In this tutorial, I will show you some of the best Flutter development tools on the market that will help you improve your development efficiency and build better applications faster. Flutter is a Google-provided framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications. Flutter is a Google UI framework that allows developers to create native applications for mobile, Web and desktop applications in a code base. Millions of developers around the world use Flutter to create beautiful UIs for their applications. We will introduce some of the best Flutter development tools that can greatly improve your workflow and help reduce your development time. Ok, don’t waste any time. Let’s get started and discover many novel and awesome Flutter tools to develop your Flutter application like legend. Android engineers recommend 10 Flutter development tools. Suggestions are also available on IOS
The first panache
Panache will help you create beautiful themes for the Flutter application. You can customize colors and shapes in the application. Toutiao does not allow external links, so I will post the link in the comments section, you are welcome to download, you can also send me a private message yo. Android engineers recommend 10 Flutter development tools. You can also save Panache on IOS with suggestions
Number two: Codemagic
Codemagic is another great tool that will facilitate your Flutter application development process. Cinemagic will test and publish your Flutter application without problems and without configuration. With the help of Codemagic, you can automate the entire build, test, and release process of Flutter applications
Third: Appetize
Appetize is a web-based online Android and iOS emulator. Appetize will run a native mobile application in a browser using HTML and Javascript. Easy to maintain and locate. Appetize
Number four: TestMagic
TestMagic is a free companion app like Codmagic that allows you to quickly and easily test your Android and iOS versions. Testmagics helps you distribute your build and test Android and Ios applications on real devices, as well as providing feedback for your projects. TestMagic
Number five: Screenshots
Screenshots is a command line utility for capturing screenshots in the status bar placed in the device frame. Screenshots can be integrated into Flutter to work transparently on Android and iOS. screenshots
Number six: Supernova
Supernova recently introduced support for the Flutter platform in Flutter interaction. Supernova is a tool that helps you generate UI code for Flutter. It supports Material Design widget style management, bringing the concept of tags and styles into the Supernova, making changes in real time with the Supernova application running side by side. Supernova will save you time by importing Sketch or Adobe Xd files. Choose Flutter as your export platform, which translates UI design into production-ready code.
Adobe Plugins For Flutter
Adobe recently released a plugin for Adobe Xd in Flutter Interact that generates code for creating applications with Flutter based on the UI design in Adobe Xd. This is a collaboration between Google and Adobe and is expected to be released in early 2020. Adobe therefore assumes that the plug-in will be open source. Adobe Plugins For Flutter
Number eight: is a command line tool. A package manager that lets you easily install and use the Dart library. A large number of packages are available on
Number nine: Firebase
Firebase is an amazing tool for every Flutter developer, helping us integrate into Flutter applications and easily deliver them with cross-platform applications. The Firebase API is packaged in an SDK, so you can use it as a unified backend. Firebase provides you with many features, such as analytics, databases, live databases, messaging, Admob, crash reporting, hosting, and Firebase authentication. Firebase
Tenth: Vysor
Vysor is designed to solve developers’ problems by making it easier to move Android devices on your computer. It doesn’t even require any data connection to use its service, but rather via a USB cable.
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