Profile:I saw one earlier
Fira Code In this paper. So today sorted out some of the more popular and free some fonts, each need.

The following screenshots are the same code snippets, edited by VSCode. Use the same Settings:

"editor.fontSize": 14
Copy the code

▎ 1. Hack

Hack is an open source font based on Bitstream Vera and DejaVu projects. 0O and 1lI are legible and easy to read.


▎ 2. DejaVu Sans Mono

DejaVu is also an excellent free licensed font from Bitstream Vera. You can tell 0O from 1lI. The internal points are a little small compared to hacks, but overall the font feels comfortable.

DejaVu Sans Mono

▎ 3. Monaco

It was the default font before OS X, and it had a peculiar, apple-like style.


▎ 4. Source Code Pro

Source Code Pro is designed by Adobe. Overall, this font looks sharper than the others.

Source Code Pro

▎ 5. Menlo

Menlo was previously the default font in Xcode, a derivative of DejaVu Sans Mono. In macOS High Sierra, the default font has been changed to San Francisco Mono


▎ 6. Consolas

Consolas is the default font for Microsoft Visual Studio that comes with Windows.


▎ 7. Space Mono

An excellent monospaced font designed by Colophon Foundry.

Space Mono

▎ 8. Anonymous Pro

This font has the feel of a classical typewriter.

Anonymous Pro

▎ 9. IBM 3270

The IBM 3270, based on the fonts IBM used in the IBM 3270 terminal built in 1971, has a retro programming flavor.

IBM 3270

▎ 10. The Droid Sans Mono

This is a font designed for Android, and it’s beautiful, but 0 and O are indistinguishable.

Droid Sans Mono

Original link:
10 Best Programming Fonts

Recommended reading:
Special font Code Fira | a programmer

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