“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


This year entered the nuggets, also happens to be experienced more “rich” year, study and work so many years for the first time to write an annual summary, is not to complain about the environment, selling anxiety, just in order to pick up some of the scattered memories in the chaos of war as far as possible, I would like to record to clear ambition


Former Bookiro

2019.10-2020.04 Game testing

2020.04 -? The front-end development

Is about the end of the 19th of tencent, to interview more smoothly than imagined a lot, the boss is very good also, put me in some of the bigger of the two crucial group (LOL, codm, etc.) to absorb the team bonus to buff, but gradually he found from coding away after the so-called “anxiety”, although have the opportunity of the transformation in the front end, However, I was still in the cycle of rapid trial, iteration and abandonment of new projects, and felt the lack of “precipitation”.

Ps: At this stage, I learned a lot about game business and testing, and started to do front-end work, involving:

  • js + html + css
  • Vue buckets
  • Optimize (resources, networks)
  • Elementui-based management center
  • Some front-end widgets (translation component, cropping tool, image viewer, etc.)

20 I remember at the end of grasping, some technical celebrities in various platforms up DMS for direction, also in the external tried some interviews, then accidentally contacted the company within a tl, three rounds of interview, in May this year or so to complete the internal transfers (at that time many people advised me to think twice), new colleagues are very good, There’s no shortage of open source community bigwigs and technologists, that’s what I want. Go! So from March to June, I did this:

  • Summarized a batch of front-end interview eight-essay experience
  • The React stack also starts to think about the differences between these UI development frameworks in principle
  • Some external work: debugging of large front-end projects, implementation of some design patterns in the business
  • Fix historical bugs and improve team documentation

It is true that the following two months are a difficult period. It is not convenient to elaborate on the specific experience. I quite agree that shit mountain is the touchstone to train an excellent engineer, and what hits me is never my work itself but human nature. Most of us don’t have a choice in what we do, but we have to have a reasonable expectation of what we’re going to do in the short term, so you’re definitely not a great rookie like me when you see these signs that you need to think about how you’re going to live:

  • Frequently participates in collaborative business development across groups where your department is not on the public line (often with a manpower shortage to fill the gap)
  • There is little chance to communicate with your immediate boss
  • Unable to participate in the team’s top technical staff led by the main track mission

Now in the review, the source of pressure can be summed up as “isolation and gradual erosion”. Finally, I was optimized. The experience from an environment appreciated by the boss to being optimized was fantastic, and the performance from the top 15% to the bottom 15% was only 3 months. So here I hope that some people in the new society can open the pattern slightly: “hovel fu” inside said, “humanitarian my equal and I, is also shipped also”, even if missed the tuyere, even if we are hurt by the things you love, also asks you to believe in yourself, believe that life is always full of different possibilities

For example, I have three departments and two companies in one year. I have left Shenzhen and the Internet factory, and my salary has increased a little. Meanwhile, I have more disposable time to do other things

Finally, I would like to thank all the people who helped me in my work in the past year. I have said some emO content before, so let’s look at what I have gained in 2021.

  • Completed a promotion and received a salary increase of about 20%
  • In total, some 2W lines of code have been committed by divisional and individual REPOS
  • The open source community has launched a Blog project for Node
  • The wheels of dynamic data update and data management are realized
  • Read two books that have nothing to do with computer technology
  • Did a technical sharing about the rendering engine within the company
  • Master a lot of strange skills, such as front-end architecture layering, network conflict handling, front-end dependency injection and so on


Work is really the first quarter of the price saturation and the daily relaxation activity is to have lunch and walk around kexing with your colleagues and throw memes at each other and have a laugh together, please cherish the people who can pick up your memes because that way you don’t sometimes have to leave the earth to live. In addition is often to open my rui xing while a wave of the wool of a variety of financial management app for an elegant leeks, I learned about finance after 19 years in the market is, “the wealth it sometimes not manager”, ha ha, joke, market risk, the rational allocation of one of the few property carried on in the state of mind, to deposit 7 figures for small target next year

The other is the weekend happy time with the “Shenzhen brothers”, drinking, lating and bragging is basically the daily task, of course, in order to live a breath or some healthy activities, such as carrying a large watermelon to climb tanglang Mountain; Passion in the arena 1v1 bullfight; Cycling around qianhai to feel the life of local tyrants; Go electric riding on the coastal highway in Youth Olympic Bay (the battery died on the way in the middle of the night) etc

21 years of off and on also in the gym, is still a fat loss of bitter hands of the vegetable chicken, there is nothing to sum up, really to say that when fat loss, do not eat too many moon cakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival

Think just come to Shenzhen of oneself still quite high-spirited, predestined relationship goodbye 👋🏻, later should also be the appearance of the teenager

At the end

It seems that most people will make some plans for the coming year and think about the future at the end of the book, but I usually only focus on what I am doing, and I am not good at making goals and strictly implementing them

Over the past year there are few chicken soup and spiritual copywriter can feed into my mind, ROM. The teacher said was one of them, “to control things, cautious, and uncontrolled, optimistic, recipients can only do ability within the scope of the truth”, in addition, I also feel that life is a process of constantly improve cognitive, The faster this process goes, the more we discover that we are small, and that is the path to freedom, so next year, make yourself go a little further down that path!