Some small talk

Wind rustle xi easy water cold, a strong man to xi how to return?

Humble Xiao Liu online dating? O, fie. Say wrong, humble little liu online beg interview data!

I do not know if you have such an experience, this story has to start from a long time ago, once upon a time there was a beautiful village……

The style is wrong. Let’s start over.

Well, isn’t this a special year? Everyone knows that! Here I did not mention more, countless friends around me to complain here. One of my best friends called me!

Telephone information:

Friend: natural disaster and man-made disaster! That’s a lot better for us. I’m afraid I’ll be the next one, really. I know why the ancients said they were terrified. I feel like my boss is looking at me to talk to me, to make me quit.

Me: you are really poisonous, persecuted paranoia all come out. Relax. You can’t get away with it.

Friend: You get out of here! I’ll be out of work, and I’ll be living in your house, and you’ll keep me for old times.

I: you roll to me, oneself everyday touch fish at ordinary times, now know panic.

Friend: Isn’t Android always good? The questions we ask here are so simple that Flutter doesn’t even ask. Other here I also can’t use, natural can mix day by day, unexpectedly ah! Is this the year the gods punish me?

Me: Hehe! Tell you what, I will ask my friend if they have the questions of the internal interview before, and then I will sort them out for you, which can also be used in your side.

Friend: wait for you this sentence, hung……

I: make friends carelessly (if not, that year owe his favor, who manage this rascal), forehead…… I’m glad I didn’t say it!

The body of the

This document, in any case, took three months, with the efforts of me and a group of my friends and the urging of the fool, finally produced. This high-class, shiny, painstaking interview killer is finally here, and it’s not easy!

Next, to tell you, why a data, actually did 3 months, because this is, I please me in the United States, Tencent, Baidu, netease cloud…… Some of my friends and I gathered together, because they have done the interview, so the interview questions must be a bit more systematic than the online collection or interview oral questions, this interview killer, a total of twelve sections:

First, Java basic part

Second, the Jvm

Third, computer network part

4. Android interview questions

5. Android Framework

Sixth, performance optimization

Seven, algorithm set

8. Kotlin topics

The topic of Flutter

10. JNI Module

Android NDK develops JNI type signature and method signature

JNI implements communication between Java and C/C ++

Let’s look at the details (only part of them are shown here for space reasons) :

  • Contents Section (Part)

Solution (Part)

The end of the

In fact, the boss didn’t mean to optimize him at all. He was there all the time, but it was a good opportunity for him to start to love learning again. I still remember that he dragged me to the study room of the library every day in college. We went our separate ways and set off on our own journeys, but we were as close as ever even after years of not seeing each other. Stay true to why you started. Come on programmers, 35, 40 is never a crisis in my opinion, just never forget why you are on this journey!

Finally, if you need the same information, you can send me a private message and click [learningI would like to share it with you!

In order to let more friends who are studying or preparing for the interview see this article, I hope you can comment, like + forward!

Thanks again to all the friends who provided me with the topic, thank you all the way!

PS: This “fool” finally jumped ship to join Ali. (Of course, only he knows how sad this is!) , so we also want to refueling!