To ensure readability, free translation rather than literal translation is used in this paper. In addition, the copyright of this article belongs to the original author, and translation is for study only.

Over the past year, I have compared nearly 3,000 vue.js open source projects and selected the top 30 (1%).

This is a competitive list, as I carefully selected the best open source vue.js libraries, tools and projects released between January and December 2017. Evaluate the quality of this list by considering popularity, engagement and current status. For example, the items on this list have an average star rating of 3,795 on a popular gay dating platform. Not bad, right?

Open source projects are useful to programmers. You can learn by reading code and building on existing projects, because if you want to improve your Vue development skills, it’s worth spending some time playing with vue.js open source projects that you might have missed over the past year.

NO.1 Element: A Vue 2.0 based desktop component library for developers, designers and product managers [Github Star: 22004].

NO.2 iView: A library of high-quality UI components [Github Star: 12175]

NO.3 Best-Resume-Ever: Build lots of beautiful resumes and create your Best ones easily and quickly with Vue and LESS. [Github Star: 8839]

NO.4 Vue-element-admin: A Vue backend management System [Github Star: 7942]

Vuetify: Vuue.js 2’s Material component library [Github Star: 7672]

NO.6 VuE-admin: Vue backend panel management library based on Vue 2.0 and Bulma 0.3 [Github Star: 7033]

No.7 VuE-HackerNews-2.0: Vue-Router&vuex and Server-side Rendering [Github Star: 6687]

NO.8 VuE-DevTools (V 4.0) : Chrome DevTools extension for debugging vue.js applications [Github Star: 6292].

No.9 Vue-Material: Vue.js Material Design [Github STAR: 5230]

NO.10 Quasar: Build responsive Websites, PWA, hybrid mobile applications (Looks so native!) And the Electron application, all simultaneously use the same code base and are based on Vue. [Github Star: 4690]

Fundebug error real-time monitoring for your Vue project escort!

NO. 11 Electron – vue: Electron&vue.js quick launch templates, including vuE-CLI scaffolding, universal Vue plug-ins, electric-Packager/electric-Builder, unit/E2E tests, Vue-DevTools and Webpack. [Github STAR: 4527]

NO.12 Vue-loader (v 13) : Webpack loader for vue.js components [Github star: 2588]

NO.13 Vuepack (V 3.0) : A trendy seed project using Vue 2, Vuex, VUE-Router and Webpack 2 (even Electron). [Github Star: 2077]

No.14 Buefy: Lightweight UI component based on Bulma’s Vue.js [Github Star: 1956].

No.15 Vant: YouZan’s Vue.js 2.0 mobile user interface [Github Star: 1730].

No.16 Codesandbox: An online code editor designed for Web application development [Github Star: 1552].

NO.17 Vuefire (V 2.0) : Firebase 2&> = 3 vuue.js 1&2 binding [Github Star: 1228]

No.18 Vue- Tetris: Using Vue, Vuex, Immutable [Github Star: 1152]

NO.19 AT-UI: A new flat UI suite for desktop applications, made with Vue.js 2.0. [Github star: 1099]

No.20 VUE-RecyclerView: Use VUe-RecyclerView to master Large lists [Github Star: 1021].

Fundebug real-time error monitoring helps you find bugs in time and improve debugging efficiency!

No.21 Vuex-PersistedState (V 2.0) : Maintain Vuex status with local storage [Github star: 1009].

No.22 VUe-test-utils: a utility for testing Vue components [Github Star: 977].

No.23 VUE-Meta (V 1.0) : Manages page meta information in Vue 2.0 components, supports SSR + streaming media. [Github Star: 958]

NO.24 eslint-plugin-vue: the official vue. Js plugin for ESLint [Github star: 864]

No.25 VuE-JS-Modal: Easy to use, highly customizable, mobile-friendly Vue.js 2.0+ Modal [Github Star: 775].

NO.26 VuE-TABLES-2: vue.js 2 Grid components [Github Star: 540].

No.27 VuE-Baidu-map: Vue 2.x [Github star: 540]

No.28 VUex-loading: Complex loader management for Vue/Vuex applications [Github Star: 291].

NO.29 VuE-JS-Grid: A vue.js 2.x responsive grid system with smooth sorting, drag and drop, and reordering. [Github STAR: 248]

No.30 Dockeron: applied to the Electron + vue.js Docker [Github star: 196]

Edit: Thousand front UI design

Translator: Fundebug