux command, when I use Linux command will often see!

Send your article to each major platform to help you solve the problem, looking at the reading volume of the article and everyone’s likes collection, in fact, or quite a sense of achievement! For example, my post on the Nuggets has 120W + views and 7000+ likes.

Look at my own blog website, in the past year, the number of visits is 270W +, which is quite high, it seems that my articles really help a lot of people! Website: www.macrozheng.com/

My original three sets of actual combat tutorials

Up to now, I have written three sets of system of actual combat tutorial, I think the system of tutorial is really a kind of technology precipitation, improve or quite big! If you want to blog, you’d better have a main line, which is conducive to the formation of their own knowledge system!

Mall Learning Tutorial

The actual combat tutorial built around mall project teaches you to build the project, deploy the project, analyze each function, each technical key point. At the same time, there are related articles to learn about the technology used in the project, as long as you know Java and SpringBoot, through this tutorial, you can basically learn the essence of mall project! I don’t think there are many open source projects with such detailed tutorials on Github.

SpringCloud learning tutorials

A set of Spring Cloud tutorials covering the use of most of the core components, including Spring Cloud Alibaba and distributed transaction Seata! At the same time, it provides solutions to the functions such as permissions, monitoring and document generation in micro-services. More than that, there are supporting micro service actual combat project mall-swarm, learning Spring Cloud preferred!

K8S learning tutorial

K8S real combat tutorial, designed for the Java direction of the crowd to create! Stick to the practical ones and get rid of those that are not useful and difficult to understand! At the same time there are supporting micro service actual combat project mall-swarm, very good very powerful!

Three sets of tutorial addresses

  • Mall Learning Tutorial
  • SpringCloud learning tutorials
  • K8S learning tutorial