1. Let, const
1.1 Problems of VAR
- Var has scope issues (contaminates global scope)
- Var can be declared repeatedly
- Var improves pre-interpretation of variables
- Var does not define constants
1.2 Let, const feature
- Let, const may not be declared repeatedly
- Let, const are not declared in the global scope
- Let, const do not preinterpret variables
- Const const declares constants in uppercase
1.3 give it a try
Var var a = 5; console.log(window.a); / / / / 5let, constleta = 5; console.log(window.a); //undefined // there is a problem,letWhere is the a declaration of the definition? Var var a = 5; var var a = 5; var a = 6; //let, constlet a = 5;
let a = 6; //Identifier 'a'Has already been declared cannot be repeated //3. //var console.log(a); //undefined = var a; var a = 5; //letConst console.log(a)//Uncaught ReferenceError: A is not definedleta = 5; Var var a = 5; a = 6; //const const a = 5; a = 6; //Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. Grammar mistakesCopy the code
2. Deconstruction
Destruct is a new feature in ES6 that allows direct parsing of the contents of array objects.
//1let[a1, a2, a3] = [1, 2, 3]. //a1 = 1; a2 = 2; a3 = 3; //2. Object destructlet {name,age} = {name:'meteor',age:8}; //name = 'meteor',age = 8;
//let {name:n} = {name:'meteor',age:8}; //n ='meteor'Variable names can be modified with the form: //3. Complex deconstructionlet [{age}] = [{age:8,name:'xx'},'shenzhen', [1, 2, 3]]; //age = 8 notice object deconstruction //4. Default assignmentlet {age=5} = {age:8,name:'xx'}; Age =8 If there is no age field age=5 // Common function arguments give default values // beforefunction() {var a = a | | 5} / / nowfunction(a=5){}
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3. The string
Es6 adds “‘” backquotes, where ${} handles template strings.
3.1 the quotation
- More human string concatenation
let name = 'xx';
let age = 9;
let str = `${name}${age}At the age of `; console.log(str); // XX is old this yearCopy the code
- Simple simulation using Re + Eval
let name = 'xx';
let age = 9;
let str = `${name}${age}At the age of `; str = str.replace(/\$\{([^}]+)\}/g,function (The $1) {
return eval(arguments[1]); }) console.log(str); // XX is old this yearCopy the code
- Tagged template character
// Use a method before the backquotes, which splits the string into two arrays according to template variables // The first is an array of fixed values // the second is an array of substitution variableslet name = 'xx';
let age = 9;
functiontag(strArr, ... args) { var str =' ';
for (leti = 0; i < args.length; i++) { str += strArr[i] + args[i] } console.log(strArr,args); / / /' '.'this year'.'old' ] [ 'xx', 9 ]
str += strArr[strArr.length - 1];
return str;
let str = tag`${name}This year,${age}At the age of `; console.log(str);Copy the code
3.2 includes method
// Determine whether a string is contained in the stringlet str = 'woaini';
str.includes('ai'); //true
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3.3 endsWith, startsWith methods
// Determine whether a string starts or ends with a certain string'1AB2345CD';
console.log(a.startsWith('1A')); //true
a.endsWith('cD') / /false
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4. The function
4.1 Function parameters can be assigned and deconstructed
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4.2 Arrow Function
- If there is only one argument, you can omit the parentheses
- If you don’t write return, you don’t have to write curly braces
- No arguments variable
- Don’t change the this point
/ / sumlet sum = (a,b)=>a+b;
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An array of 5.
5.1 Array new methods
- Array.from(); // Convert the class array to an array
- Array.of(); // Create an array
- Array.fill(); // Populate the array
- Array.reduce(); // The incoming callback is suitable for handling adjacent array elements
- Array.filter(); // Array filtering
- Array.find(); // Find the return value
- Array.includes(); // Check whether the array has a value
5.2 Array. The from ()
let arr = Array.from({'0': 1,'1':2,length:2}); console.log(arr); / / [1, 2]Copy the code
5.3 Array) of ()
An Array of (2, 3); / / [2, 3]Copy the code
5.4 Array. The reduce ()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Reduce ((prev, next, index, current) => {//prev If reduce passes in the second parameter, prev is the second parameter; //next If reduce takes a second argument, next is the first element of the array; Otherwise, next is the number of times the second element of the array is incremented by //indexreturnprev + next; }) //reduce method simple implementation array.prototype.myreduce =function (cb, pre) {
let prev = pre || this[0];
for(var i = pre ? 0:1; i < this.length; i++) { prev = cb(prev, this[i], i, this); }return prev;
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5.3 Array. The filter ();
letResult = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The filter (function(item){
returnitem>3; }) console.log(result); //[4,5] // array.prototype.myfilter =function(cb){
var arr = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++){
var item = this[i];
if( cb(item) ) arr.push(item);
return arr;
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5.4 Array. The find ();
letResult =,1,1,2,3 [1]. Find (function(item){
returnitem == 2; }) console.log(result); / / 2Copy the code
Object of 6.
6.1 If key and value are equal, this parameter can be abbreviated
let name = 'xx';
let obj = {name};
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6.2 deconstruction
7. Class Class
- The Class definition Class
- Extends implementation inheritance
- Support for static methods
- Constructor method
class Parent{
this.name = name;
getName() {return this.name;
static fn() {return9. } } class Child extends Parent{ constructor(name,age){ super(name); // Subclasses have constructors that must have super this.age = age; }}let child = new Child('xingxing', 9); console.log(child.getName()); //xingxing console.log(child.name); //xingxing console.log( Child.fn() ); / / 9Copy the code
8. Generator
8.1 Use “*” before iterator function Names
function *gen() {}Copy the code
8.2 yield concession
The iterator suspends execution at yield and calls the iterator next method to continue execution
8.3 give it a try
function *gen() {let a = yield 'xx'; console.log(a); //alet b = yield 9;
return b;
let it = gen();
console.log(it.next('a')); // value:'xx'.done: false }
console.log(it.next('b')); //{ value: 9,done: false }
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8.4 Used together with Promise Co
let bluebird = require('bluebirld');
let co = require('co');
let fs = require('fs');
let read = bluebird.promisify(fs.readFile);
function *r() {let content1 = yield read('./1.txt'.'utf8'); / / content. / 2. TXTlet content2 = yield read(content1,'utf8');
return content2;
letit = r(); Generator co(it).then(function(data){ console.log(data); }); // Implement asynchronous code synchronizationCopy the code
9. async await
- Async is used to modify functions and needs to be accompanied by await
- Await can only be followed by promise
let bluebird = require('bluebird');
let fs = require('fs');
let read= bluebird.promisify(fs.readFile); //await only with promise asyncfunction r() {let content1 = await read('./1.txt'.'utf8');
let content2 = await read(content1,'utf8');
returncontent2; } //async returns promise r().then()function(data){
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