
I did not deny the significance of deep cultivation, but, do not feel that only by their own efforts to get rid of the rules of the society. Please respect reality.

I’m not a class. I’m a programmer

In the history of computing, paper tape, machine code, compilers, assemblers, C, C++, JAVA — everything a programmer does has been packaged layer by layer. Pay the price of a little performance for a little more productivity. To study the bottom is itself a departure from the historical trend. I just need to prove that I’m better than you. That’s how I see it anyway. What we can see is that more and more people are learning programming. It will be more and more in the future.

A developer who used to earn $20 for 50 points may need to earn $20 for 70 points in a few years. Probably helped by the fact that I’m not a computer science major, I don’t usually look at a problem directly from a technical point of view. In my opinion, the law of 35 is basically unsolvable, and database tuning and technical bullshit are just surface issues. The e root of the problem is that the society only needs five architects, and research technology does not create a need for a sixth architect, it just becomes more internal.

Then look from individual point of view, should roll, of course should. There is a comment that I betrayed the working class, in fact, if there is only one choice between betraying myself and betraying the working class, I 100% choose to betray the working class. The e thing would look the same on anyone. Everyone e wants to live a better life. Natural selection makes the fittest survive. This is the rule of today’s society, respect the rules, adapt to the rules, in order to make their own life better.Don’t try to change the rules. One person really doesn’t have much power. As for the future, there may be a new burst of demand, a new scientific and technological revolution, that can break us out of this inward-looking cycle. But who knows the future. 5G g is coming, seize the time to roll up is king, roll slowly soup can not drink hot.Finally, from a technical point of view, I admit that I have a lot of shortcomings, and I don’t know what a great programmer looks like. I’ve always been on my own anyway, using colleagues I’ve met in my life as benchmarks. I don’t feel the qualitative change of years of experience.

The 80-20 rule, what is a roll?

How many head enterprises are there? Just a few, the rest of the small and medium companies. We don’t need that many people

A lot of people read it from a technical point of view, but that’s not the point for me. I see only 5 architect jobs out of 100 programmers. So the question is, as you get older, can those 95 programmers become architects on their own? The answer, of course, is no. Any profession conforms to the 80/20 rule, and programmers are no exception.

In fact, those technical experts, architects are actually the real king of the volume. Respect the social operation rules, facing the reality is the first step to find a way out. The remaining 95 programmers face challenges not only from young people, but also from capitalists. At the same time, it is unrealistic to expect wages to rise with age. Some people say their productivity and problem-solving skills improve with age, but is it fun to lie to yourself? With the king of Kings racing to prove his worth, most of the remaining problems are just repetitive assembly line work, looking through existing solutions.

The root of the problem is that we’re not computer scientists, we’re just industry using what scientists develop to meet business needs,The job itself is highly replaceable and reproducible.And the real needs, you don’t need so many scientists, architects, technologists. There are not so many places, so as long as you can’t finish in the top 5, are you materially different from number 100? What turn management, turn day, turn to the ground is the same as the soup.Just a few more years on the job. Struggling again at 40??

Keep hope alive and keep moving forward

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Java related

Regardless of the level of Android practitioners, Java is the basic Language for Android development. Java is a must in both jobs and interviews. If you don’t know Java, your salary will be at a disadvantage.

Java generics, annotations, concurrent programming, data transfer and serialization, efficient IO, container collection, reflection and class loading, as well as JVM key knowledge thread, memory model, JVM runtime memory, garbage collection and algorithm, four reference types in Java, GC generational collection algorithm VS partition collection algorithm, GC Garbage collector, JAVA IO/NIO, JVM class loading mechanism.

Android framework architecture

Detailed introduction of advanced UI, Framework kernel parsing

The Advanced Study Manual of Flutter

Flutter is a cross-platform, high-fidelity, high-performance mobile application development framework developed by Google and open source. Dart is used as the development language. Developers can use Dart to develop Flutter App. A set of code can run on both iOS and Android platforms. Flutter provides a wealth of components, interfaces, and developers can quickly add native extensions to Flutter.

NDK module development

NDK development of C/C++ introduction, JNI module development, Linux programming, bottom image processing, audio and video development, machine learning are introduced in detail

The end of the

Personally, I think the only real test of IQ in my life is the college entrance examination, which is a game to score within a specified time and take several exams together. It is really difficult to master all of them. As for the work, as long as the time to adhere to the investment long enough, will be fruitful, there is no such thing as learning not to say.

It can only be said that the investment of time and energy is not enough. Even if the transformation fails, it is definitely not because of the gap in IQ. The vast majority of people do not work hard at all, and are still in the stage of sweat, not at the time of IQ. Another point is that when I say learning, I mean learning all the time, not two hours if I’m happy and two hours if I’m not happy. If I’m happy, I may not be able to learn for ten years. Last but not least, remain absolutely confident, even if you are going through the interview red-faced.