This article introduces 22 Linux commands that are commonly used (and necessary for interview)

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Linux command:

Linux commands are used to manage the Linux system. For a Linux system, whether the CPU, memory, disk drive, keyboard, mouse, or user are all files, and the commands that the Linux system manages are the core of its normal operation, similar to DOS commands before. There are two types of Linux commands in the system: built-in Shell commands and Linux commands.

1. Search for files

Find the filename. TXT file in the/directory by name.

2. Check whether a program is running

View all processes related to Tomcat

3. Terminate the thread

Terminate the thread with thread number 19979

4. View files, including hidden files

5. Current working directory

6. Copy the file including its children to the customized directory

7. Create a directory

8. Delete directory (this directory is empty)

9. Delete a file including its subfiles

10. Move files

The extension renames mv oldNameFile newNameFile

11. Switch to a user

12. Modify file permissions

13. Compress files

14. List the compressed files

15. Decompress the file

16. View the first 10 lines of the file

17. View the last 10 lines of the file

18. View log files

19. Start the Vi editor

Check the current system time

The command outputs the week, month, day, time, time display format, and year

Sat Jan 20 04:39:49 CST 2018

The following information is displayed:

21. Decompress the ZIP file

22. Check the number of threads (to check whether the program is wrong)