The cat said

Seeing this picture, maybe you yearn for a peaceful life like me.

In today’s recommended article, feel the font, animation, drop-down plug-in is still very useful, it is estimated that you have used.

Old iron remember to forward, Brother Cat will present more Flutter good articles ~~~~

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  • Pub. Dev/packages/pr…
  • Pub. Dev/packages/go…
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Is a software development kit developed by Google in 2018. Since its inception, it has received wide acclaim from the industry. What makes it stand out is its easy-to-learn coding language dart, simple and eye-catching widget design, and cross-platform development capabilities.

Flutter continues to make huge improvements and is now a stable product both Flutter networks and mobile. While Flutter Desktop Desktop is still in its alpha phase, you can expect a number of enhancements in the coming months as developers continue to use it for Desktop application development. In this article, we introduce you to five desktop packages that must be included in the next release.

Why is the desktop still relevant?

If you believe the era of desktop apps is over, you’re in good company. After all, the development and use of mobile apps continues to grow at breakneck speed, and much of the focus is on the future of mobile apps.

Still, many users prefer to view an application on a larger screen, even if it’s not a desktop application. Desktop users can view more information, navigate easily, and spend more time on applications.

The rise of cross-platform development

The demand for local developers has declined significantly over the past few years. DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) has long been the holy grail of developers. JsNode has “promise” (no pun intended), and Xamarin as a cross-development tool can be used on multiple platforms. This feature is missing from native development.

Flego was the first cross-platform development tool, now called React Native. Flutter is a cross-platform development tool that comes with UI rendering components, navigation, testing, and a number of libraries. The Flutter engine contains all the features developers need to build and deploy their applications.

Because of these new developments, many people believe that Flutter has the potential to replace Electron for desktop development.

Flutter engine

The Goal of the Flutter team is to build a cross-platform UI toolkit to make code reusable. This led to the development of the Flutter engine. From a technical point of view, the Flutter engine puts pixels on the screen when they are necessary. The Flutter engine is the cornerstone of the rapid and high-quality output of Flutter.

The new desktop-oriented alpha version of Flutter allows for more keyboard input, mouse control and large screen display.

Desktop plugin for Flutter

There are a number of desktop packages available on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Here is a quick overview of these packages.

The Provider 5.0.0 (Null Safety)

Pub. Dev/packages/pr…

It is a wrapper around an inheritable widget, making it reusable and easy to use. You can use providers in your code instead of manually writing inheritedWidgets, and you get the following benefits:

  • Simplify resource allocation
  • Lazy loading
  • One significantly reduces the template and makes a new class each time
  • User-friendly development tools
  • The surest way to use ingeritedWidgets in your code
  • Provide more scalability for classes


Pub. Dev/packages/go…

This is not surprising. This Flutter package allows you to use any of the 977 fonts and their variants in the Flutter application, all from

Start using Google Fonts

Use the Google Fonts package. Or. Otf files do not need to be stored in assets folder and can be mapped in PubSpec. They can be retrieved once at run time via HTTP commands and cached in the application’s system. This package is specifically designed to reduce the size of application packages. With the Google_Fonts package, developers can select pre-bound fonts and then use the same API to select fonts over HTTP.

Flutter Photo View

Pub. Dev/packages/ph…

A simple scalable image/content widget for FLUTTER. PhotoView allows users to zoom in and out of images, catering to pinch, rotate, and drag gestures.

It can also be used to display any widget in an image, such as Container, Text, or SVG. Although the PhotoView Flutter package is easy to use, it is very customizable with its options and controllers.

  • How to install?

Add photo_view as a dependency to the pubspec.yaml file

  photo_view: ^ 0.11.1
Copy the code
  • Import photos to view:
import 'package:photo_view/photo_view.dart';
Copy the code
  • Very basic usage
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Container(
    child: PhotoView(
      imageProvider: AssetImage("assets/large-image.jpg"))); }Copy the code


High quality Flutter animation prefab. The package comes with pre-recorded animations to achieve the desired effect. Animations can be customized to your content or integrated into the app to please the user:

Material Motion for Flutter

Material Motion is a set of transitional patterns that help users understand and navigate applications. Currently, the library provides the following transformation modes:

  • Container transform

The Container Transform pattern is designed to facilitate transformations between UI elements that contain containers. The image shown below tells us that the package creates a visible connection between two UI elements.

  • Shared axis

The shared axis pattern facilitates transitions between UI elements that have spatial or navigational relationships. This pattern uses shared transformations on the X, Y, and Z axes to enforce relationships between elements.

  • Fade through

The fade pattern is used to transition between UI elements that are not closely related to each other.

  • Fade

Fade mode is used for UI elements that exist within the boundaries of the screen, such as dialog boxes that fade out in the center of the screen.

Flutter pulltorefresh

The Flutter package integrates the Flutter scroll component and pull-down refresh functionality.


  • It loads when you scroll up in the window, and refreshes when you scroll down
  • It works best with all scrolling widgets, such as GridView and ListView
  • Equipped with some common indicators
  • Global Settings with default indicators and properties
  • In addition to horizontal and vertical refreshing, it also supports reverse ScrollView
  • Include more update styles such as Behind, Follow, Unfollow, and Front
  • Two levels of refresh are supported

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